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Advertisements & Notices

... BOARD OF DTRECTORS FOR THE YEAR 18S1-2, TsOsraS POrTE, Chairrnion. OSEPHl C. DYER, DepUty ChaisiZfn. JANEs BuEre, RICHARD POTTrEiR (Smedley) .HcGH HOnlaBY BIRLEy, SAIimEL PULLRIN,, JOHN BiROWN, RICHARD ROBERTS EDWARD BAXTER, JON.N Sxis, ) . ROBSE5T OGDRN, | JOHN WrLER. / EDIiUND BuR ERKN, slg il *REP~ORT of the DIRECTORS o h AK o MANCHESTER to the Second Annual General Meeting of Proprietors, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7 TO THE XOBILITY, GENTRF, CLERGY, - FREE1UOLDERS OF THtE COUNTY OF LANCASTER. (TENT L El IEN, IS ' MA s iv bhving this (lay proroguted the eisciu i Prliaineut, with a view to its immediate Dissolu- tioa. it becomles lhy duty, no longer to delay the dleclara- tioi of cit y most anxious wish again to obtain the high liseaoor ot' watchiing over your Iriterests, which already for ?? successive ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / 1I3sSES FORSHAW to 0Inj;owlvge their sincere thianlk to their n ds for tile very liberal support they have re- d ;CrieltisrlpetfullY announce their intention of re- ire thleir SCHOOL, on the 25th instant. Fiahetgate, Preston. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / hiM IIALRARDp STRAW HAT MANUFACTURER, 165, Friargate, Preston. ESPECTFULLY announces, that she has taien the R, slhop and Premises above named, where she has laid il all excellent and fashionable assortment of S!XRAW Hl.ATS, BONNEATS, &c., and where she hopes by punctuality anlt attention to the orders of Ulr friends, to merit a share of public patronage. EDUCATION. Mit. GREEN -1)ESPECTFULLY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - DAVY'S DIAMOND CRf'EfNT A1 INVALUABLE DISCOVERY for ,joining broken rL .Atllc ChI9 ?? WodCabinet Wrand F'ancy 'S0ent hisreimarkable for Its extremnestrength, and the great facilitY Of using it: nijilxingor prepaxatjo~being required. it re515t5 see, ad -lllt~idan orin dpb f.lheat. Theisints are Particularly rieht. and shew very litgle,. *!1lhls Cement is beyond conmparlinin esiperl r ts any- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hi oJ ( tp i :. e 1 U\BCIrBD ELECTOns OF LivEaRooL.-In oar last journal we cov-0 delened the impudent conclusion of the A/bios that those 1-; verpvoul electors who declined subecribing their narmes to tier purity declaration, as it was called, ought to be considered asjt.!r ticiplit,rn in the scandalous corruption which pre Ided it th4 _ last elections. Il consequence of this rebuke, tie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sp all ha 'rata SEwsWRs.-The letter of X Partahsoner, respecting the construe- dr tion of the sewers, &c. appears to-us to merit attention; but we to must not pablith it In Its present fornm, as we should be at a loss let to substantiate the facts, if called upon, and our eorrespondent As might not be for thcoming. Under these circumstances we have us' thought it advisable to Inclose the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BAD MoNeY.-A correspondent inquires whether It is incum- bent on shopkeepers, merchants, and others, to take back money given in change, on the ground of its bleng false or counterfeit, after the parties receiving it have taken it away from the shop or office where itr was paid, and justly observes, that it Is of the utmost importance to have this point settled. The question must, of course, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IROVU.IVMG~RIrS STOCK AN'D FIXTURES, RA2NIELAGH- cTlngBy. By MJKSiRS. BRANCH & SON, on ?? next, the I8tha instaut. at Eleven o'clock, on the Pre. mices, No. 26. leanelaigh-street. Oplposite nitnel:~gh-plimee, Hrelpatning STOCK ol an I RPNM ONG ElI, including ~r 1ost apitl St of lvory-handipti Table Knives and Forks, ~ pices Inhamdsime b555bi~'d ahoanyCase, French lieC~5 Laps.smmerbPaer ...

No. 982. On SUNDAY M

... ORNING, (To-MORxOw), the -261t inst, A -ERJON 'Wili~be Preached mi a Colleedtn made in behalf of the DISTRESSED IRISH. MES. KERR ATAVING nitade herself filly acquainted with the prep lvtailing FASHIONS, mnist respectfblly -begs leale to intimate to her friends and ithe Ladies of' Preston and ,its vicinity, ,that she bas comn menced the DRESS-AIA- KING BUSINESS, at her Resid nce, ?? si, CHURCH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 6 ~ i * c4 , ZtYo orthiA'e Ann t edi nipOitzha x'eI~llet,, nl 3 lt y;eiqee~i arflt 't4i Poiienb' f. 'Mj.1e M' ~th Uac udl .*sentlsai t'o .1i~at~ctu E Vj' ie~ilnt; '' At' ca iopaitivdelJ , oith- aret, 3eitificily' iand e~pe~htious1y ally ?Ui CtWitfO e Or stiudies, '~aentV of :ac~t~, dttion, e- 1iies, &c~f 'i~t Un Iirtotvn ait tme.Pala~e In,' wa,.n, Huddetsfiehjde Il heltI4 Ja~nuary. 1=i8U: '. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r' aq0Or ANATOMtY, kANCnnST B.n IEC 'URES on ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, P1% SUjRGERY, by Mr. JORDAN and Mr. STE- 'olt wii l colmence on MONDAY, October 3rd, at p 0'clocls pt''ctsclI; at which time the INTRODUC. eLy>EC^'URE svilVbe delivered. It is the object | thlee Lectures to tealh l Anatomny from the recent snb- r; z t~tni llrstiiated'if pleparations, casts, and drawings. hirtoiw;acOuticral ...