... mob about the place, and he invariably followed ber.4rom her residence to the theatre. On Friday night, just as she left Drury lane, the defendantcamne up to her carriage, and followed her home; she was actually in denger from his threats. Mr. E. Bond ...


... COURT. THEATRICAL PATENTS.-,On Tuesday night the Court was crowded by theatrical persons, to hear the question raised by Drury Lane and Covent Garden Theatres against the renewal of Mr. Arnold's licence for the Eug- lish Operit-house.~ 'The SOLiCITOr -GENERAL ...


... Lanl and Nesv South Wales, in the Merope, Capt. Parkyus._ .rdian Gazette. oil balancing the accounts of the late season at Drury- lane Theatre, the management fduds itself loser to the amount of nearly .£4000. The C(mp lny's shilp Duke of York, outward bound ...

COURT OF KING'S BENCH, Thursday, May 26

... Dundas, tbr seducing a daughter of the Rev. Dr. Adams, Dean of Cashel.-Mr Mtacready had a bumper benefit on Friday night, at Drury- lane Theatre. He planed Coriolanus with his usual ability; cml afterwards Putf, in tile Critic. In the latter performance, says ...


... the parish.. Now the Learned Counsel (Sir .h Searlett) clearly showed it was on account of the poor oF Covent Garden and Drury Lane. He defied tbem to prove that'niorality or de- corum had been violatetlat the Tottenham- Street Theatre; and moreover, he ...


... French, for the alleged offence of sending an anonymous letter to Mr. Trotter, r the brother-in-law of Mr. Sinclair, of Drury-lane theatre, r containing a threat that the writer would cause him to be e assassinated, by shooting him with a pistol. Besides ...


... Ledbetter, the officer. It appeared by the statements on both sides, that the gentleman accompanied a party of ladies to Drury- Lane Theatre, and havingg left the Theatre for a short time, on his return the check he received on leaving his box was refused ...


... RIOT AT DRURY.LANE THEATRE. RICHARD BRALEY, and his brother LUKE, were Indicted for having. on the 27th (if April last, assaulted Samuel Giles anrd Tho- mnas Win. Anthony, two constables, specially appointed to preserve the peace at Drury-lane Theatre ...


... Ellistoll'a eyes, seemed to deserve. 'I But his failure, Sir, said be, is attributable to myself. I brought hiim out at Drury-lane, at ass unlucky moment-at a time whbela it was the fashion io abuse me, and to depreciate all my at- tempts to sustain the ...


... to have ret him.-(Laslghter.)- Where's the-use in instructing the obstinate and the brutal' 1!sent a play, a tragedy, to Drury-lane Theatre,' and the: 'promised-te bring it before the public, but it wasi bliged ti yield its plae to the dragons, tigers ...


... for the assault and obstructing the officer. The prisoner's father, who keeps the Black Lion Tavern, Vine- gar-yard, near Drury-lane Theatre, offered himself as bail for his son; but Mr. Halls told him he was already bound in recogni- zance as a publican ...

Law Intelligence

... notified that he put an end to the agreement according to the ploviso, and left the theatre, and accepted an angageonent at Drury-lane ; Mr. Kemble tihen Ibrouight an actioxn against Mr. Farrell il the Court of Curxnommn Pleas f r damages, for breach of &on ...