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Aberdeenshire, Scotland


Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... EXTENSIVE SAM.I Or ' : EIIE:RS, SPA2NIS'-5 1hAHOO;ANY, EiEl PILLAIIS; &e.. Upon' Sturday the 22d October curt. there will be bold, by' 'Altc tioIj, within Mr Jolhnt Gray's.Timber-Yard, Canal Terrace, Im Ji BOUT 7000 Feet ?? fine 'Spanish' Hondeiis VENEURS, bbe tiL ovsanfiCtiris. ?? : $d 1.100o. 1eet of ROSErVObD VENEER ' ' Ro , .00 .Feet of ?? choi!e ELif and OAK VEN'EERS. . 9100 ?? of SPANISH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST. PAUL'S CHAPEL, ABERDEE N In thc I'Pres, Gnid ill a feet days WIll be PaslihAedll * CONgSSPA s3 ,:f EN. &TIO On the rwxpedleuoy of the 0Cdngrog'tifn o of St. Paul's Chapel in Aberdeen Unit, b Ing thcemselvos with the JdpisOOpal i t! Church in S eotlaU . f By a CLERtlV AN of ?? of D. . u Printed for A. Bnows; & Co. Booksellers, Public Libniry, n A berdeen. ' ( .b This Day is Published, n Ii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of PROTECTOR FIRE INSURANCE COMPANYl of 35, OLD JERJVRY; AND 2, REGENT7 STREET, Corner of JERIIMYN STREE ?? oflI (If M~OXIDON1, t gh And St. 'MATIGARET'S HILL, SOUJTHWARK. bl 1b- GAPITJAL, £5S,000,000. of 1r- MI-ITS Compnyi~,,3 is foundodil upess the', principle of a. Divisi tbso ~ of its t ft: Two/tthirdsjto subl hetiii'il ii) the Shareholders, besides atnnual liiteivst oil their De- lie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AEERIDEEN FIRE AND LIFE ASSU AANE AND .4ANNUI7TY COMPANIY, For Insurance against Fire and upon Lives, and for the Purchase and Sale of Annuities. 89, Union Street, Aberdeen. HE Directors of this Company beg to intimate, that the T Preminums due fbr Fire and Life Insenances on the 25th curt. require to be paid, the former wvithinfi.freen, and the latter %within kvenly-one days of thot date, to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EIUCATZEYN 0-P VUE D2EAF AMiD nUIIIE l1DTICATIOIN of tlie DRiF antnl DTJMI, rehichi too'k 11111cr IIs Ir ?? ll of Mjatslialcj~ College, oist ite 23u1 day of Jiiae, Tire R~ev. Dr. MORISON' of Elsirk irs tire Chair: `q TH E S ecertl-tr'asd Trecerirver laid rimoc the tahle tee Asnimal Jq Rleport oif tls Irestitut'sit, assd tire Yeatrly Accomvint, wshichc We're texainised 11(apirti d It ?? these ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Aberdeen Town j% County Bank Office, JANUAIIY 28, 11131. - NTIMATION is Hereby Given, that, in terms of the Con- . tract, the Annual Gelneral Mecting-of the Co.)irAxVY, for the I p1rpose of Choosing Dinixcrons, will take place here, uploln Sturday the 5th day of March, 1831, at 2 o'clock afternoon. ALEX. FOULERTO'r, Secrctary. 1 PATENT TRUS;ES. A 'SLMON, ODY, & Ctl. most respectfullv infolrm ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MA\ITARD)ll~tl it l!(i~ ill T;lmi.rt; Triistf~e 011 D[AtRl T SeluestOralte Es.tint oF, Gocitot' -il it 'fslulelt oi Y Cullell, ]leitilv iiilainitv, thlat his ilicollii witht toi.0s:li Estute, ti llisv'lic( i a~tidil anti ?? :!1( of}1'(5( ll II 'Ins1jJ'itv (oi tii(! Ci (iliniil Siol:ClF; andl thiat slltes ot tl(: l ii t' S 'tit'S 11 : S('il'lil(! ofittllkil, i1 iid i::io1 i: tlii' llads liral, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BANFFSEIRE COURSING CILUB.t ?? SPRIN'R ,G EELTING ivll comnicl C on T'neSdlaV thc r i 1th day of' mar tlC b ?? Illilig' tTi(3 SvCONI o 'eSIlaV (F the Mon)lth, (to] 1'IlidlI it ?? i)eoll J~lo01p1!1d ill COIIsI'eque11Lc oft (i3lr s5t0 ot tie wea thlir ,) ?? 1 cip, als siuil, will Is' rin for. a Hem lljjers to Ill Iatat 10 O'lohCk1 f. ofic the ablov cll'lnlioltell da'; and all Cenl les to ll ...

Advertisements & Notices

... At EL104ILE2 AsU JECT FOR SALE. ! _Vpuet Price greatly redtuced. 'There wilt be exposed for sale, by publiq''roup, within the Lemon Tree Tavern, on Filday the .d of Septcmber, at six o'clock, 1 .HATHOTSE, No.- 9, CARaNEGiE'S BWAE, peCieatly-OC- cupied by hlr JAMES BLACK, Turnler, and othiers. The House lies adjacent to a large gnaluufactory; is alhays readily let; is subject to no Fml, Duty; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~P, OVE.ii 0Tsr f h. [,ii Cftluis? t~~ Peuondii vi / fn ofl/~ hi' (.ioc'se Pa/ol tit (Efl''Ni n '-'otl ii tONV olL f ?? .1 ?? oon'il 'ti tolo, blt etl' i'i alJ vi i''n i M uiO i'1 ' ?? Ittr 'A . u , x Ic iii if,' itisll i' i ii uxnl tile U11ilECoii Itona;odiotv FAhIL il)US5E.u'I- ialxt oIApiIEN, tn, ?? m'li'oilry Clin, o intliiosl itt ,'It inise ~uo :os ?? '.tlls G iitiiig ?? D Iloiinii.I B a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WOOLLBEN DIAIPE'Y, AND -GSNTl liN N'S CLOTHES 1Ul NISIIED. WAMES LI'VTLEJOHN, wvith thalllks to his Frielids and thc of (kg Pnblic for the support with which they have fivoureal bhin since he commenced business,-begs to inflosin them, that hav- ing mads arrangements ivith a first-rate TAILOR, (just ?? C ?? Lo~ndon,) ho is enabled to FUlRN1SH tbose Glticutlene wrho may be pleased to emnploy him ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COO:}E'S ROAL RYIIIN;I AG.ADEMVW, AND REPCO$TOEY, WIA.LES STREE7', ABERDEE-N. T COOK/ E respectfully intimates that his next PUBLIC J . SALL of HORSES will take place, athbist Repository, ottn ia h 4hJtot curt., at 2o'clock m'm. pyeeciaely, when wvill e brought lorward a number of Harses of dit- fcrmnt descriptions. PstrlSOI having DOAUG1IT or CA.1RIAGE IIOSE3, may hear of turchaserq, by ...