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... , ICfA IL tw,5U0 -T'he Gold :Cop, iby subscriptiions otf 10 toys, each, (isv all Ages. Twvo miles. (It subs.) -Marquis of Cleveland's b. -h. Siotf'orth, by Octavian i I Mr Walker's hr. c. Itoubilliaer, by FEilho da Pluta 2 5 to'4 on 'Roubilliac. A-flne race, and won by half a Thigth Alibe ilat&:f L.5D, for all ages. Beats, 2 miles ;and a distance. - Sir D).A~rd's b. a.Carolan, by ...


... - d . ,tlV iM ls. . GRAND DAY S SPORT WITH THE LINLITriGPW AND ti ISTIRLINGSI5IRE FOX HOUNDS. I This crack pilck rrdt at Preston, on Thursday week, when n a line fox was unklennelled. aody after a ?? buist tl of e'rht 'miles .silhout a check, .cross the hill country, Sie took'refige inthe dairy at Copkburn. Here, however, S _ he wAS unlfortmuate ii his retreat, for a bound dashed thr6uil al ...


... iYORK RiACES CONCLUDED. F cilny, Aug. 5.-One-third of the Gieat-Subscription of 2sovs. ea h, with 50 added by'the Corporation, Yr four I year ordis-asil iipwards 2 -miles. (S subs.) Won by lrl. Peee se It-io, y-Viseau, sgaunst three others.. ;.A swva?p$takes ol 1110 sovs. eacii;h ft. rvv'ye~iold(s. f5i sub~s ) !i o\n by Sir SPetre s ch . ;le :eauforr, a-anst 'Duk.e'of I eedis 's f. Leidy Ylsud ...


... , ad- Iidh reference to the' notice of the. mnsatc between the Con 'aym I ., . .u- ehb, contained in -our Oaper'of 4uU! fol Saturday laSt, we now subj'oin a detailed account Of Abe CoW re~ nolches. made in the third and deciding match whiclP~ lia~ a tai - been furnished us~ by a corresi tderb.nloiga h icl ~abstract lof the three-matches between the Clubs, the d~itcd th ce it snperiority of ...