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Advertisements & Notices

... G-ATTAN & CO. S MEDICAL HALL, 12, CORN-.ARKET, BELrAST. fg1S ESTABLISHJNMENr ha'iing completed its T sixth year, the Proprietors again cone forward, with feelings of no ordinary gratitude, to retut iI their sincere thanks to the public of Belfast and the North ,f Ireland, for the very liberal arid increasing patronuge wvhiti they vontinue 1o experience; anid at the same time to assure therr, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE COMMITTEE appointed to Collect Subscrip. ' tioos for the Erection of a FEVER HOSPITAL in Lisburn beg leave to return thanks to the Marquis of HIERT- FORD for a Donatiou of £200, in aid of their Funds. LzsBuR!, 3d Jan. 1831. X (30 ]DOWN. HU.BTT. TPHE VOWN HUNT, will mtotil MONDAY the X l0th of January, at DO.WNATRICK. 21) N. D. CROMMIELIN, Treasurer. BELFAST NIfOR.TICULTURAIL SOCXETY. , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mr'. . -S. 3KNOW X - AS the honour to.announce a SECOND LEC. H TUBE on ELOCUTIO ,ith various illustra tions, to be Delivered In the CO R RCIAL BUILD- INGS, on MIONDAY evening, Oth inst. comnmencing at EIGHT o'Clock. Admittance, Two SHILL.INGS. ar_ ti.cutars in the bill. (43 ~elfast Academical' Instintution. .- HE S C-HI,-.O L S- will open after Vacation on I .IL. TUESDAY next, IIth iaraTEN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A'31 EIE CU RR I E.%: (FROU WOODMAN S, PICADILTY, LOIDOX - PERF~UMER. xzadies' antd Genitemeenls 1ai- . Dressers, Pe ke: V rnmientat Ikeaid Dress MANUlFACTURER, 22. CASTLX-PLACE,' BE AST, i-i ETURNS his grateful acknowledgments to the *, Nobility, Gentry, &c. of Belfast and its Vicinity, for: tbe distinguished patronage he aisfreceived since be con- menced Business,'and begs to Infor'n them ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BALL TINDER T1IE PATROSAGE O (?tT7?E - larqulis- and- Marchioness of, Donegall, r t7e Belief qf. inety Families.% now, iin a state of almost absdute want, ard receing710 support from the Charitable jislitutioes. IN THURSDAY the 20th day of January, a BALL 0 will be held at tthe ASSEMBLY ROOMS.- Gentleman's Ticket - d. . Lady's - Do. . . -Od. To begini punrtsaily at NINE olelo - ...


... R *e THOS. MACLURKAN & Co. A RE now LANDING. ex the HELEN7 from ST. At JOE1 N'S, 450 Tons Yelow Pine TIMBER, 30 Tons BLA GA' BIRCH, Zarge Size, 46 Hundred AsA Rkd. STA VE S, - DEALS, LATH WOOD,--ayc. 3c. They are also extensively supplidd-with MFMEL, QUEBEC, and .MI4A2ICHI TIMBER MEMEL, NOR WAY, and QBER PLAAr an BA TENS, 6 to 20 Feet loi, LATHS, SLATES, SHE3JTJEAD, TILES, Fpp BRICKS, BEECH LS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -B A L L UNDER THE PATRONAGE O TlE 4arquis and Marchioness of Dondgal, For tbe Relief of Ninety Families now in a state of almos absolute want, ad receivivg no support from the Charitabl njtjti~tjtofl ON THURSDAY the 20th day of Januarya BALI i Vill be hild at the ASSEMBLY ROOMS Gentleman' TJ'ia 7 s. 6d. | ~~Lady's X . , 18 .5.ed. To begin punctually at N. I NEO . clok. I Tickets to be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... county of Antrim Reform Club. r1HE COMMITTEE appointed at thelate EEL I FAST REFORM DINNER, to make arrange ments preparatory to the formation of A REFORN, CLUB, request a MePting of su jnhahitantsof the County as are favourable to this object, -. be held in the CoX MISSIONERS'-ROOM, CkIMERCIAL-BUILD IN-GS, on MONDAY, the W instant, at TWO o'cloC 106) JOHN SINCLA IRE, 14th January, 1831. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS, Sales this Day. \SUGAR AUCTION., A RTAUR GAMBLE will SELL by AUCTION A. at his Stores, North-Street, on TUESDAY, the 18ti instant, at TWELVE o'Clock, 43 H1ds. DEMEI 11/SUIGAAR, 22 Ditto JAMAICA ITTO. GEO. & E. HYNDMAN, Brokers. Belfast, 12th Jan. 1831. (108 Sale of Silk Goods, Haberdashery, &c, At the AUCTION MART, No. 7, Castle-Pace, or TUESDAY nest, the 18th January inst. and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE EDITOR OF THE NEWS-LETTER. TUARALIN, 13th JANUARY, 1831. CIR-In consequence of paragraphs having appeared K in several Papers relative to the ferment said to exist in the parish of Maralin, I think it a ditty I owe to the pub- lic and myself, to request yonr insertion of the following statement in answer:- In the year 1806, 1 took possession of the Parish of Ma. ralin, and continued, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Auctionl and Conimission Mart, 7, CASTLE-PLACE.- -lEO. & 11U. HYNDMAN beg leave to direct th, G publicnattention to the above Establishment, ;vbici ,ffrds to personS Furnishing Houses, advanIsges not to In. 3et witb in any other in the North of Ireland, owing toth, 0nenae variety of articles which it contains, and price fronI 20 to 50 per cent, below the ordinary rates. They have at present on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'the Cactle-Ltne Select Semnmfary, . . ~~~CO11DUCTED .iBY MR. CHARLES 1100K, 3 (OF SAINT JOHN'S COLLEGE, CAMHBRIDGE,). 3 ATE English Master in the Belfast Academy, AL2 - - ill be openedon Ist February next. TERMS: English (litiluding Geography) Half a Guinea a Quarter Writing . Shilings Arithmeti . . Seven Shillings. Latin and Greekf ..-One Gainea. ...