Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... L, ::MARRIED, in, Lately, at St. Davlid'5Church. M*, Oven Owens, milli w- wright, to Mary, widow of the late tr. Alexander Bibby. On Saturday, the 13th Wit, at the Parith Church of Bolton, Samuel Heywood, jun. E1s3 of Walsbaw, to Elizabeth Ann, daughter of the late J- W. tomat, Esq, of Lever House, near tbe former place. O. On Thursday. the 8th instant, John Bill, Esq. jun. of Od Farley Hall, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH. On the 14th inst. at Beverley, the lady of Robert Wylie, Esq. of a son. MARRIAGES. On Tbursday the 7th inst. at Sculcoates church, by the Rev. Hen ry Venn, Mr. Richard Simpson, to Sar4h, second daughter of the late Mr. Thomas Hudson, of this place. On Thursday week,,at'Barton, Mr. H. Wheatleyiof this place, b~lcklaye 't6 Migs Jane Burtou, niece ot Mr. Wn.. Burton, of the former place. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. On Tuesday last, at Sbulcoates church, Mr. Ilenry I Grayburn, to Miss Barbara Keighley, daughter of Mr. I Robt. Keighley, ship-owner, all of this place. t On Saturday last, at Sculcoates Church, by the Rev. Mr. Jennis, Mr. H. Robinson, jun. solicitor, York, to Sarah, third daughter of the late Mr. John Driffield, corn- merchant, of the same city. On Tuesday last, at Swine church, by ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 101 be b een WEDNESDAY, eh'ruary 2, 1831. Mlarried, at Cousten, on the 21st current, by the Rev. Air M1loon of Newstylc, .Mr DAVII DAVIDnSON, writer, Coupar Angus, to J ESSIE, youngest daughter of the late Peter lBruce. Esn. of (ousten. Died, on; NVednecday the 26th of Jantuary, at Liverpool, a few da's after landing from Intia, aged ID, GEORGE HLD-. Dses, Esq. of the 11lb. East India ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . ?? Parts, oil the A7th tlt. Mrs Mot n, of a Ildrighter. I Bi Tn.-At Miont.tose, tipon thc 22d1 tlt. the Lady of Captain Afntil- BALD DlACNIMIa, of a sonl. r Dl h el.ic it BIAl' onl the 23Ils Oct. by the Rlev. James Crulickslankl of r' Turrift' GmonozC ILCI;SI: NIt, lisq. Solbcitor in IWltl, to 7iARUARtune, daughter of ie late JAMMitt SM, Esqj. Dild, at North 13iiCris, onl the ?? ult. RS ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. ,ately, at New Church, Mr. Blandflrd, baker, to Susanna, eldest d6oghter of Mr. John Boier, printer, of this city. Junc 9, at Blaina, Joha Lewis, Esq. of 'Tydee Iron and Tin Works, olamoolthshire, to Mary Thomas, yohlulnest daughter of GcD. Brewer, Eq , Coalbrook Vale Iron W ols, same coults. Jbono 13, at Weston~super-Mare, Mr. Win. Botcher, to MisS Mary Ano Mathias, both of this ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WAnREXED. At Tiverton, Devon, George Barnard, Es. of the Stable Yard, St. James's, to Mary Ann, youngest daughter of the late Edward Isaac, Esq.-At Liverpool, IV. Arming, Esq. of Hungerford, Berks, to Ann, daughter of the late J. Toms, Esq. of Southwark.-At Cottingham, near Hull, C. Hlibbert, Esq. of Pall-mall East, London, to Mary Catherine, eldest daughter of J. W. Hentig, Esq. of Co-tingham ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... d it I_ ABRIED. On the 1st instant, by special licence, at Walston Church, n the Most Noble Geo, Augustus Francis Marquis of Hastings - to the Right Hon. Barbara Baroness Grey de Ruthyn, of Brandon Hall, Warwickshire.-On the 2d just. at Chelten.. v ham, Capt. Henry Bell, third son of the late M. Bell, Esq. of MWoolsington House, Northumberland, to Helen, only child of Sir Bagenal Wm. Burdett, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... id` Ati.Rankeiloury!on 'the 29th ult. l\i-rs M2AI I cMi- GlLL, of &daughter. ?? hin At Hadeingt rn;.lon'.Ahe 27th Ult.:rr. LOaz2aa, es ?? AlE~~bolt~iellf}ES, on ie bt~~.b-ytet Rlev. Dre latp I ,rso i~- 'Afie3..~iuY-D CD q 3eeiilt £iet r ?? sAiRpasterA Leithb ?? Atithe heuse df-lle?5sliinr-lawv.intiYi-ork- Stee, Prnar as ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ?? nclaen ohin ?? ofbh~g.- ?? :1 it, riterD to -rhe s Dt A ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ., J . : ' ' .- ffi: e . ?? ,Dr..i's R: 's,£i, 1j: ?? R ?? : ,n a Jim'J.- n}. - WEDNXEI) * J. 2- 1. ; W' t ,rRon h'ueO libert', ieq 0(3 ciif born cildp5ti ,tiW 'AW llloifd, o*a 'daughter,' theiu~i~tae vjbedblisbirth bu$' I Avtt Kiug'. TerraeeoIt'sotIl4ee,asiLfy Wtai. Pegos,§gff~i ?? i ' A. I . TiW^ i .; , 1* ?? sic- 16-0 MS ; ?? i Y B 1 .1le ?? 1wayi 's.iaOi6 Spi-h o-if Wi ligii 'al te. M ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... E`fX ,,TI'~ R~i11 TVDE 3Y 2NoSDn1 2 1831u ,; S i 'i ' tif - ; of-.0. e A ?? Cttoag SoD~aflmf~l mpth, on te9jntb., tho~lla. tb adN . ,of he ,Re e D~e. D..eret0O NHle,.etP.Ovd Pyhwdinb,oa l,so, ?? Ont tbut;,'at irley, . n, t b a ladyjof the Rev. G Yrjs Furaoiti, FU~tla ?? ?? ?? . ?? 1. ., --;I AtM Ii theMla4;y;: ae!,iidj , pjRcp. lNx.*. o .. a f sotE. ?? :: .a~dy lsatteinyr iitly i, the laty e ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .,MARRIED. On the 4th inst. by the Rev. Alexander Henderson Mr. Wm. DUGAN, Jun. of Lowver'road' House, Liseurn, ?? ELIZABETH MAGEE, of same place. On the 26tb ultimo, at Glenarm, by the Rev.- William Wolesely, Mr. JOHN WILSON, soa of GIenarm, to Miss MARY BURK, oI same place - - On Friday last, at Glenarm, by the Rev.. Alex. Mont-, gomery, Captain ANDREW BOYD, of the sloop Mary of Gle- narm, ...