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Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northumberland, England

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... I ZXTUACEDINARY L1UTBEr CASE. Court-o-f ng's Bench, lVSayl3 - LANeDSERK V. RtOBINSON. This was an action brought by Mr Thomas Landseer, the artist, to recover compensation in damages from the defendant, for a libel on the character of the plaintiffs wife. IVlr Hutchinson opened the pleadings, and stated that the libel complained of was contained in certain anonymous letters, which were written ...


... Co-ll l CMtHYt Thusday. -a I I at. I..-7 The Lord Chancellor came down to Court this m orning at nine o'clock, and delivered judgment in five appeal causes. After which his Lordship inquired if any gentleman at the bar had anything to move? On being answered in the negative, His Lordship addressed the Counsel present to the following effect -After an unusually protracted sitting, it gives me ...

COURT OF CHANCERY.—Tuesday, May 24

... I _ COURT d H CltNCmi.3r.-Tuesday, May ZS. uAISING MONEY O.N PLATEd & J;VELLY. KING V. HANMLET.-Mr Knilight, with whom were Mr Pepys & Mr Stewart, appeared fur the defendant il this suit, to ap- peal against an order made bsy the Vice-Chancellor, which in effect amounted to an injunction to restrain the defendant from enforcing ccrtain securities which the plaintiff had given him for the ...


... O NBOIN.VMjlq1 DM3wraRS' co0D% On Saturdav 1:,qt- - - - - -,z ?? . a -, courts were held in this town, for the re- lief of insolvent debtors, confined in Morpetb and Newcastle gauols, before H. R. Reynolds, Esq., Chief Commissioner.- From the ?? Francis, John Teasdale, Thomas Teasdale, and Ann Ainsley, were discharged, without opposi- tion. Win. Brown, of Middleton-in-Teesdale, was discharged, ...

COURT OF KING'S BENCH, Thursday, May 26

... | COUILW K1 RING'S BEMCN , Thuisday, May 26. | LANNDSLEIS V. 'T INssoN.-The Attorney-Geeteral applied for a rulesmisi for a new ttial on behalf of the defendant, on the ground that he had been taken by surprise on the production 6f an anonyinolls letter, which had not been set out in the de- claration, aind which had only been partially identified as the dcelfnldant's writing. Tihe Court ...


... | DXRHAiI SU1MMER ASSIZES. _ On Saturday evening last, Air Baron Vaughan, and Mr Justice James Parke, arrived at Durham, where they opened the commission for holding the assizes in the usual form. On the following dater lordships attended divine service at the cathedral; and on Monday morning, they proceeded to the county courts, where Mr Baron Vaughan took his seat on the crown side, and Mr ...


... I - qB.w,8TE SE!NG.. a-IZDS. _ I On Satilrday evenfing, Ilir iti -itticdicie av in tnis towvl, alid openied the assize commissions at both coictLs. Onl >unday. lie attended divine service at St. Niebolas' church; * and onI tilt followillng in ornirig, at 9 o'clock, took bisi seat .,i tie beccih at the Go ildbcall. The following gentlemeen welc then sworn to compose the giand ?? ItLoggan, ...


... LOCAL INTELLGCNCE.. On Friday the 25th ult., the Mayor of Berwick (John Langhorn, Esq.), with the magistrates and other officers, as a deputation appointed by the Corporation, waited on Lord Frederick Fitzclarence, at Etal House, to present his Lord- ship with the freedom of the borough. After an appropriate address by the Mayor, and a condescending reply by the no- ble Lord, the deputation ...


... I = '1IE LonRD CiHANCEIILO AND II's CorT.Since the present Lord Chancellor began to sit in Lincoln's Inn Hall, he has frequently complained of the difficulty of hearing Counsel, by reason of the noise in the Hall. On Friday, the noise was so great, that his Lordship called out Silence !_the call not being attended to, his Lord- ship soon after said, 'I shall clear the Hall without the ...


... I NOILTZU1!BIRMlANDSPRING ASOZZNB. I clesay, woratch1. Mtr Justh e Littledale tooik his seat oil the bench at ten o'clock t0i4 mnor ninig, arnd the ?? gentlemen were sworn of the titane Jumy:-Sir C. Loraine, of Kirkiharle, Bart. foreman ; arid C. IV. iiigge, of Lindell; C. J. Cliaverling, of West Weetwolold W. BHirrell, of Bliroome Pork ; NV. Orde, of Nurinylidrk ; W. C. ! Trevelyan, of' ...


... _ BLN.__ Court of King's ]3enc-h, 3Dub-lii, ilonday, January 21. TaD KING V. O'CONNELL ANDS OTHICIRS. The avenues to the Court were crowded to excess at an early hour in the morning. At 12 o'clock, Mr Steele, M~lr Red- mond, M~r Reynolds, Mr Cloney, Mr Dwyer, and ?? Law- less entered, and were soon afterwards foliowed by Mr O'Con- nell, who wore his wig and gown. On his appearance some ...


... INRTg AE N AND NSMWOASTLE I ?? on Wednesdayevening, the High Sheriff of Northumber- and, George Silvertop, I'sq., of Minster-Acres, attended by a long train of carriages, and a very numerous party of gentle- men on horseback, proceeded to the New Cannon, on Gateshead Low Fell, where they met Mr Justice Vaughan (Mr Justice Parke being detained at Durham until a late hour.) On their return, Wm ...