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Advertisements & Notices

... / PRES TONASS BIEL HE Ladies and Ge ~tlem eon of I rres;on and tthe Neigh- bo bourbod are respctfully infokmed, thbt the AS- SEM8BLIES advetisede for TUESDAY and THuRSDAY next, *i not take place. preston, Decemberr3Ch, ..830. PR.ESTON GAS-LIGHT COMPANY. EHE HALF-YE-ARLY MEETING of Propietorsiof r the lreston Gas-Light Compcny, will bcli~ ?tlte CASTLE INN,, on Mo`dy' the 3rd day Of JANUARY next ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOJ1 XOB!rp S#@R TI45E'S3VhI? REJM~ ATMAYA &eL POW~ELL'S iALSAN~cof AKISEED , uindet the time-~ -j~d~ Mtrnaelo( severaL of the. uuost distiniruipbed. This itiva~ludlile. Mteaicire basthi'extraordinary proipp'rty' of immedtiatiely r-elieving Coughs, Colds,,-RoarflexDfl csxlty ef reathinitand Hlusf6ness inteTioX.I pr ipS a free Exetsto.Thoset whov're troukled w'th thstt tuxipltmoawsut trckfing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -Y W. 1VWOOD, W, wednesday, January 5tb,. 1821, at six o'clock in the evninx - Fast Filttrer , ihtVIr and Piping, Licences, anlid Foroessiors, ip IA ef thOt Old Established ;JBAL C-IOUSE, tli IwOD Fleet street; i t ten 'clock tbe F e te whole or the T i-` i OLD FURNITURE, STOCK IN TRADE, in Lots. Aplply to the Atcmlosix R, Swan-street. TO PUBLICtArS AtNUD OTHERS. By DIII. . MOM RISO TUeSdaV, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I Apressurdof othermatter obliges us to beverv i brief in Tour acknowledgments. to the pubric for' t* be support we have received Lhroughout the year. lt is a Tfact bjstructinlgly illustrative of the progress of o~pflion that, without any change of principles *or management, this paper, Ifrom a circulation of between ele veu and Itwelve , hundred, at which it stood for some time after its ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 6 ~ i * c4 , ZtYo orthiA'e Ann t edi nipOitzha x'eI~llet,, nl 3 lt y;eiqee~i arflt 't4i Poiienb' f. 'Mj.1e M' ~th Uac udl .*sentlsai t'o .1i~at~ctu E Vj' ie~ilnt; '' At' ca iopaitivdelJ , oith- aret, 3eitificily' iand e~pe~htious1y ally ?Ui CtWitfO e Or stiudies, '~aentV of :ac~t~, dttion, e- 1iies, &c~f 'i~t Un Iirtotvn ait tme.Pala~e In,' wa,.n, Huddetsfiehjde Il heltI4 Ja~nuary. 1=i8U: '. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... he . . there [en BA4LLS, ROOTS, DINNER PARTIES, Stock I a I ClAY. late I!rAD WAITER at thde cphi Hotel, bes pool he U * to return his inicere thd gI h i snkstoisoutetous Ditto, u. Friends for favours received ehite i e above ttutln. and to Impor 1is srieaswteupntebveocsosbebatasrrnge- pasi ea Inform them and the Iuhlie gencrall In ?? to oerig hi j i inmets e Ir supplying them with every ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CE ORAeN S~PFIFOOllMARpt.£ 7-n CL 6te FINTR t Eo a respec- ¶0 DING 'WI400L ltltutd In ?? eligible tabtC i e Ltverpitloan ; er reat advantallges to a .h33iihs~dC~m~. The I-otti, aretired and colnmodiolia, td5 neailenlt. and the P ity~grotiod inclosed, i'nd very 5e'~ .E. E. (post paid) Postoffice, Liverpool. be qoID. by RIVAT'Valuable STOCK~ 0berLEVVHARNES &c. eroperty of a Gentle' efSt'TeSOP ...

Advertisements & Notices

... j i I En 1: prov lmice ?? Stan lhelt Of I l IN I .i S CALCINED MAGNESIA is prepared with a.t scrupulous eare and atte tior3,znd with every fin- t bat can be derived from the' n ffnning state of che- ?? by Messrs. THOMAS andlLLIAM HENR'z, Man- *'Is siold, onzly, In ?? authen ticalted by Goverescuen t .heblh the names of the preparers are engraved, by . Agen ?? Lverpool, and throungheut the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FAMI1LY LIBRARY. .jyispulilished, with Plates, and a Masp, 5s. N'O. XV,.o This daYFAII1[L LIBRARY, being theVP YAGES and. of the COMPANIONS 0 OLM S.B C ASHIGTO IRVNGforming a Seque ?? O LUI~~ LETTERSron DEMION ~y6and'WITCHCRAFT. AndNo ~lII, heCOU I ad C PofBUONAPARTE, with I No.XVI oitiifS heLIE f RUE the ABYSSINIAN II 1~~lEL~R il'MJO HAD Athrof ROUGH NOTESc of oi~ RAID OUNL~ acossthePAPAS and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -e1. TilE OLD LINE OF PACKETS FOR NEW YORK, Sani or the lid and 16th of every llonth , Is. PACIFIC, R. CBomaBR . ?? - 70tons,I6thoflJ BRITANNIA. MARISHALL ?? ?? et of Fcb. NEWr YORii, ?? 5fi0 ?? I am of F& mg4CHESTER, SIscgTrL * . 60 l ot of Mranch. ALElDONIA. ?? I- ?? of laterh Hfi~BERNIA, M-AZWZLL, .. ?? ?? I.t Of A.P.. .tc CANADA, GRAI5*-* . ?? 570 ?? 16fh Of ApriU. ft FLORIDA. T ?? . ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... /. F O UX.D, NEAR BRINDLE, A Smnall TRUJSS. The owner, describing its contents, L t may have it 'restored on payment of ?? by applyipg to WI LLUAN C,&a, tE, Weaver,'.WllolSmW * ~Rm~qGTOCK. TO BE S;OD, 1BY AUCTION, At ?? ser Pestnon Thursdasti the 27.1 ofi fnuary, 1831, ?? ein a 12 o'clock at Noon precisely; ; t for |NEVEN DRAUGHT HORSES, 1 Cob Horse, fit for k wsaddle or harness; I Bull, I Ox, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? EDUCATION. J. H. SMITH1 ESPECTFULLY informs his Friends and the inba- i blionts of Preston, that his Academy in Mount- street, Fishergate, will re-open on the ioth inst. Prcetoto, Ist mo. 8ts, 1831. P CLASSICAL TUITION. L WOODPLUMPTON PARSONjGE. H. FOSTER E(IS leave to announce to his Friends 6nd the Pablic that he will resume his scholastic dulies Ln Motidny, the 24th of January next. N. . ...