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North East, England


Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northumberland, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... WOO Or' X~IL- OA D Tbis Day is mblishel, irn Octavo, Frice i8s. Boards, A jAEls-oN (tAPJXALEt-, Neuce~tte A PRACTICAL TRE.ATISi: on RAIL ROADS, containing an Account of the Performances of the diff ferct LOCO-MOTIVE ENGI NESatthe LIVERPOOL CONTEST1:. Is8t7ated by numerous E',graviygs. BY NICHOLAS WOOD. London: printevc for Hurst, Chancie, and Co. The CorunIuLteC of Directors of the North and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N OTICE is hereby given, that THOMAS BAR- L TON BOWEN, Esquire, one of His Majesty's Com- missioners for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors will, on the fifth Day of July, ISSI, at the Hour of Ten in the Forenoon precisely, attend at the Court House at the Town of New- castle upon Tyne, in the County of the same Town, and hold a Court fsr the Relief of Insolvent Debtors, pursuant to the Stal ute. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O, BSEHVAT NS on the PROPOSED RAIL- WAY from NEWCASTLE UZON TYNE to NoRTI SIIIrELDS and TYNEMOUTH, B.r JOSHJUA RICHARDSON, CzviL ENGc;zvramn. Printed and published at the Tyne Mercury Office, by W. E., and H. Mitchell; sold by them, and by Charles Empson, Collingwood-Street, Newcastle; and by the Booksellers in North & South Shields, Sunderland, Durham, Darlington, &c. Sale of elegant gilded ...

Advertisements & Notices

... %a .AltNA*VV'8 XVOC'RII ZN POLITIOAL 1CONOWTm. N UMEROUS Applications having been made for .s'inqle 'Fickets of Admission to these Lectures, the Pub- lic are iitormed that they will be accommodated with Such 1 o Aplication to the l~ibrrial of the Literary and Philosophical Sleay, oil te folloiwiang Terms :-Members of that Society, i. d.; other Persons, Ss. Tickets for the Remainder of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Concert of Vocal and Znstriutental Music, in the Mr3sic 25all, Blackett Street. OHAm. G. BT5gW]3 Late Organist of the Catholic Ghcapels of Newr- castle 4' Edinburgh, _ AVING been afflicted with a paralytic Affection .11 of the Head for many Months, which has rendered him incapable of following his mus;cal Profession, has been advised by his Friends in Newcastle to have a CONCERT; which will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DONE MANUZEW G- CO~ftES AND SON HAVE now ready for Delivery, at Norton Mills, nit ear Stockton upon Tees, genuine BONE MANURtE, cmushed to Dost atid Half Inch Also a Quantity of BONE SAW-DUST.-Norton Mills, *1112 Mo. 14, 1881. rull Thirty-five per Cent. under the regular Prices. WILLiSM WILSON, GENERAL PAWN-BSROKEK AN]D vATCci-DEAitEs, 13, 1Pilgrint Street, beltac g1osley-Street, and a little ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A 130iMBLY BOOM8. Newcastle, Maly 23rd, 1831. -I1ERE will be a Dancing Assembly in the Large 1 | oom on Monday Evening, the 30th inst. in Celebration J Is Majesty's Birth Day. L Admission, 6s 6d. Tea included. fa By Order of the Committee, ROBT. GILLS, Sec. ~ T a PsUBLIC MEETING, held in the Guildball, Newcastle upon Tyne, on Monday the 23rd May, 1831, he Lght 'Worsbipful the 1ayor of Ne ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wr.&MM B3AILIrV. W ANTED, at next, by a middle-aged W married Man, a SITUATION, as FAIRM BA11.rl. lc is practlically acquainted wvitl alt D~escriptions of Plou gh Ilusba~ndryv, as practiscd in the Northern Counlties: lie has Zio hald long Experience inl breding anid rcsrin- Live Stck, nid also in buyhig and selling all Sorts of Farm 1'roduce. lor a Refecrenlce apply to Mr N. Bailey, of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... And meay be entered upon imasediately, SHOP and CELLAR, centrically situated in A Union Street, Newcastle. For Particulars, enquire of ThomasBell, Land-surveyor, UnionStreet. December S27, 1331. BO^IANDZIG AND DAY saIoasoroR o OVWUG BrNTLun,3N, DABLIEoNON. 1/rR GhiTHING gratefully acknowledges the Pa- MJ. 1tronage with which he has been favoured since the Com- tiencemeot of his Establishment, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T E TR -X09A 2MWCA&8TLM. Monday, Feb. 14, 1831 will be repeated the 0Tragedy ol VIRGINIUS. 'with (forthe 1st'imie at this Theatre) a new Melo-drainatic Entertainnment (now ler- lborming with great Success in the Metropolis) called THE WRECK A HORE* or, A Brideyroona from the Ser.- On Tuesday, Shakespeare's ColiAcyo' TIho rMERtClelAN'l' 01 VEN CE.-On Wedlinesday, will be revived, A NEW WA TO10 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ACCOMPLISiMENT. nONS. DUPUIS begs to inform llis Pnpils and .JJ Patrons that his BALL, under the Patrona,,e of Mrs zla oreos, wilt take Place on TUESDAY next, iniithe large Assembly Room, on] vwhich Occasionl he will be happy to see as many of his Friends as can make it convenient to attend. Dancing to eb commenced at eight o'Clock. ir Bagnalls celebrated BAND will play at the Ball, and tie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUDIT. fTE Duke of Northumberland's AUDIT will commence at Alnwick on Monday the 12th of Septemn- ber,'and be holden there for two Days; on Thursday the 15th, -~ ~it vob resumed at.Newcastle, and be closed there the next D)ay. The Bailif will receive thle Rents from the Tesnants eslisusI, on fixed Days, before the Audit, as no Quietus will be given to theni after the Monday and Thursday ...