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Preston Chronicle



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Preston Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... / PRES TONASS BIEL HE Ladies and Ge ~tlem eon of I rres;on and tthe Neigh- bo bourbod are respctfully infokmed, thbt the AS- SEM8BLIES advetisede for TUESDAY and THuRSDAY next, *i not take place. preston, Decemberr3Ch, ..830. PR.ESTON GAS-LIGHT COMPANY. EHE HALF-YE-ARLY MEETING of Propietorsiof r the lreston Gas-Light Compcny, will bcli~ ?tlte CASTLE INN,, on Mo`dy' the 3rd day Of JANUARY next ...

Advertisements & Notices

... /. F O UX.D, NEAR BRINDLE, A Smnall TRUJSS. The owner, describing its contents, L t may have it 'restored on payment of ?? by applyipg to WI LLUAN C,&a, tE, Weaver,'.WllolSmW * ~Rm~qGTOCK. TO BE S;OD, 1BY AUCTION, At ?? ser Pestnon Thursdasti the 27.1 ofi fnuary, 1831, ?? ein a 12 o'clock at Noon precisely; ; t for |NEVEN DRAUGHT HORSES, 1 Cob Horse, fit for k wsaddle or harness; I Bull, I Ox, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? EDUCATION. J. H. SMITH1 ESPECTFULLY informs his Friends and the inba- i blionts of Preston, that his Academy in Mount- street, Fishergate, will re-open on the ioth inst. Prcetoto, Ist mo. 8ts, 1831. P CLASSICAL TUITION. L WOODPLUMPTON PARSONjGE. H. FOSTER E(IS leave to announce to his Friends 6nd the Pablic that he will resume his scholastic dulies Ln Motidny, the 24th of January next. N. . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, PRESTON. Under the Patronage of the High She. iJ, &R. & MADAME STOCKHAUSEN, AND MR. NICHOLSON, Beg leave respectfully to announce to the Public, their intention ot'givitng * OF VOCAL AND INSTRUMIENTAL MIUSIC, AT THE ABOVE THEATRE, ON TUESDAY, THE 15T rEERUARY NEXT. On wbicb occasion the Members of the Preston Musical Society have kindly offered their services. VOCAL PrirORMERS: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / THEATRE TQYAL, PRESTON-1 NiR.. & ?4OAflAi STOCKIMUSJ~ .Mrl. ?qCxro)so~Y, Beg leater rospectfully to auowil to, tle. 110Ac..*cir Oh T91DAT, TIME L3T 1~tM¢ 1I 'Wt, 0 wbich oecoiouX the, Uemr.%t( the Eruro6 NVAIW4 Society ktive kindly ofl'ered their ieise^, VO¢AL P~r.~Rt'tO tS: *M(adas z7CKH4Ui*N, aqd.Mt. A4tCLT., I .pder. .. ?? ?? ?? ?? , Flute,..Mt. NiclOXl.O?. Harp-..Ma -. qc6zs .Viqlorlq ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / WANThD, IYDIATLY, STEA.DY, active, Person, to take theliethageinent A~t of a SPINNING CONCEDRN. A good operative Carler, who has soone acquairitaice with Spinning and 'Hechialics, may snswer. Encouragement will be.giyea to takent natd httyhtry. Apply to the PINiTER. /v7AS ASSIGNMENT. RZEREAS JOHN WINSTAR'JLE, of 'Whiitle. Xi' le.Wood6 In. the County. of Lancaster, Publican,. bath by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / THEATRE - RO L PRESTONi . ?? the Patronage of the High Sl eri', MR. & MADAME STOCKHAUSEN, AND MR. NICHOLSON, Beg leave respectfully to announce to the Public,-their intention of giving (D OR,@~ VE '3M OF VOCAL AND INSTRUMETSNTALID - -U - .. ?? -. ?? -AtF-Uflt- ' ON TUBSDAT, THED IT 'PTRxM T ! ,On which occasion tlte Members of the Preston Musical Society have kindly offered their services. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIEOMAS BADSEM, I/ (,PIle of ire Old D)g Innt, JfongrL1dge,) gGS leave to acquaint his Friends and the Publie ge. n1 ll rahly, thit be hlis taken andi entered upont that ~,iinodt3 I.NN, ?? Old Legs of Alan, opposite to t Iown Ilal, Preston, where he hopes, by a strict at; tlititl to [lie coinfort of his customers, and a constant supp1Y of tue best entertainment, to merit a Ilqe of' sN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T. A 1YlERIQA. t ?? det is P'laelsed, Part V. of /tie -ft TISTORY and TOPOGRAPHY of the UNITrf in -I STATES of NORTH AMNERI CA, from ?? s, period to lhbepreserit time; comprising Political eeil ii graphical History ;.Geography, Geology, linerralogy, ' te logy and Botany;, Agrictultyrcs, larioluctuires-, andl C In -uerce; Laws, Maniners, Customs, an(d Rcligiot wiit a Topographical Description ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / LIVERWOOL AND PRESTON TURNPIKE ROAD. SPECIAL MEETLlNG of the TRUSTEES of this A Turnpike Road will be holden (pursuant to an order f the Trustees to the Clerk directed) at the King's ArmE, Ormskirk, on Monday the 7th day of February next, at Eleven o'clock it] the forenoon, for the following ?? colisiter a proposition of the Committee ap. oainted at the last meeting, as to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... h - AMERICA. This day is PIlitisched, Part V. otf the c- 1ISTORY andI TOPOGRAPHY of tile UNJI T s 1.1 STATES of NORTH AMERICA, from tihe ear;; period to the present time; comprising Political anai graphical History; Geography, Geology, Miineralogy, 7, re logy and Botatay; Agricalture, Manutfaetures, anil Cc th merce; Laws, Manners, Customs, anti Religion; with a Topographical Description of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ORATORYo AND ORATOltS / OFi THE, oru£lrt. 35ar, vnlpitt & ffinate. At the THEBATRB, Pieston, On lIONDAY, l4th, WEDNESDAY. 16th, FRIDAY, 18th FEB., 1531, AND THiE SAMtE NVWflONOS oP THE 14S4UINo NYE E, va;11. w &11 WILL 91IkLIVER, A COURSE OF SIX LECTURNS, Historical, Critical, ahd Euniplary, ;N popular and Professional 'LOCUTiIOt, and the 0 Application of the Hayrmonic Th'itadiples ofReading, ...