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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the ' instairIt. at 31 e' r. 'IJia, Clitterhiie Selkirk. batit 01 Pendrl.-toi. Oiln tic t29th instant, Mr Btarlow~, o~ trv 1 moor, to Nlisi Bdradbury, dom-lhter M'hr, .cs' -hr the Bl~ack Swan ion . Chue O.t.-io On the -2.Ali instant, a't M. Lewia rd a Iti). 1H;( , Isaiah. third sosl of itr. M5 nel l t, ii' Oldhrilt r'l neiitiat,; third dauutiho .i 0r0l-tr K:7, 0, o~l t 01a the ~'arme li ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... O, n Thuraday last, at tbe Colilegiz te Church, Mr. Ro bert Choad . wic..k coach proprietor, Ito Mii An n $ulme, of P1ilsirorth: .. ame day, at he satme place, i1r. aept bt1ead, toMiss Mary Lee, both ofthis taion. :. . . On Wednesday last,;at the sametplace, Mr. Charles'Durrnte, of Douncater, drUlist, to Miss Sosanusa ickin, of Cboriton Row. On Monday last; at the Same plae.'Mr. Orlando ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED,-. On the t1ith instant. at the Collegiate Church, by the Rev.. R. Remington, Mr. John Jonea, .cheesetactor, to Miss Sarah Garner, boils of this town. On the 24th ins-ant, atth' Chilegiate Church, Mr. John William Mackenzie, musician, to MAliss Ann Hodgkinson, both of thit tokvn. '- . ' .-. - D ' - On the23d instant, at the Collegiate Church, by the Rev. Oswald Sergeant, Mr. Richard ...

.5. nMARRIAGES. On t

... he 8th instant, at the Collegiate Church, Mr. Robert Ken- yen, to Miss Mary Erskine, both of this town. Same day. at the same place, Mr. William Jones, to Miss Mtar Johnson, both of this town. On the 5th instant, at the same place, by the Rev. Herbert AlIkin, Mr. Robert Mellor Garnett, to Miss Elizabeth Ollerbesd, of Rochdale. Same day, at the same place, Mr. Peter Yates, of Stockplmt, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... * 11T~~>AhRYtIAGEiS. On the 8th instant, at the Collegiate Churc.h, Mr. Wim. Glover, of Liverpool, to Miss Janet lzaf, of this town. On the 0th instant, at the samte place, Mr. John Carrett, of Market Drayton, in the.coUnty of Saltp, to Miss Mary Bayley, of .this tovn. . 'On tile Llthsinssant, at the same place. Mr. Robert Nattasiel Edrards, corn dealer, to Miss ElizabeLti t tladel, both of k ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DMAnUxAGES. On the 20tb instant, at the Collegi'ate Ciurch, by the lle M. Itandall. Mr. lOias Gleneross, to Miss Mary ljolLa, hoibs;i Heateln Norris. On the t9Ih instant, at the same place, Mr. Ben amint Brcirlc to Miss Jane Hay, of linchdale. On the 18th instant, at the same place, Mr. J(.in Wliipp or Little Mitton, farmer, to Miss Sarah 1 reining, ofnlikti t an On tile 17th instant, at the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 30tb ult:, al t COl6ate Chlrch, Mt. Thomas Bail, to MiivsIohanna Longx both of this-tovi, -. Sanie dav,. at the sans- place,' Mri George Webb, to Miss Amelja Jactison, both of this town.. On the Ist instant, at the samn place, Mr. Thntnas RoeellifS,'ter, ofthis toiwn, to Miss Jane lferry, of Huddernfiel,. -On the 27thl ult., at Mjiidleton, Mr Thomas, second Son of Mr. Jnhn Bfmkley ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... SAn1}t.&RGE S. On the 9th instant, at the Collegiate Church, *Ir Charlen Fredrick Hartdman, ot Liverpool, merchant, to Miss Elioasbth Harwood, of Ardtvick. On the 8th instast, at the Crlleviote Church, h'r Henry Shephard, of Churton Rowv, to Miss Julia Nielson, of thoe aunv, place. Same day, at the Collegiate Church, John Bill, Emq. of Fir. le i the county ot Staflbrd, to Miss Sarah ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ZMARRIAG-ES. On the 9th instant, at the Collegiate Church, bv the Rer. W. Mayebhureb, B. A., of St. Edmund's Hall, Oxford, the Rev.. John Gaskin, B. A ,ofthe same society, and ministerofNorton Malreward, Somersetshire. to Miss Woodall, offlulme. On the 27th ult. at the Collegiate Chureh, by the Rev. R. Re. mington. Mr. John Darbt shire, to Miss Margaret Dalziel, both of this town, On the 7th ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 1I6t instant, al the Collegiate Church, Itfiss Rebecca Williamson, to Xr. Joseph Dalton, son of the late Michael Dat ton, manufacturer, of this town. Otn thel4th instant, at the same place, by the Rev. Jeremaa Smith, D. D., Herman Edward Lea, merchant, to Miss Mar I EmIile Leming, of the city oll Hamburgh. On the 15th instant. at the same place, by the Rev. R. Rein. ington, Mr. John ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 5tb instant, at the Collegia Church, byr tbe Rev, R Remington. Mr. Jamej Hunt,' letterpreas-printer, of Sna2ora, t ;Miss Mry Towersrof Hultne. - : - . On the 5th instant, at the Collegiate Church, by the Rev. 71. . eremgton, Mr. Ceorge Ml Ginnis, glass-maoufaetiuer, to Miss iannah siarti.both of this town: I Ot Uhe 8th instant, at the Colleiate Church, The Re. R .Remington, Mr- George ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 241h ult. at Chestet, Mr. f fbgh Shaw-vn lho l tovn- r Harriet, third daugh7ter qr'the late lvMi. Gerwge Wood, of tcso - shaiv Rousee, nar~shtotn-under-tine. On the 2M nlt at St..Msrtitfs church, Birmilnn bas. mil Rc. -' illope, of thistesvn, tq Aiune, secold daughter 6i 'Sr. EL.fL o' lbrmner place. On the 120th u't. dt Stockport, Mr. John Brrdiey. sttrnu-., rv MiSs Mtarc E~lien ...