Advertisements & Notices

... MyL1 INSTITUTION~, 18, LODGE WAtLK. THE11 above linstitut!o w, ill be open for Patients, labouring,, ?? .of the EYE, at ?? two, o'clock; fdr the next, SiE monithb (fi~,lr ondllas, ffduetrbhesds, isnd Fr~ beeC suidl not fit two I'lr,'s omry O'clok, nsforilerpY Urg-ent Case.s Hivil be itttol~~ to, byspyss ots Sgo icl MrCATmii5F.AD, 'II Akdeiphi,~ every Moriuing ait tenl o'clock. r Aber2deen, I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / TIEATRE.ROYAL, BRISTOL. I'hi5 present TUESDAY Evening, January 11, THyE LAST NIGHT BUT ONE that Mr. MATHEWS WILL BE AT HOME, at 'j'e the honour to present an entirely New Entertainment, in two parts, entitled THEWS'S COMIC ANNUAL for 1830. 'A \rrith humorous Cuts and other Embellishments. rlLd this day, (hoards) Bristol, (packed in Boxes), ~tibd Four Shillings. bch anervmelo-dramatic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V STEA-M-PACKETS f BItISTOL TO DUBLIX, i CORtK, WATERFOReD, LIVERPOOL, crnUing at AMILFORD, TENBY, SWANSEA, ILFRACOMBE, Swansea to Ilfraconhbe, and I1J0escosnises to Swvansea; r SOUTI1I?1i'1P2''0jV TO I-IA 1U/B, Arc inteided to depart ;s utider, in September, 1881-:-h FOR DUBLIN. e ST. PATRI;X. KILLAICNEY, v E. Gofr, Cornsnasnnder. G. Bailey, Commander, 1 WeslincssdayssntIinnrIss ca tUs rldyS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WOO Or' X~IL- OA D Tbis Day is mblishel, irn Octavo, Frice i8s. Boards, A jAEls-oN (tAPJXALEt-, Neuce~tte A PRACTICAL TRE.ATISi: on RAIL ROADS, containing an Account of the Performances of the diff ferct LOCO-MOTIVE ENGI NESatthe LIVERPOOL CONTEST1:. Is8t7ated by numerous E',graviygs. BY NICHOLAS WOOD. London: printevc for Hurst, Chancie, and Co. The CorunIuLteC of Directors of the North and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hDIANO-FORTE; AND GENERAS MUSTCAL RFPOSITORYI NO. 26, X h CtMMlt X:ft(U IAL-s ltRElT, Corner ot Albhin-StrAt, mear the *rton haIk, t Leeds. WMP ATrLEN' EJft K begs Ileave tohinfom the Nobility, Gentry, andl Poulehi of Ladeli and the Neighl- rborhoild thut he lilt onelled the fabove Establiehlbet, .ith a splendid AUsortmenit of PIANO- X Fortes, 1;1irmn NImars. PSROADWIOOD anid SUNS, direct, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A if 'iff W . t;~ t fl i fg U'iff I i iit ''f,.iiff'iffiif . if ?? iff' ififf if ifif.' ii, IQ; tri' if'lfi'f'fi Ir ii fi f ii i ''If i 'if ,if ' i f if is iffi tf' III; Io t ?? . ak h if,' Y% Ailinh me itf ?? I JAI.~ ~ ~ V r.Alr(1f if - if 'fffiE'f i :if i t ?? i i'fifi'ri * M if 'if~r St r A'ii trr ti'~ II' 'is ' ?? 'if. if~ ?? ifa hif ~~'iiawi~~iy bv :De~ if' ?? ?? ik; t I fffifI . , if ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~~Th~4~I~6YA L ECJNCE -N ESPSENTI'AL PUBLI1,1C (GOOD, positively ivithujit Dpvepiitmlot..0~'Cie IHEAO-ACtIE Nttri'd In less thitin Three I Mittutetl, by MANNING'S AIAtTA EXO0TIC. NothlrlylitVan be ((11)1 deoervi Ill. of pu bile clulldertee ii tidI pittromn~ge thou, thle yyl fiaet of the Propr'ietrlr'sotenerlbg t o cure the ((Bile ted grat-is ristra. liitlntit roijuir ing themt to purcbsee even ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SOUTHAMIPT6N.REF'ORM DINNER. r HE FRIENDS Oil REFORM intend-to DINE I Tat thle Loig-Rooms, onl Thursday thle 26th ANay, to celebrate the resurt) to Parliament of ARtTHUR I ie ATHERLEY aild JOHN SrostRY PENLEAZE; Esqrs. It. 5TEVAiIIDst Air. Thn K~ing Alr. John W. Drew I r.Nichole Mir. WVilt Ai r, Rubi 'Ar. Will. liamer, jun. Id Altr. Roe Mr. ?? he Ar. Josep~h lIIill, jo n. 111r.sJohn Wren Mir. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e ---P b S; a PURECK-STONT1W ENA C~ t ROYAL ENGeNVEnE's O'rrICE, POarSs UTIo'f, 15is April, 1831. UCH Persons as are desirous of Supplying PUR. t S BECK STONE, for the service of the Engineer I I k)epartnment at Portsmouth, or any place within the C Isle of X ight, for Three Years, determinable at any . period afier the expiration of one year, on either party I giving three months' notice in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... cr q#H3E FANCY FAIR, for the Benefit of the *e SCIHOOL. Of INDUST I1Y, is fixed for Tiicsday, dI the 14th of June, to be held at the Green-row loonis, 1l Portsmouth. at twelve o'clock. b. P A S C O .; TA 1I, LR I. a' a CIIICHESTER. ti, fi'OR TSalfIOUJ7'fI. DOLPHIN iHARMIONIC. y lembers of the above Society, are nmst res- fuly informed -that the ANNIVFRSARY e DINNER, wi1l talc place at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just published, price 3d. or XI Is. per hundred, i FFECTS of DRUNKENNESS shewn il an U2 Address read to his Parishioners June 19, 1831. By the Rev. EDWVARD FEILD, M. A. Curate of Kidlington, Oxon. Oxford, printed by W. Baxter, for J. Parker; and J. G. and F. Rivington, St. Paul's Church-yard, and Waterloo. place, London. TO TRUNK and BAND-BOX MAKERS, rgO beD D SPOSED OF,.-A well-established A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... te e To MALTST'ERS, INNrVKEEPERS, BAJCERS,a nd or s CORN DEALERS. etr ° be LET,-A good and substantial DW1rELL- ir ]L ING HOUSE. with capacious cellar room; Malt- le house attached, 80 feet by 20, and six-quarter kiln; stable, s. piggeries, cart and fuel hovel, and yard; an Orchard, about le I Acre, well stocked with choice fruit trees; and half an s. Acre of Garden Ground. The premises are ...