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Advertisements & Notices

... * N13W FRUIT, &C'. &c. r~ILLIAM:FRASER respectfullyv begs leave to announ.rce, V, the arrival of a large supply of N9tW FRUIT, (lireet ~*,Bo311D~A~ aid MLAG. he PLUMS in A and ~t xcsfro Ilurdaux ilC Iartenlly arg ad fin the MUSCAELL AISIS, frm Maagaare f.a11 speri-or qua- lit', nd n lrgecluter. Lbcrl aloance will. be made to Hec would recoululend th, umaernoted articles:-- Fisand Oranges ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IThis day is Publishied, And sold by G. CLARKa S& SON, anld the other Bookseollers in Aberdeen, price 2s. Old. A i'nll and ncct~rate Rteport of the Praceedilug- In tire Gerieval .&ccerbly of4. thir VChurch of ficotland~, in the C'u.ce of the Beirig a Supjplement to the Rleport of the P'roceelines in the is Presbtary of Dumsbarton, mid Synuei of Ghisgow anid Ayr, ?? Takenl in. shor't-hand. ALSO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~TRE BALIANCE or POVWER. Denoionlstrlllm flhlit the REFORM12 BILL or EIrl GREY it Fa' It Handi 15 nitist inl 1'rftwiplo, awil would prove thle 1i00N nof till' British1, Constitution1. lIM To h.Il laid of, A. BniOwlN & Co., aiid LimWIS Smunt~, Bronod rt eoet ; tint J10itN, iKlol, Untioii Streoot.TI By tile Rev.. Dr. XidCL 7MN HE C~om 111 I tA2AA of OinNVli t' t ntlflh)ouict to Alk ,th'el I111 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1c,'IGF-I'T utill t'ttititlt'ii'i II C( )ITllSh( of ?? Cl CIII iii0 DISMS.NSiIS' Ni~ ( on ilB'T'A2\ s, lin itl~atchtytl Otllit ull itt ?? AtetV e Fritityi, attil'Sutitialys, till Slci bt- ?? to il'oiatotptly Site Coiitv'~t, mnty lie hadti itt Mosts A. liroslt Q., coiAri,2,1W.1 ?? iti lit' inl (Litie's tstre 1itout flena. li 'I i'ti, i'tt'ta .C iii ?? 'W'tno -it'l'it', Si . I V . liii 2. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l -: f~ 04 ' ' l !l S'E, : 0l BIiooksllcrs, in fulll he fersidshed to Slj'- tt 6ective Bookseller. s without del ay ab htains a statement of a ' view at its com- Mcpress to say how N r.They have to sgerlent ss never N --icad before; and as .ofession In soliciting public favour, ced it, equally solicitons to avoid a like the'contrlbutorn'they shiell only say, that di .erate with them, they ...

Advertisements & Notices

... For Bilious Affections, Indigestion, Gout, Heartburn, Gravel, and as a Cooling Purgative, IS RECOMMSENJDED BtY TntE FACULTY, Al O XO0N'S EFrERVESCENT MAGNESIAN APERIET.M Decidedly the most agreeable and efficient Saline Purgative ever introduced. P~HE following extract of a letter, from a highly respect. TLable Physirian in the South, is deserving the attention of the afflicted with Goue, &c, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ill a fem, daas teill be1 pubtished, A Letter to the Freeholders of Abordeenshire, F Regarding the propriety of electing, a Representative who mill not be the instrument of a factious, seditious, and disloyal party. r By a FRl'EHOLDI;R. Printed for Joml RETTIE, Union Street. it This day is published, . Price Is., THE BOTTLE: Containing an Original Poeom-an Essay on the Solar Svsteme -together ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'a'S VE ET B13LK_91 wZY PREPARED FOR JBURNING. -)RJG13 ANDERSON, MECITIANT, No.- 12, CASTItS STRUET, Aberdeen, respectfullly begs leave to ikftoril his c friends and. the public, that his preseni Stockl of the NEW. OIL (fromnthe Vianglo, ?? Plant) is niost. ample, and that hecan s-pply any quantity that may be required, This new and excel- 'let Oil is mnoeh sujrieioria. many respects to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P1. COP.TYN'S HAL!,, ADi.)11111 COURT. r.. WlL V..OilT 12 TO..I1MOWl\ (TIll l7i,;DAi..), January%2, E(1l- ANOI) ON t11 T[.~EDAV J,.iehroarv 1, 18131. (If T' 0 ollon)2)10CC ;It 1' (I 121 orb Li, Juim Puld~iokd. Pricl' ld. )IMEIOMfS an'l ANEUDD211 TL21S of' MlU. LOVE thle ''Colelb22le I Vv2I~lliji~i'01 . ill wich is (Illild, ;iii BNP'LA1N A. A..'lION O~f the P11 12NOM' INA oft VL1.NI T11 IA)QWU' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC WEETUIN, 3 HE Friends of MiSSIONS are respectfully informed f J that a PuBLIc AEETiNIXG will be held D.V., in G(eorge Street Chapel, on Tucsday Eveninq nicvt, when im- portant Information, concerning a Legal Action, brought against Dr PHIeLIPt, Superintencdant of the London Society's t Missions, will be laid before the Meeting. And it will be shewn, that this action has arisen from a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a, = = Ill CARD. 1' e- . T ISS SAUNDERS begs to returil her most grateful thankls give cr to the Itlhabitants of KIrITIr, and Vicinity, for the liberal ij patroaige tbey have so long conferred upon her, ltad respectfillyv - intimilates that she has just ireturited fioI the Market wit lba ver - elegant selection of GOODS,-consisthug of Black and Coloured , SILKS; PALMERINO DRESSES ; GAsUSE anld ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ti t hs bgsIetC ?? to FtiN.`L, th Ihe lots l3eitivdfom Jp I ?? it ii5t et't, to No. 4, QitirNc- ST tTtE, lt'e lie Coll. tnltot Ii ?? I itliis B islitteloi underi tii Fir of Ix.Ax-t sux& ox, llis FatharItvingli retired froma the coilctrn, and I p.v ii iimuli oi I is, ?? of' rtehirtint ?? mlosta grai fat tiltttl. to thISV FriendIs Who into lii ?? the Ii ?? tin- wilt iii 0Ivitt *iiE~latr intl1 ...