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Advertisements & Notices

... DERBY IMPROVE' lA'IFTT ACT. NOTICE is hereby Given, that the Annual N General Meeting of the Commissioners under the Act of Parliament passed in the sixth year of the Reign of his late Majesty King George the Fourth, intituled ' An Act for better paving and otherwise improving the Borough of Derby, is appointed and will be held at the Guild Hall, in Derby aforesaid, on Saturday, the 30th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T1HIS DAY IS PUJBLISHED, N EXiPOSI'rioN of the LAWS of SOCIAL A1 3C(ONOMY. ByRt.CA LVE HT, M.D., Physician u0 the Force-4. Effingham W1 il.on. It is not saying ton much in praise of this little volume, ba it is the compllet .et Grammar of Political Economy rith 1,h we arc acquainted. The author looks for the .xed and inmnut:able principles which form the basis of nciety. instead of' the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOIWER IILL, REPTOAM TO BE LET; GOOD HOUSE pleasantly situated contiguous A to the Village, and four Acres of Land, with Stable and suitable Outbuildings.-Enquire of Mr. J. C. WAnD. Repton, 21st Feb. 1831. ILAM, SEAR ASHBOURN. TO BE LET, AND ENTEIIED UPON AT LADY-DAY NEXT, Fjp HE IZAAC WAL'I'ON HO'fEL, with suitable C. Coach Houses, Stabling &c. Also attached to it, a FARMI, consisting of 180 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i °~FIRST 9 1J3YL SUI3SCRII IPO' N I3ALL, Dg fftjSI)AY1 XNoVxEEnER 3rd, 1831. . ftEA'1 iIrJrLroT, P-so. Stewarod. I It TO 12. tion Tickets (one poinl) to be had of lr. Benirose, ,,bS(TiP h~fsfrket Pla~ce. fir Non.subscribers, 7 shillings. I ANI DRESS R AlN(d. lIRS. MANFULL, zIn MII. J RD, of Nollinyh~mn,) .-, i I anounces to tbe Ladies of f 'll its \ itcinity, licr intention of coimencing |l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RE SOLUTIONS Passed at a Public Meeting, held at Bakewell, on the 18th July, for the purpose of forming an Association for promoting the Purity of Election; JOHN BARKER, Esq. in the Chair; I. FPHAT an Association be formed, to be called 1 The High Peak Association for Promoting the Purity of Election. II. That this Society be open for the reception of all members of the elective body who ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FRIAR,41 GATE, DERBY. TO BE LI'T, A Commodious FAMILY HOUSE, with or withl- ort Stable, Coach-house, and Field containing about four Acres of LTand. Further particulars may be had on application (if by letter, post paid) to tile Rev. K. SI MPsox, 97, Friar Gate, Derby. Derby, 8th Jan. 1831. GEORGE INN AND COMMERCIAL HOUSE, BE LPER. 7'O BE LET, with immnediale Possession, A LL that well ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AJPPII TTFD MEDICINES, iSold by the P'riuter of this Paper, and the principal Medicine Venders in the Kingdom. Country. Dealers supplied at the Londorn Prices. ,UTLLER'S VEcrTtAtsi.E rOOTH POWDEO-Ihis ..J1entiftrice (Composed of Vegetables without the ad- mixture of any 31ineral, or pernicious ingredient wiratever,) has so long been in general rise, and anl appendage to rile foshionable toilet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... cupF's FARkERS' FRHM~lv, F t fow acknowledged by thowrandii of respecinble .5.Farners, (ansossg siumierris prourls sri irs eacli Agesrt lieas a list o I Cases soft, R. Tenrets, Esq. of' l-rorrsfreld, trear Ludltow, 'ror whorns it i s as evei since Mrichsaelmas lass, horses, cowis, caives, asid laorbhss) as tire best asid roost effics- cioris Mledicinre ever discovered finr thle cure ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET, And entered upon at jlfichaaelsnas next, Good MALT OFFICE.-A PPIY to Mrr. GEO. A WOOTTON, Swarkestone, near Derby. ASHB3OURN. To be disposed of at a fair Valuation, A N Old Established IRONMONGERY CONCEISN, which has been carried on nearly half a century by the present occupier, who, from ill health, wishes to decline business. Letters (post-paid) addressed to Mr. Hoov, Bookseller, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rojV(ER TS POSTPONED. the especial and immediatie Patronage of e RIG1T HON, LADY SCARSDALE, be HON, MRS. ALFRED CURZON, Dry COUVILE, &c. &C. chARLES COLVILE, High Sheriff, thS B' CIIAS. STEAD HOPE, M'rayor, JoS' STRtUT{, Esq. c &c, & ,jASTrER GEORGE ASPULL A the holour to announce, that having most l dVerten')l fixed his Concerts in PASSION WEEK, J th bdvice of many friends Postponed the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEiE SAILORS' HOME!, AND DESTITUTE SAILORS' ASYLUM. FI HE Annual Meeting, of the above excellent IL Society will be held (1). V.) at the Lancastrian School Room, on Wednesday next, the 14th instant. Captain GEORGE GAMBIER, RN. the Rev. JOHN DAVIS, (Chaplain of the Episcopal Floating Church.) and other Friends, are'expected to attend. Chair to be taken by the MAYOR, at 12 o'clock. Derby, Dcc. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (.TO BE pjET, And enter upolun ihe Mtontb 6fJanruary next, , .LL thar'(aitA1 WhER CORN MILL, A Brick ant '~kili, vwtli a gltater Wheel which drives two Pair ofStole and excellent Epoms for Granaries, Also a. convenj t DHVELLING ROUSE adjoining, with Piggeries, Stable, Gardo, and four Acres of fine meadow Laud, with the appurtenances, situate at Duffleld, in the county of'Derby, and now in the ...