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Law Intelligence

... -newly 'i ?? - . U0911cf. .. r : : * I :to COuRT or. ETNG'S BUNCH. I. c,- a. WooD,- This was an action to recover .c darnages for n. injury sustaihed, by the plaintif; a. ,cbhild'~b'&t fiveycars of-Age, by beiog~bitten by a pid~ept by' tlhe defendant -The. e 'wtisno >O 'hipufdss Idite fast~f the ffiting, or that the child being much injured, but it appearing in the Bi course of the evidence, ...


... MIJURltER OF MES M. AND HUGH I : (GRTIFFITH, SONS- , JNO.- GRIFFITH, 1ESQ. OF TRYFAN, JN ThiS COUNTY. II ' For the information of the rnsierous relatives 'and friends of these.,unfortunate gentlemeii, we. -insert, the following_ extract of' a letter -from Mr.. Zarcheus Williams, iinikeep'err Lower Town, Que- . bec, to John Lice, EsqE-Pies Cadant, in. this Vcounlty : The Qne3ec Msti g-.t~o,2 ...


... ASSASSINATION ATHIYDE. ;'On 1uesday afternooni, the chairman and tui. :,'me.~atrates now sittin_ at the' 6Quiirter. Sessions aecoived an'express from Captain Humphiey. of Stoe port, axna uncing thelmeiatioiy faet S.te ?? iow ?? de, oif M\r. Th6~i. A~hlton,(eldest *tnoitf.r. 'aml. Ashtot., ?? Bank,Werre'th, nair Ilyde) the previous evening,' anil requesting tisciassistince of ally of the oiecrs ...

Law Intelligence

... ?? -- Uaw. .: ?? , COvitrr Or KiS5G'S BENCIT. . TfIE APOTIIECARlUS`S COMl.IPN v. V1 RVAN.-This aetion, which. was tried at the last Assizes at Maid stone, before Mr. Baron Bayley, waz brought to secover certain penalties for pravtising as an apo. thecary without a license. At the trial, evidence was =iven of nine eases in wiViA!! it was said tile defendan.t had practised as adapotbecary. It ...

Law Intelligence

... naw Intelligrare. .L COURT OF EXCHEQUER, DEC. 1. al I 5TEPiENES V. 1ROBINSON AND A!NOTHEt. S na Mr. Spankie stated that the plaiotiff in this ac- st 0- tion wras the publisher of a weekly inewspalper st es called the Christian Advocate, and having spent tl nid various snms~of money in the printing and pub. pi le. lishing of that paper, he now sought to recover the c id. same fromai the ...


... ?? iOltO uca2I C mU PJ a u VO ore ~acat tie last of anoruer 1111M, - \vth Vicar of I,1101i5bliig to ('~ial ~I~e the oliCt, mad il a e, o ,.ljirpilltl) ~iqt l ' L itlostulupqr- T 'rl ?? doi stl gl),am st uzes t ; 1t,)al' c~ b;e 0)rgart S and(£ o)thegr.suitc)s ild 05' jiltetil~v1; Gul llell Ijn 'ioldtlyast, lto hear Ill 1l ltie ?? a|llijicitti>ii to thlc~cv. ilali ill ?? ttl uier aider was made ...

Law Intelligence

... I Draw - INSOLVENT lt'ivrTOnS' COuiuT; On Monday evening last, John David Sivrighf described ns fornterly of Calcutta, attorn y's-0olerk caine- ill to be heardi uporl lis petition, sw hen his diseharge was opposed hy John Sykes, a ereditrn on a. bill of exehanige for £1,6-The insolvent un.erwent a Shhrt examination, from shich it apip ared that he had conic to this coiuntri on a letter of ...

Law Intelligence

... - t!ab . Cost7a.3ro1ii PLEAS, N IWEFDNESDAY.--I16OtlIUY V. SU S~eiick.-.-Thjs was an action of assault atfldl hat sC , ter'y V Ti epla~idtifi'dwas 'a musician On loard t'ie Pl 7 '/SI&fa B~ast Itincia free trader, but raied -S a ?? di ,n-ia I ha defendant was commander of thl Vesssel. t .tppeiried, fidn the evidaiee of threco'f thle crew tiat defendanlt having ordered the Ient' to brili their ...

Law Intelligence

... UAW fatellioulte. I , O.URT OF EXCHEQUER. JO)NE8.V. BaOwa a.ND oraisa.-rhis' was anll- tiv,i brought by the plaintiff, vvhq is a nuil mana Uaturer, rcsiding in Waorcester, for the recovery ofi It Ue ?? df 'a Liil of exehange of *488l. 13s. 6d. The defendants fci're chemnical and 'colour manu .4accluioi, easrrvaig' on business at Battersea, aiid thW facts of the cas6.were rather of a singpilar ...

Law Intelligence

... , PAUPEFr S stirr ?? At i9 now before St Parliament relating to this branch of the pDooI' i laws, which is well deserving the attention of the an i inhabitants of twns generally. It is entitled a tis -r Bill to alter and'amend the Laws of Settlemen t, W by hiring and' service; and by its provisions, nto Bi imale person cab, after the periodn of its passing t oblsi % a settlement in any parish ...

Law Intelligence

... Aaw T'eU~i~e -.-does ?? I . OURT OF ViCtoG 76gnCaL of Rat to. W&riEr 0f ?? will be recol- stal lected that,. in tlhe ebtwe df lat tersn Slr.J. Scar. Pie Iett, obtained a rule to show cause whv a criminal des 'inf'ormation should not be filed agapnstl1essrs. Wak. o'cl iey, Walker, Ksecne oaeing, and Der ?? of.1 .'of the Rltval College of Silgeoon, for a e nospirncy it 'Rito'TaI~ ?? The etre or ...

Law Intelligence

... uaw? lilitem-yelife. PlrESTON ET CTION RUITS -Richalrd Warvick, retlil brewer, an6i ftrmerly a livery stale reeper, iln Prestoll, was inldicted ?? an assault and riot, ano also for exditing the mob to commit a breach of' the peace, whereby the prosecutor, Clhails Ratcliff, was seriously injmmred.-MIr. Ratcliff was esuployed to conduct Mr. Stanley's voters to the polliing booths, ail gave in ...