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Advertisements & Notices

... ;THM_ AERWEE MA0AAZINE, No. VI. I'rice One Shilling.S f. The th-eanier, No. II.-II. Sonig.-.Ifl. Atd1da1s 0,1tholic- En ,Isn.-IV. Thle Fria' osg- Deesiac.-Vl~. lniilationis of Y tuviac, No. V.-VII. Front. the MILiAh.-VII1. Account of the B f hig 11;11oty's Shiip thc Alaunllc.-IX. The Hour for Love-X. To inwj owrn'Liov.-XI. The 111alance of Po~vr.- X11. A Tale of thea flr oaelate.-XHII. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MyL1 INSTITUTION~, 18, LODGE WAtLK. THE11 above linstitut!o w, ill be open for Patients, labouring,, ?? .of the EYE, at ?? two, o'clock; fdr the next, SiE monithb (fi~,lr ondllas, ffduetrbhesds, isnd Fr~ beeC suidl not fit two I'lr,'s omry O'clok, nsforilerpY Urg-ent Case.s Hivil be itttol~~ to, byspyss ots Sgo icl MrCATmii5F.AD, 'II Akdeiphi,~ every Moriuing ait tenl o'clock. r Aber2deen, I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Raro antecedeintema scelestum. Deseruit ped penia clauldo.-Hon. lit the press, and speedily Tvill be pulihed, a REL'LY TO TIE SECOND AND THIrl1D LETTERS OF TI1E si RiTf. JOSEPH THORBIU RN, U Brv rims REV. CHARLES FRASER, D Roman Catholic Priest. CHEAP TEA, SPERIT, AND GROCERY SHOP, s NL. 31, GREEN .c NFTl&TILLITAM BYRES, (late No. 10, Castle Street) begs to ac Wi2> q.aiht his friendis aad the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0- . - DW of TVAmES 1'DB, Gga itie nickCATTE Sl'AVEft, EJ.GII, 'all a J lvill ?? nt Mill If Bovndio and neighbourhood on Saturday tho 17tl euft. ons Ilsslv bi tbe'a 21st curt.-at tch anI Bridge of Alfi~rd on the 23d curt. Tlipise 'vhs6 Wish to enslply w htiml will ?? il~lesAlfcIe.M aI Wood, Ellster Belelsia;Mr Cameron, Stationer, Intly;Mr elt til Bruicre, Burdcrilach ; MrC icon, Muir of hynie; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - - - - - -- =- lilaldea i sEEITING or 11ri. rE 5IoA . TRUSTEESI ' ' grhlls A Meeting of the 'lricistces ?? itttiiibileri tdoht Th'idge over A Dovern at 'Eatside, and on the Forgllglen !'T1rifiltpo 1idd i The D will be hold vithin tihe Court Rodnm of Banff, upon Saturday n Ilic 17lh day of Qeptember cdrt; at eleveef o'clock forenoon, for tirpose af atiditiiig ali. tett~inri tlie Acpints of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This day ispubliUshed, Price 6id. AN APPEAL ON BEHALF Or THE SCOTTISH SETTLERS IN NORTR ABXEIECA; A A SERMON. E Dv JOHN JAFFRAY, A.M. st Assistalnt, St. And.wew's Chapel, Dundee. Pnblished, (for the Ditudge Autiliarry Colonial Society,) by at Xamnes Adan, Dundee; Lewis Smith, Aberdeen; James DVwar, h Perth; aud Wlaugh & Innes, Edinburgh. Books~ recently Ptb lisliedl by R. B. LUSE, Greenock, a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ?? ?? -. f 3 . - .. ,OTICE is; hC1wipV 'geuiv, that a GENERAL 1IRE'TTNG B- of the D RA IITAR 141GT-LAXD SOCJI;EiTY is to be 1i1d, ;11 BliAE..IA!L CASTLE.,) on '11ninzs,Ny: tle 25thl Aig-usf; il~eif sil, ill atilitioll to ?? onliilary ?? 0 s13s thero wiltl be si.- mi lcd lih t1'e comid:ora6till of tihr IMeeting, it OI'aFt of Thgla- ainsl a tt.ho l;nIfIitC 0 1il ?? the ,01 t1:G ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FARDIhS, BLEACHFIELD, AN2D EZEa& 1WILL, &c. On the Estates of DELGA TY arnd GASK, in c heparishses of Tuerriff and 'Monquhitter. To be Let, within the Court House of Macdul, on Fsiday thc th dll ay of may next, for ]9 years, or such other term as may be ngreed on, H E MAINSand MIANOR PLACE of GASI( ass liresently occu. -T pied by 51r Willinm Mlackiy, deligiltfulily situ ated, mid( - 11cltcred ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -an ZALUE or VZkLUARLY 3300SS, R2USIC, &C Gill Cov.ennsi..burr ?? La___ ?? ?? _ E htl There woill be Sold, in the Subscribers' Salle-Room11, R' 'I'll I S E VEPN INGI OO ESNational Airs, with ' iesi, i voles. M Ponte's sit'il ?? Meclodies, with ll uslo, ii vole; se~veral pieces of ?? Music from lliasaniella; TyiolrsollMelodjies; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... at For Coughs, Hoepir-~.Cough, Shorwss. of Breath, Mst l'ne, t aConsuplion.. T HE above remedy possesses the peculiar power of controlling t all disorders of the Chest and Lungs. It affords immediate e ?? to the Breath, and subdues the most obstinate Colds, and h Coughs, Hoarseness, &c., and Asthmas (which neglect has rend- j, ered confirmed), and Hooping-Cough, iu shorter time than any ., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F.4s7'E:V~s V E 'R ASEMTy. STRE ASX'ET AS BNI3Iy Itoomls. I~~ASTENS ~~~EVE ASSEMBLY 31 be hehd in~ V C- ?? on TUESDAY1 'ltĀ±1'sllO 15-Ircur~rent, j Lml m.PATMtONAGR nF 'ftc i-to. th COUNTESS of WtIMYSS, itlsILJ(IM AY of Criiiglwiite. ''nl Sbiiliigs ouch, to Ilie bid, a~t the A_ e blyv Mrl o 1 Andlerson, the TIrtensrir,Ni :3 No .,(;raorGF STaEET, P . LIS EIZA PATON lias the honnrnmr to all p 3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL INSTI'rU'1'ION. ?? v- MTCNP'?AY the 21.Lth enrrenti the EXHIT- 0N S: *-ON .S- XANCIENT P1 C1UIRES vsll be , . .! ; Ihe Gal le'ry of IIhe R,,lal l st tillI, n, conistting of' t; ,, ,pC: I Speri in eos of tihe WInks Fif the gr(ist Masters , tirqi rid My ihe lllstitit imi from abroad. .jrim it~t;,ce, Is.-Svilsonl l'kkets. 5hr. ('at~ltigtCe, priec fulu.. nrc atire:ly prepared,- and copies ...