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Advertisements & Notices

... ABERDEECN FIRE & LIFE ASSURANCi COMPANY. At the F!iifth Aniltiii Generall Colr of Plrol)rittors of thc ABER- gen DUEE-N FIRE AN D LIFE ASSURANCU COMPANY, held, ?? alitbi the Comipany's House, in Union Street, ol Thursday i tiot thle 1;th dlay of Feb. loll, Tin Lieutenant-Genteral Wit. BURNETT of Bancliory Lodge in the Chair, 1EDividenl of 5 Pi Cent., payaltie at the Compeny's Offie, - A oll ...

Advertisements & Notices

... aLIHOD: FZISHINGiS, AjND FAIZX.NZ TO BlE ZLE., T5HE SANDLAW SALMON FISHINGS on the Water of . DOVE{Nc, belon~gin~g tO Sir Geoe Abercromby, hart. will be Bet hosrdiately ibr thse iresenlt sea;son, sad ior sich number of Vial's the r; a b l 'hey are of consider- ablbe vinle anl extent, adjoil the Baf Fishings above the Bridge of Aiva, and little more titan txvo miles fionm the Sea. There is also ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ca 0e The Aberdeen T-owLn and Count.V AiMia be ic Prot'ection company, bei LODIVIDED INTO SIXTY SUARES, Hled 1ny responsnibin Individuals' re'vidhiszr wolt/in Cthe City and Comityss 1' Aberdecn, a List of ne/hon -soll be transyaiifed to N ?? re.'s'vsivctv Agrnlsst, ott lessnssg the Polleien, H ~AVING now scleciedl their Par'tnefo;, atid nearly corn- it .L pleted their atrrangernents as to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASSEMIBLIES. lI RST ASS EMBIILY wil1ttilee pla1Ce, inl tile PUBLIC Tli1~h'.irsdayv tilb ?221 of December next. Daln2ingy to covln~ai aled at 8 ?? an~d Rcfse.Sit. bu aeents, as zeual. 0 Stranigeresintr'oduced 1wb Subscribers, topay 7s.Wldeach. AG der. At sa General. Mee ting of Sibscribrs, hi.eld on 28th inkt., the Pos ?? were 'appointed Stewards for the Season, Prk1YOst1}1ADn'xeec Captain ...

Advertisements & Notices

... in t] , Nt'.TXDBL' T;O ~Di3ORtS AND ODBDYi'^TO1¢. it l OEils. Eiaviqn Claims on the difeeoser Di, WILMLAT . LNV'LT)N, foeitawly of tie East india Copfiliny'sSui'vied, ansi livi'y ntf Fonfore, iln the counlt (V it' Ahe(riil, fire ue;(listel k tnl mu)de : .aSteii or these Claimsinn (liiiy VOhnthn'd; eilben' llf r Mn .conlne V.u Witoun, Largnin, Pariish of Folktiun; oir wit!! Moessrs l- Otnainlt, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? OF w4p o 1I~CflBDZ~EZ;R'E. :i N ;o'tveqt rnin ?? flos Mnjraty's Order in Co(uncil, of the ?? lcen)er last,' anti in terms ot thle Mlilitia Laavm, a(;eneral Meeting of the LIBUTENANCQe' ofihleCDtUNTY 1 oif KINCAIRD[NE is hereby summoned, to beholden with. in the $herifi' (0urt Room in Stonehaven, upon.' Monday the A 2lth day of January current, at 12 o'clock nopn .for carrying v into effect ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BONE MIANURE AT MACDUFF. On Sale, by the Subscriber, deliverable at tile port of Macauff, in US an the month of April, -wdtUST and DRTLL BONE MAI\ URE, of richest quality. _ Tbose stating qtianltities early, will insure their hot l),biig Itf disappointed. Alex. Morrison. Turrt,4v 7th literch, 1831. ZJX7 OF LETT ?? 71Z m On Fridav the 25th curt. llill be Let, s F HP FAREM of AU'CHNACANT, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W. ELGEN rfiES11CTFULLY hitilrinalts tha,~ u.'auits o ig qeveral1 ~CLASS !nS, onI )l0,\VAY tho 1st of Alnousel. ii aviiig constantly ?? himlsel[ of tiiC pr 'it cas'sv imO- T pt'ovecincats adoptt'd inl ith- titita- I1ss, adti ?? dliscoveriei, in the Scieiwe-, ti ena-ble him.' to sinIII pi0- and illitit- teat-' their practical ap[plicleirin to tlu vha sa i Brawleubs milght P, in thi; Sumasi-ary, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . IV. 'A ,ISSEMBLY I'OOMS. As -PUB AiMtINATION of tho SCHOLARS attending Y L tihe &fTtDEuN INFANT SCIIOOL, conducted by Mr HYILDSEa7P ill ta];C PI(;CO in1 the Assembly Rooms, Tro r- DoW -'ors wibl e opened at half-past one, and the 'l -Exanminatlon ai id eommcnco exactly nt 2 o'clock;. It is hoped that t'h Agiitst andi Guardiais. of Childreun \vill conie for. `wn-ardto'lns' L5skon, sO that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... adon. .idon, ,rived eters. Hog. part Go- over or to pool, rallen f the tolls, 5the Eng- It is o for Ilitan gate, ty of 14th e has crew othe ctur. !d to This this 'art- dlay, er- 'st lfl 'sty's I he Hie. gun- V six ly to , ~THIeODON'S. IMECHANICAL AND PICTURESQUE T ZIP 'ifa E O1! UB r tS, NOW EXHIBITING IN BlORISON'S LARGE HALL, UNION STREET. A. THIODON, semsibi of the very distinguished ...

111 the Press, and s

... preedily wtill lie Published, Itn one volume, octavo. By 1VA~T:6 Ie nd I-, Es, 2, Huniter Square, andI 31, Hanover Street, Ediniburgh. S~tINjtM;S ON' Vi'A5IoUS SUBIJECTS OF CHRIUSTIAN DOCTRIN~E ANt) 'ItACTICI. By the -liw. GimeC.E GAflIocle, Minister of Wlldiam. Ei This day is~ Published, vilth inn ,nerouS Plates, 58. FAMILY LIBRARY, it No. XXII. e Being thle LIVES of SCOTTISH WORTHIES., i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RE-VOVE. ANAMTES JOHNSTON, SEN. re.spectflly intinatles, Ib tt lie hiJ has REII[O VID to those exie'naie premises, Fl11ST F;LOOR, Xo. IU, UNION BUILDINGCiS, where lwe 70ll contihme sI to carry on, tle 11aherdasliry and Clothiery Business, Jllq7le- ti vile atdl Reetail, as forynerly. OXIS, &c. .111E SUniSCnIDnEn hitillates, to 11nllnfaictltuers, Curriers, * J Pailnters, and Droig±ists, that he ...