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Advertisements & Notices

... XOPTIIUMIDEflLAND JNEWJSfROAM kEntramnce, .Beresf4,7.- place. 'E:RSONS diesirouis Of' ?? the ?? ni s n limited Variety' (1i NeW slopers and periodical o - ay& opportunitY fcia so ini this Estabthbjs lt V taIrl-Y Subserijttion ~t I ti flulf Year - 0 l2 64 /9 'U'ntlemell not residelt ?? ,nys~ ulscrl'bef Ie, Paoil Onte S'i'lling. N. 1. Avaretyof ondn ad oher Papers, with Periiodicals, for Sale, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? \ v RE-ROYAL The Public .s ?? informed that the Opera of Cinderella, will be fnallv laid aside after the ensuing week, in cobsieqqen'ce, of' many noelt~es in preparation, rid. th0eapproaching term.- nation of Miss Betts and Mr. Sapioa's engagemneq. HIS EVENING (SATURDAY) jauasn '29, ,t4ir ?? T1 jesties' Servants will perform the new ?? of CINDOERELLA, OR THE FAIRY QU3EN AND THE GLASS SUIPPE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE-ROYAL T HIS EVENING, MOND.Y January 31, 1831, their Majesties' Servants will perform' thie Historical Dramr of2 - A-WAV RVLERY.. Prince Charles Jarmes Edward Stuart, Mr.!M. Stanley ; The Baron of B3radwaidirnie MlIr. Gattie; Fergus Mhlver Viqh Ian Vohr, Mr. Vunderihoff; Edwaird Waferley,' Ir Kiiig; Flra, ~Jl~r. ias . lKel~; osaBradivardine, Miss Covdney. At'tertlie Play the celewbrated ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NETW IZCSTABLISHNENT, FOIt TIXE SXA :\OF SILK MERCERY, I1ABER- DASIlERY, LACE GOODS, &c. ESBITT. AND Co iFS Ec 6 I1: rY ~nnounoe to thie Pubcli btlt l4aves jtalen tle ertfnsive EstablishmentIately ocfpiedy Mr. \ No- 16, DAME-STRFET, J Wxleretbey intend carrying on Business in the abort different branches. From their immnediate connexion *witb Loandet and Sc<o 3lainifq,.xturing IIeuses of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THYA The Public is respectfulv informed that the Opera o Cinde- rella will be finallv laid aside afterthis week, in conseqince of macny novelties in 'preparation, and the approaching termination of Miss Betts' and 3ir. Sapio's engagement. T HIS EVENING (TUESDAY) February 1, tbeir a. ijesties' Servants will perform the new grand Opera, C1NDEREL-LA, OliTHE FAIRY QUEEN AND THE GLASS SLIPPER. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IN~SOLVENNT'S AUCTION TTETRKSIAA1 iNo. 13GRAFTON:STREET, Renrieved there, for Convenience of Sale. In the tnatter Of )1MEetrPoprty of the said mreal- Wlam Brsol nvent, cmpisng a general assort-' h an In olver. ~rrntotWoolln lxapetv, Mluerseles QuilIts, ~~ J Blankets, Plated Ware, cutlery and Ilrrrd- inl walre, Ribbons, Linenis and Muslisrs, Leghorn II4I F'arcy th 6jOOds, together, with some ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a -GtCASH.. -IEAELYHATF-A-MILLION OF MONE'Y TO L AN EXC'LLENT OPPORTUNITY NY proportions of thle above may imro A , Freeijolid P-roerty- for sevenydr etdorll, t4 ?? cenl Alo nn Letehtli, co I hler- !Zhandiz.e, ,and approvecl Iferjon;ll Securities at 5 pere: t insums fircm 1001 . to 10 0O0i. Observe, no expeils(s are (- unless the c',ash issactlinlv adv anced at w hich timere the 'chargess, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE-ROYAL. The Public is respectfully informed that the Opera of Cisade- rella will be linallv laid aside after this week, in consequence of many novelties in preparatt o, and the approaching termination of Miss Betts' and Mr. Sapio's engagement. rHIS EVENING (WEDNESDAY) February 2, their 1a.- .Ljesties' Servants will perform the newv grani Opera of CINDERELLA, OR THE FAIRY QUEEN AND THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IE' i U1 l pr1f frmed, that in consequenceof SL It'h?&- h~te ^e~einJ ofrth e wLeather, THE TIlEA T E WIlLL ~liV NN (ITHURSDAYY. His Excell t e A wr has been pleased tdirect that the Perfortiac I ' ANNOUNCED BY CO)MMAND, shall be postponed till next week. SNOW AND FROST. Paving Corporation House, 1st Feb. 1831. T HE Cominissinners- for Paving, &c. request that the ?? X bitants and Proprietors ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NiE TV ESTABLISFHMSL.NT, F0 T1E OF ';SFnLK 1'fFiR M CERY, ILAiE1- DASHE' RY;, JCE GUo, s. ~ NMESBITT AND CO. ~R1 ;EChi Fl]LLY allnnounloc to the iPubtI; tht it ave taktin the ?? Establislmcnt, latelv occuid Tr. No. 16, DAMIP-STRETII', I 11'here they intend carrying oia Iludiaaess in the abov diiferent branches. lrotle their immediate conexioul wif Lo.eidon and Sretci Platllfateurin I, Rmises ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4f,17-.r * b1 ;~ B :Sl BY AUCTION. 'RODD'S GRTAT ROOMS. SAChVII.LE-SII EXT. AUCTION Of HouselioldFurniture; a Ceiling Lustre, with rich cut d a; 97 pair of Blankets; 25 ends of superfine Cloth; a ight- day Clock, &c. &-c. / On THIS DAY (Friday), February 4, 18 THE Furniture comprises two dozen of Parlour Chairs one l dozen of Drawing-room ditto, vith Sofa to match; dining, breakfast, card, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRICE OF IRISH STOCKS ON TiJTURSDAY. tinvernment Consols, 3 per Cent . ?? 80j stock, 34 per cent ?? Bqjj _ ~Ditto Red ?? 89 ai1 _ _ tDitto, Si per Cent. (new) . ?? )eb. zj per Cent. (of 92] 6Y. 2d) .. ?? Bank St. k ?? * * - - , ~ 214 t.1A , iand C aIlI DPeb. 6 per cent. red. to 4 ster. per ann 8Sj Grandi Cf nal 1)eb. 4 per cent. redi to 21. 13iS. 4d. per ann. 57 Ba1last Office Debentures, 4 ...