Advertisements & Notices

... MANCIEziTE'R AND LEEDS RALLWjrA V. Al AXCII EST ER. iL.:E.S. ilonill Brtolos, Esq, TIjh mIt, LuIecoeII, Esq. Siitltel 11irooli, NIfu. George Rivin, Esqcne hitoimtslrotielleit, ESq. Anthony Xi c11y, EIi. ileolry Forth, Es4q. Obnfillh Wflhalls, Ecq. i RoIbert (ill. I, R. 11't ER POOL, loo Ilarn le il d11.. Ro bert Ghidltle, qliti i Wlialn Hialynes, Liol. ThMlstittldodt Iiq. Aaron .cas, Riosq. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I ?? it N i tt 1p .Nii:teti- Vi ?? ' ?? V ni'elIi'II B' I'i'O't 'I I~ Ill I 11I I v 101' 01 A I ?? Iito I A i [ll' I *1 N.I Iim'iI V Ro IIl l II .13 i tilo rP rtndklt ?? ?? h i i( , ?? Into w! Ili it~ ~ ~ li 3 I Jul ?? ~j I lklitit ' k ?? Ao 1 in . ii i I ''tll i I I ' C ti Iii ilt * t the t ie ' ,tll I A' I' to -thnill artI II\Nhl D,~ it * li tOM IC * iti 1 ii'' It 'it Fh V. tA 1B)S 11 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 111115 ?? A'ITZ1`VILL1,4 1 ~ M I 'A WL NER C ?? T a ME ETIING of the '1'EIN.NTS of the A y.LAin. t-cii lt'l Cowl p of ?? E~iitviir, hlett Ill the Matnor Cor (lie,0(titihi, le )Ainatlay. 2!Rbl Noroetlir, 111211, the foliotwilet ofinit ol; wast ktlltlitmoltlli t s aleiod ott; and. hooing wloot soort! by alx've so00cm 11nittdretd por-. iltio, wo ftuorlteiito MLt ltordlslip, 'at Wout! orth Hous1e1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HERE will b- a BAULL 1iidSUPPEl' ISteM T COBI4IAMf AIRiS'INN.BO KINGM. Friday next tthe 28h of.Occobd' -'he Marquis of ClliNDS, . P. Stewards- Sir T ?? Ft~i;arsirnc Bar. M-I. P. t Major GRENVTI-E PiGOTT, Al.P* w Gentleman's liet, 15s. ._ady's Ticket, lis. Tickets to be had of ?? ii tlq obham Arms Diif OUTLEROU]LTEHR rEEHE Masters and Fellofs 'of Pembroke (Coll' g9 JL 'in the University of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LINEN and WOOLI.EN DRAPERY, &c. SELLING OFE0, AT VERY REDUCED PRICES FOR READY MONEY ONLY; ?? a IE|. $. PILP®¶g ir) ESPECTFULLY make known to the inhabitants of BANBURY, and its surrounding neighbourhood, J I.that they have purchased more extensive Premises i' the HIigh-street, to which Establishnent they intend removing as soon as complete. In consequence of which it is their determination to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... On the ist of July will be published, in one volume, small 8vo., ds. boards, to ?? E HISTORY of POLAND; being the 20th of I Volume of Dr. Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopeedia. Iry London, printed for Longman and Co., and J. Taylor. he TIHE MANCHESTER sh Fire it Life A&S91rance Company lY, * CAPITAL TWO MILLIONS. of Established Mkarch 1824. wLL persons hose Insurances with this Company t-t, A1 become ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANTED immediately,-A young Man, as an W ACCOUNTANT in the GROCERY BUSINESS. Apply to Mr. C. Shillingford, 65, Corn Market, Oxford. ELIGIBLE INVESTMENT.-LAND. O be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, T -_Bei:--en 12 D- 13 Acres of rich MEADOW and ARABLE LAi-K, situate in the South Field, adjoining the River Thames, in the parish of Crendon, and about half a mile from the market town of Tharne.-For ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SUSSEX.- t VALUABLB FREEHLjD PROPERTY. , SITUATE IN TIHE FERTILE PARISIX OF llItt)IrA.i1. !r 0 be SOLD by AUUTION, by Mr. KING, on L Saturday the 21ith day of Mlarch, 11131. at the g Anchor Inn, West-street, Chichester, at ?? o'clock e in the aftvrnoon, either together or separate:- y A coumfortable brick and tiled DWVVIELING_ t HOUSE, with detached wash-house and good Garden, 6 and an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FAREH1AM * ABALI, will be )held at the Red Liotn Inn, on AV WedrlesM'ythle l;hof' &ptember, to celebrate ci. Ireshlnents lnclilded. itySTL'IVAnDS ins Vice-Adtmjrti HAek ~ Ra~tnirtfae O 151'- teuntI l ltttcCpanC~d.(. ily Me. t'utvt Matteitm Mh .Puvi en..PCddoil ~O I EA ,A ~31 L.ADjtS' CUP for ~A lT i h oyal I A.'~yfcht. Club, untdct'sixty Ttac. To' be Sailed ,jo. tor on Thursday, tite l5th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... le TO GROCHRS. &c.. OS regpectntble Young Man wislhes toobtan a IU-, :11Saarynoobjct-Sairactryreferences can be given. A 0- Address, Y. Mir. Monk'~s, Po,,t-office. lPortsea.' CI ~ on awho has lived in one Family as!~ A, `FOO~nTM111AnN foir ten years, and is a Native oF rY India,, is anxious to return thither whith any GentlemanA or Family b e is sober and strictly honest.-.Address (~s-pi .R., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR FoURn'VEN DAYS ONIX. Rare Op7porlunity jfr Pnrchasbwg CIXEAr LINENS, TABILE LINENS, 4-c. at the Irish Linen lWare- house, 108, Queen Street, l'ortsea, .(nearly oppo- :site Manovc'r Street.) D E (7LEIt-1 -R1W N and Co. Alnufacturers and J[V Bleachers of Irish Linens, (from Belfast,) reO- pectfully acquaint the Nobility, Gentry, and Inhabi- tants of Paorsea, Portsmotutlh. Oosport, and their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iq., RAAMSDEAN, YEAR TO P1 E I- )rt, O )R SALE by AUCTION, by SIr. WELiiR a 1at thle Red Lion Inn, Petefelo ld thle 13th of Jue131bewnthh y and one o'clock, by order ofthe De isours otwele. call the late Joseph Smith, Eeq.,-A trul s in rustoi desirable ESTATE, called valuable end De- coosisting of 93 Acres (more or lesR ris- acre of' Arable and Meadow LAND, a 5 ol arty IlFreehold and partly ...