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Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ABES13LD1E: BEE~ SPLIES, 17-blic Stooms . riE .SECOATD ASSBIiRlLY willtalkeplace, in th: U Public llooms, on TixunsDry the 13tli ?? text. ' Dancing to commcnce at l, o'clock. : ¢* Care7.,r mt 2 anidre/eshnmits asresual. S &trangers, introduced by Subscribers, to pay 7s. Gd. cach. tron grev The Stewardrs are requested to meet, in the Card Room of ?? n Public Rlooms, on the 'lth Jan. at 3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TNi'eturning thainkis to his Frilculs and the Public iu genera, r.?± 'for thxe liberal suppetlie has hith itO roceived, begs leald reaiictfiilly to ijthutite, that he has Im RI EDEOVI) to that flouse, t ?? _, OaoottOi Uwyii, whichll he l1ies fited Ip) iln a guliteela inalnu-e, where he tiosts, by simireniitted attentioen to biumineEs, r to s2erit ficolatiulinlci? oft the public fiwour ' He ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? fering his sincere'tblufki for the very liberal patvolnage JjN itlc which lie has bieen thvoured for the linst, 30' years fsiul upwairds, would beg imost respoetfally to auniounce, that inl addi-. tion to his Sonl RoniaEr, heI has also admlittedl iltO PRartnerhip), D_&vti Rod 'AcXAeNDIe, IIho have been regularly bird inl thl CoatI'ECTIOaeEiiy anti PASTIV, Iline, and ?? then buisiness will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V0t dlay qf June, 11131. til UIjni't s.5jiget l reni'tors of At. If WN ANv, illm j VX7 gt'm il (Jarutoittih, lies intti that ain ismuderstaudting' I- is likiult to tal plw, t it the Trustee olsalid Estate, i i I ur', Oft jIC pliretno-el', of' thel ?? inl May Last, wthicl I'if isot 'V ~o pit iti stilp to tfiny lenid into a1 loil,' ,, Ii cation '-is if WYII tli''(ftrioreIder, a full IIMefetiii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ECTs II tile PUBIt.C ROOMS, on TtrmnAxtltO 'th1 .jm~ 11tu1eli JkeXt. D)inknee at Fivte o'Cloclk. Bsitooteoolit loiii' A4ber'deen, Ia/li1 PlC. 1831. M-W2 IAESTYf'1 .2Y.VE.-OAT. r7`1HE NORTHERN U-NITEDI SERICY(E CLUBi macts itt Aziinls('itS'x, onl 'ITtIS1i.\X'1m 2-4th hist. 1)1 ?? ait o o'clock. ,Abel'deen, 18//h lelt. 11331. CONCE1T. ASTE,'R ALEXAN'DER ltK NZ~,Sati of thel lalte AELt'tIict ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE Annual General1 meeting of the PAR.TNERS wfill he Titeli inl thle conIpauxS olrl,,, upon~ Wednesdaiy tho 10oth day of Augulst next, at tw elve o'clock noon. The DlsuT~coRS of tile COMPtANY ?? Suggest to such p1 preceeS ats hatve not yet avail&ef themlselves of' tilt vctmnsenity of' p Ga~s Lioiur, the proprietv of inching anl early application, II order that the ocececary fit'tings may lie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To W/c (credhora Qf (hle df .t',wri ?? G.2ES flosS. Creditors of MI,:S 3tOSs itr requeisted to ?? .. Me ii, it) lie. hil iti li ouster's Hotel liere, (il AfuiiiaN the 300 AfLv ii xt, for examining, Cte general dispotinee5 hit ii` Iliimsuimiwi ilthe ?? ~'dcail proparlatorv tII a d(listirili offthe' II tils bohriti wdtte. Its tht,! at itc otitni, it is r ~iwtcd.i tiat siuch of tli tireditos it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIZS DAY. AB ERDEENSHIRE HO]RTICULZTUaAZ SQCWFTY, r HE Fifth Competition of thg Society for the T present year will be held in the Halt of the Ne.NW IUn, this (lay. Doors to be open to visitors Ta from one tQ half-past folbur, nd at five o'clock, the 9 Annual Dinner of the Members enm Visitors will take place, vwien all the Fruit competed with will Y - ,bc used. The Hellwill be splendidly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t- - - ?? ?? - D ESSENGER;AT-ARIMS AND AUCTIONEER. 1 OHlN F. TAYLOR (wvith reference, to former Adve6tise- ,5 miclt) begs to intimate to the Gentlemen of the Ltiw anild. ec the Publicat large, that baleits now been, admitted a MlS- - Ao SENGEEI-AT-A IS, anld is ready to discharge the dutits of (. that office ill F'YVIE nld neighbollring Parishes, and hopes of by strict attention to busituss, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~ ~55Ot C~lC IIVNG .'LIlBRAYCIES, one of 230 Vo1mcs ?? bound, manyli of theml StaMd ~sdWorlk, aqndts ?? ?? n M19, ISo. ThelRt l)oW' O'dsevng1o t attention of thlose intuindinig to .C~tl)aihor oter inrsbei ng abyeiy rlnablo tol- -teotherci-ontainys did- ~volumens, 'srtl~lto for' a .uvENIL Lnn~tY fet r 7.the glcjear pall-tb bingy RVtgi'. tt ocs Books~, run well fitted foxi Sabbuthi School 'irny ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE PEOPLE OF SCOTLAND. ti, 5 HIS Majesty's Ministers, with the unqualified assent ant dl)- 1711.probation of our Patriotic King, having resolved to contir 9 Political Freedom oil Upwards of SIXTY TuOUSAND SCOTS.UEN, . by the important measure at present under discussion in Parlia- - 3 ment, A Report of the Entire Debate, Taken without the slightest abridgement from the London Jour- nals, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iIF SECOND A1ssf$¢E-B' l'Y will tatse place, in tht l! Public Rooms, on TiltnoflSAY the 13tk qt'January11 N/ next. Dancing to commence at 8i o'clock. ?? - ~be CV'I Cards rrrtd RefCeshm utrta's UStertl. 5Ingers, introduced by Subscribers, to pay 7s. 6d. each. The Siteveards are reqetextd to mieet, ini the C'ard Reoom of Pblic iRooms,, on the l3th Jan. at o'clock r.t., to malce NVI arrattetivnts ...