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... A few days ago a very melancholy occurrence took place at Caherci- veen, county of Kerry. A party of young sailor amateurs were eniraged in a boat regatta, at Valencia harbour; Mr. Maurice Q'Connell, 31. P., was President of the Club, and, when the arrangements were nearly comv- pleted, under his inspection, Captain Primrose, of the 73d regiment, lately returned home on leave of absence from ...


... | On Thursday night, just before the conclusion of the performance at Astley's, Miss Burnett, one of the figurantes, in performing one of her evolutions, by some means slipped, and fell with considerable violence on the stage. Some of the performers immediately ran and raised her up, when it was discovered that she had broken one of her legs just below the knee. A coach was instantly procured, ...


... TEMPLEIORrE PET'IT SESSIONS. [FKOrs THlE TIP'PERARY ORFE PRES8.] LORD ANGLESEA AND DANIEL O'CONNELL. A soldier of the 50th Regiment appeared before the Ma- gistrates at Tem plenrore on Wednesday last, and coni- plained of a publican named fIendy, a well-known patriot arid admnirer of great men, who had employed him to paint a sign, with likenesses of the above esteesned characters - lie never ...


... MANSION-HOUSE.-ELEGANCR AND EAsr,-A weaver named HEATH, and a chimney-sweeper named CHANDLER, were brought before the Lord Mayoi, charged with having driven In a curricle furiously through the town, and with having horsewhipped a police officer for requesting that they would not run over the people. The officer stated that his attention was arrested in the streetby the confusion of persons who ...


... MANSION-HOUSE.-For some time past the partners in one of the first banking houses in the City, have been beset by an individual who formerly was in the East India service. He was in the habit of going into the banking-house, and 5 loudly demanding recompence for losses which he said he c had sustained at the hands of a great capitalist who was I well known to the gentlemen of the firm, whom he ...


... COURT OF KING'S BEBNUII.-SA7URDAY. I)cXSTrA\ AND A:,OTIIER V. INIVERlIAL GAS-LImGIT ANDt CoaE CO-x1ANY.-Mr. CAM1PBELL stated that tile Company hadl been incorporated by Act of Parliament, in 1822, with power to ricat e bye-laws, resolutions, and orders, to be an- theiticated by the common seal. A resolution was passed that a guinea should he paid to each Director for every at tendance at the ...


... COURT OF IVMGS B.ENc.-'7TUESDAY. NEw.,iAN v. Dowsor,.-This was an action brought to recover 32g., the balaiice.of an account. The plaintiff, a bookseller, in Frith-street, Soho, supplied to a Mr. Dowson, of whom the defendant was the executor, a considerable number of the Porteous Bibles, as they were called. Dowson, the testator, was treasurer to a society established in 1824, for the ...


... COURT OF COMA) 1UN COUNCIL. Yesterday a Court was held for the dispatch of business. In answer to a question put to the Chairman of the London- bridge Committee, that Gentleman replied, that no alteration could be made in the approaches to the new bridge, without t the consent of the Lords of the Treasury. FREEDOM OF THE. CITY TO THE JEWS. Mr. CHARLES PEARSON presented a Petition from Mr. ...


... '' I G UILDHALL.-Yesterday, Mr 'Bradbury, of the firm of Messrl J Bradbury and Rhodes, grocers, 77, Aldersgate-street, corner of Barbican, informed Mr. Alderman COPELAcND that he was in hide-- shop on Saturday night last, when some person fired at him with an air-gun, the ball from which perforated one of the wilndows an -.: whizzed past his bead.-The Alderman said he would grant-a war' I rant ...


... AS IZV INTELLIGENCE The HantniSepecI Coa ssr iou hoeld ;ajt Wrnchleatste 4loeed pa ThursclX 2 sighs. 3.011 Jsec. lt has las~ted ?? one dayr of a fostuight, duringL which time Mi urisoirers have herlatebee le tinie ~ ~ ,, a~ ?? rpipallv corn icted (six of 17hom hlaieheed .elef Sere'se tioJ 6 nawsse b~een sentenced to tranepoetansonl, i65 :to be Lipri- 5S;Lned I.d ke~pt to haird hdtab~ and 67: ...


... COURT OF COMIMONA' COUNCIL, THE MINISTERIAL MEASURE OF REFORM. Yesterday, a Court was held for the purpose of adopting Resolutions expressive of the sense entertained by the Cor- poration of London of the plan of Reform introduced by his Majesty's Ministers. A great deal of interest was excited by the occasion, and never have we seen the striangers below the bar so closely packed together. Mr. ...


... COURT OF CIANCERy.p- RIL,>41 14OLMES V. GooDwoRTIs -Sir EDWARtD SUGDEbi and Mr. Bi iiitt, for the plaintiff in this cause, appeared in sup- port of an appeal from an order of the Vice-Chancellor. The object of the application was to obtain compensation out of the defendant's estate for certain freehold property which had been devised to the plaintiff, but which had been sold under the di- ...