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Advertisements & Notices

... S CO T'CIE FlU.E1l.1)ERIS OF EAST' LOHIlIAN. ;e Gi'Tr.EMEN, ,e 1r BEG lea ve to inform you, -thatI shall take the 1 .. '.'earliest oppor tiily in mny power of w-iting rspoa you individually to soicit thie honour or your coistirsuilig to me t that confidence, with Wdhichl you favoured me at the two last t, Elec.tions. . ?? e I have the honour to r'tnain. wisith'the greatest respect, LI GE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Eriaintustla, Kith June 18SI.: T a MEETING held in the:. Council Chamibey, A for the purtnteof ost-ulering,'in tle preqent I)t$S_ TRESS5ED CONW Ol l(N of ttbe PEASANTltY in certain R artsof lltEL A!ND, the means bestcalculated to Cerintdttie S U Blsc,'lln IoN alirealy 4egun in this City, enid fir hartlg the samne properly applied_- - |1- W5AR ?? lse insreittng distress in ChifnePWara, a11YO, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (ADVERTISEMENT.) ,e TO THEE EDITOR OF' THE CALEDONIAN StEICURY. od. SIR-1 MepN to the advertisement of Colonel M , vne and Mr B~rodie in.-your paper of this-day, by simoply refer- 51' ring td my former cormuniration.: I- 0. ?? Sir,, Your most obediejat servant. th ?? MACALLAN. at. Edinburgbh 21st May 1831. ad ADVERTISEMENT. at The Lord Provost having declined to accede to auy pro- ret iposalof ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ORD 1N-.kTONC 'TO ,O dsecond AIT'FWv.CI for' 'tIe --Gm'eral'aAisembzk!/ Jnatiution. us2 Ind'i~ 7~ ,A WILLTAN SINGLAfR MA C KAY I'.tn (ole AN 'lreqeher Of till Gosepr, having been s(elected fo md ny bv.1fientinned purpnot'. -by , the Genevral Asserilhy's Cen t it~ ?? Preishv -t~- v ofl EH nivi WI -site t6 ~;iicest i n- the~ ~e('e4c5adl of thi(1g nWENEfA nette' vil' lb careeq at o clonk Wyunns ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FtINE A III S. 11E EDIN1TJoR a IDRAWINGi INTSTTTU- -jf l(ON will, be OPENEDL) afhr thae vacatton, rto iloN% DAlY tle 3a of OCTrOIBER next, ti n hedr- ;ion 0f 'ut r'E5GF. ?? eminent--artist from England, who j *el1 jlhr9tj the olld and Slve.r -Melals at the R1oyal, Aca-. dy rnJ',: ?? fist for the best riawing in Choalk p ,f nc 9; ,a mis li are, and the second for Historical C;rn C p;;, a rom ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DIOAAMIAS LOTiAN ROAD. rTnlE Public are respectfuily infhrmed, that ?? 3 M Nagnificetlt Filettreo*ft4,e VALLE dC1i: fSA IN E Ni in sizerland. with the NEW COSMOltAMA, can re- -sin open buit a ery liitited tit- '^dn;is5ioll, One Shiflimg:; e. Annuai *t Ta kets, live Shillings.. Open from ten till dusk. EDINBURGIh MIILITIA. Th *I sS GRACE the DUKE' of BUCCLEUCII atnd Jul U LQU ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tbe. .respectf~i~lv infdrmed. chatz tc . M St KqNS. . - r Who is eiaesgei lbr l ?? tsal,. Nvill ruake his Third Appearance here these'it4frgyC s, Thispresent EveninT ' H U ItSDOYr,.May .1.2. S31 When will be perlimreed Ihe FTra'ed3 of . MACBETH Mrcbeth - - - EAN - 31acitufl - --kit PTIt S C'H A Ii'i Lady P SI ANt-EY.- After which, by particular de-ire. the aims4 1mnaa catrjd.: T ilHE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [IFE pIORAMA,6andCSM RA LOTHT1AW TlOAar ow open ?? nvrbeforee- 1,I~c .~ibb oethe iner orC EIRBUIIY C .1 ril I E It Al,, alld Fotir Views in EGY PT, SW lr- ZIaA NJ), and thc 1Y P LS Thle vievi- of Can- ?? univer'ly tkiiiele to be the ~ eia ohin excllenesof te i~he orer n ploisir. ?? ed cigfl otdong hef'tikl iluions of tile Gtecidnh ?? itis intitgnih ct fr eiciidir a~nd beauty. of ()Pell fro)m ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1I1GIILANI) SOCIETY OFSCOTLAND.; G17~NERAL MEETING of dtbi SOCIETY. in Ajftcrnis of the Chairter, 'sil he Iteld in oke S civtv's II,'-Jaft Iernonli, witeo it in C( rcqie-tin I Itb1 I hers a ill v ,.,tniilit pruri'el)y at tite hor I~ ?? ?? t w. iee will1 Le a 13 A! 101) for the.-indii'sion or N EW It 11ii F:I S; and it is; prewribed lit hle Cbs ,-l r, that no ]fi:jt sllcoimnllitnce until At ha ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f:DJ~IFqJuRGH 'PtJ~N-EVO lENT. ATD -Tl'fNIl.S' N i6S' CR1 F ETY. - ONAY -the,2 ifhe ingtant, Ole prhceeds ofl o the ItItJSOYAL. and Al-P N XG E Iti E -f i - ' wi 1'll)g. SESS Io .ElShti onr tilhetti Ehlr theNi. TI - MON.ill be ~ivrezgi Trten isbovefboe ?? os at oneeYler, the mno etr eord~aorvllint id diverstifiedlyro.: s~ciO5 of ese ofsljc ev ClY istsic Ci Nator. vf ; '' nrl ids ...

Advertisements & Notices

... flj D')iro asnd tinder t I Paironnge of -,lV' liOYAIJ COMPA NY.Ol!-A.RCHEitS, ,ItnGS BOtiY J-aAnt) FOrS.SCOTLAtD. : riljs5.prscnt UvPeeing, T H IURSATY, Februiary 3,S g li bte t-lr i-ie+dthe Ne ltniie fltnina, called. '11UE. WHITE PHANTOMN. Ede,,nindl BltichlCi IlPtvY Mir rSll 'D1)AL. c'olin doe Trtp by Mr MURRAY. I.,nestine Iornrieil by 3liss .1 A RM A N. B;Iiijine Gertrude by rs A C. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . ra1S31,Y RtOO11s, GEOAlG E STRE ET. r f'l j 'pijiD ASSEMBLY for the Season, will. 17 b' w.Ba '1l THUJISi}A Y N.EXI', he 3d Ftbruary, e c on Uoniter tle Palmnllnae of lor. itle COUNTE Sf WEy1SS. s 't I I L the CO N s l.SS of TIOP&T'OUN. ?? !IjCi*~t 1,A DY TO 1 PHT ICHEN It N. Lj . ' to commvnce ut len o'Clovk. a - i- illin I;s e :tcf . to le l:md at the A sse mbly t l* f ?Mr Andetso), the ...