Advertisements & Notices

... lleak, Dlec. 29O,1013, WE,tb div. ndrsliget Sablao'ihers to the FLI lor' E lie testuriitlion of Voork Chttlieidral, Opposicil. ng the iI eniovllI of the 01irgO1i Scr'ecii, consider the DIieesloni o thet Mkl~iceillt idil4e of tie!f~I O eteciler, 11n ?? Odii tO:I. 1tILL 01 July List, fill TO~c t ?? Of the uicen. Subteribers have hi -Cyilfilit.:C~ ly the proilite titn of Eiigrjvi nlgA it iiP ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / PRES TONASS BIEL HE Ladies and Ge ~tlem eon of I rres;on and tthe Neigh- bo bourbod are respctfully infokmed, thbt the AS- SEM8BLIES advetisede for TUESDAY and THuRSDAY next, *i not take place. preston, Decemberr3Ch, ..830. PR.ESTON GAS-LIGHT COMPANY. EHE HALF-YE-ARLY MEETING of Propietorsiof r the lreston Gas-Light Compcny, will bcli~ ?tlte CASTLE INN,, on Mo`dy' the 3rd day Of JANUARY next ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Soflnelet [lo ~~ ' ~~ ~~ ttreriirr sit St!derits, that the SCHIOOLS bF1dy HOW lrtt AR, psIt.A. see. {JA.NA\VAL CHARITABLE SO. ~~t QU~AiEETING will be held at thel eIl . .rIito seet, oil Monclay thle filth Di' Ja- tt.5 ii G s eec LE 1bM-L 8RHA S nlefr Wcst-. for~ till.iL OURNISA COVI1rr of thIn r iragA 'Itijll, onoThurirday next, the Ii th Janary;itv EDWARD) FOSS, flou. See. So 'il SEA OUSE, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T REGE'S HEAL.ALL, or celebrated-Em~bro- U cationhas long been known throughout the West of England, as the most efficacious Remedy for. Rhetimatism, Rhcumatic Gout, Lumbago, Pains in the Limbs and-Nuimb- ness, Sciatic and Paralytic Afrections, Tooth Ach and Face Ach, SprainsandnBruises, fresh Wounds or Cuts, Burns and Scalds, Spasms and -Cramp, Stiffness of the Joints or Neck, Frozen Limbs, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ripe 1,'derVooJ, at Besselsieqjh, Be}rAs. 10 BE, SOLD BY AUCTION, !By W. FISHER, the ChcqucTs at Besselseigh.-About Ten Acres of Ccdlflet UNDERWTOOD, now standing ?? ar Bcseelsleigb aforesaid. D lrtller particulars will be given in next week's Paper. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... wQZa8TLEI UPON RDY~J AWD OARLI8LM W AN'TED, 300 TONS of No.2 BAR IRON, te Sanntling to be 3 lucles by Inh, and in Length, about 15 Feet; to bedelivered, one Halfupon Necastle Qnav, andl one I lalf at the Canal Basin at Carlisle, before the 25th March next. Proposals vill be received at te Office of the Railway Comn. pany, 16, Newgate Street, Newcastle, until the 25th of January next. Payment ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LITTL/ A E TE KSCHOOL, OXFORD1t. T NUTT respectfully informs his friends and Q 0 the public, that the duties of his School will be re- sumed on Monday, January the 17th. LAZDlETS' S;CZZOO;I,W ITNE, oxOX\. Conducted by Mrs. H. DOBNEY. TE1RM1S. For Board and Tuition in the English and French Iaanguages, flistory, Geography, and Composition, with plain and or. namental Needlework, TWENTY-TWO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A' I' R S reiler'tfsiully itifsanl theirj Ci hat their 6CHlliOL wtil. rtel I 'r S ti( 'Itt of tiamlay, Iit:;i a ?? ('kO RDNNG SCi lO0b-171 X1iss clijfs t'iss ilts Firiwtidsi ani the fipssill their s'iii1iil, still be 3e.iuirii u I-f 2itil Poe ]fluid).'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~it -' ?? ll N' D)ON rspcfil t !w Pit si', andthi is Paublht, ttti,s thirfl arll ii OiN~~'i nit ?? theg Stice.ii ,'Sr'1 , Lice' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t )EARS' GREASE.-This ArLicle penetrnitss mue) llh qluiCker, and retilnus itS fnitiira loger thnn a thlly otber Au imuil or Vegetable Oil, and ?? ?? be if ows ky I i s ryplearanclle. AM s A'lI'iNSON, PEaRFratRit, l'eeSleCttnlyIY Inforrnm the Ptibile, tatt lie ?? recelvs iat supily Itmm lL teapeart- tutble I'soetsi I Rsinda, it1111 it 15 ect Ouit ill Pots wvithiiiu t the . least Admiilxtiure, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... XEDUCATION. PUNDALk ISS NICHOLSON and Mi86 SMIiTH resecififly inform t the Public, thait theijy BOARDINi and DAY SCHOuL, for YOUNG LAIES, will open on the tstof Jantia 13.1 They beg leave to assure Parents and Guardians, a fr the highly nmproved, and superior mpthods they mea t in teacihig.tihe diffurent branches of EducatioLn, thev fee LcAX ent in being ahle to convey instruction toth Oir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the SicA and lo Nea ntiez of Nwca.ile GENERAL QUARTERLY COURT of the GOVERNORS will be holden at the Infirmnas7, on ursday, the 6th January, 1881, at Eleven ?? an the renoon, when the Attendance of as many Governors as can Ike t convenient, is particularly requested. By Order, K.L J. WINCH, Secretary. wastle, Dec. g, 1830. HERE will be a BALL on the Evening of Tues- day, the ]st of February, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... )y -7- - 'aintage Prite-hed &al'iet. ous 1N consequence of the Lord of the Manor of WVan- I l X tage having kindly permittcd the Farmers to pitch their lict Corn 'ollfree in the town of MWantage, her2eby or, given, that the Fartners ii tdtc neighbourhood intend to pitch ast their Corn there on Saturtlay thle [th day of January, 1831, rtli at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon, and to ...