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Belfast News-Letter

Advertisements & Notices

... BELFAST ACADEMICAL INSTITUTION- A GENERAL M.EETING of the PROPRIETORS I of the BELFAST ACADEMICAL INbTITU- TION, will be beld in the C O M M O N H A L L, on THlURSDAY, the 3d of Mah next, at TWELVE o'clock, to take their opinion on~be Establishment of a ME- pICAL and SURGICAL HOOL in the INSTITUTION, and to transact such othen misiness as may then be brought before them. By order of the Joint ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BELVAST AZSEW]%LY. N THURSDAY etth instant, there will be a 0B ALL and SUPPE Rat the ASSEMBLY PI 0 0 M S, Belfast. STEWARDS. LORD H. CHICHESTER, CAPTAIN STRETTON, 64TH. CAPT&IN MICHELL, 64TH. THOS. GREG, ESQ. THOS. G. BATT, ES! JOHN F. FERGU N, ES. G. A. THOMSONGESQ. R. F. GORDON, SQ. Gentleman's Ticket ?? 8s. 6d. Lady's Do ?? 6:. 6d. Tickets wvill be ready for delivery at Mr. HODGSON'S, HIGH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LONDON T ANGTRYS & REID N are supplied with I Lathe above Article, of best quality, FIOR SALE, on noderate terms. (293 ~~~~~~~~~~2 3] fble follwing approved LOZENGES, prepared by JAHES 1 SHEPHERD, 176, Flect-estreet, L ondo, may be obtaiued at | IYEESS.S GRATTAN & CO.S M E D I C A L-I-I A L L, 12, CORN-MARK.ET, BELFAST. FOR LOWNESS of SRI RITS, NERVOUS AF_ I) FECTIONS, SICK HEAD-ACHE, &c.-The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tELJAST COLLEGJ, 2Sd Feb. 1831. PROFESSOR FERRIE feeling, with many others, J convinced, that a knowledge of the Principles of IN- TELLECTUAL and MORAL SCIENCE would con- a duce, in an eminent degree, to tihe improvement and hap- piness of the Female mind, and, bry that means, to the ulti_ 2 mate improvement of society in general, proposes to open, on the2dMarch, a ClASSexeinsiv r LADIES, to ...


... S & HERDMAN are supplied with L the above Article, of be quality, FOR SALE. on moderate terms. ,/ (293 - BELFAST ACADEMICAL INSTITUTION- A GENERAL MFETING ofthe PROPRIETORS of the BELFAST ACADEMICAL INsTl'lU- TION, will be held in dt.e C 0 MON Ii AL L, onl THURSDAY, the 3d of Mj,,f next, at 1WELVE o'clock, to take their opini.,, on jhfe Establishetof a Nl E- DICAL and SURGICA L S(fOL in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE SOLD, : THE several D3WJELLING-HOUSES and PRE- 'T.WISESIM CH3APEL-LANE, BERRYSTREET SMITHFIELD, and FERGUSON'S-COURT, in Bel- fast, the Estate of the late TuoM6 F RGUSON, Esq. held under the Marquis of Donegall, ] r Three Lives renewable for ever, at the small Yearly Mint of £11, Is. 61/,d. and .producing a clear well-paid iAd well-secured profit Rent ,yearly of £345, 6s. Sd. sterling. A ...

Meeting this Day. DE

... AF AND: DUMB. MEETVNG Of the JUVENILE ASSOCIATION Afor Ptomotir?.g the Education of the DEAF and DUMB Poor of Ireland, will be held at Belfast7 in the Large Room, COMMERCIAL BUIIDINGS, on TUESDAY, the Ist-day of March; for the purpo of forning an Auxi- liary Association. TIie llev , hROG Re 'tr. K~t.&ATLAGHAN,-wiii t ex 0' REGr~lG, Rentor of KLthSeLAG , Will attfnd4 to ex 'jest and sucess ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Meeting thi-s jay. ROYAL f 3 ME2RN YWACS-IT C3IU3B. GENERAL. MEtTING ofjhe MEIMBERS iof the IRISH DIVISION the ROY A-L NORTHERN Y> ACHIT CLUB isjftquasted on FRIDAY Uext, the 4th March, at the 'tOYAL' HOTEL, at THREE o clockl, on business of importance. F - R kOBERT BATT, Sccretary. 'Feb. 25. .(319 BE]5L tST ASSEMBLY.! TfHERE will he a BALL aiid SUPPER ins the ASSEMBLYROOMqS,-on'TUESDAYI15th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO SIR STEPHEN MAY, SOVEREIGN OF BELFAST. E, the Undersigned, request that you will, on aa W early a day as convenient, call a MEETING of the INHEABITANTS of BELFAST and Neighbourhood, to take into consideration the propriety of presenting an Address to his Itajesty arid his Ministers, expressive of our gratitude for the full and efmcient measure of Retorm now in progress; and also, to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NORTUEPRN BANKING COMPANY. HE HALF-YEARLY DIVIDENDS, due the i1st inst. will be Payable at the BANK, on and after the 10th inst. o A C r.. ;3!tCANCE, Chairma of the Committee. Belfast, 3d Mareb, 1831. (308 Belfast Academi ial Institutioan. N ADJOURNED 1~EETfING of the PRO_ M PRIETOllS of the BlgLFAS3T ACADE111C,11 INSTITUTION will be held in the COMMON HALL, on THURSDAY the 17th inst. at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FURNITURE, -&e BY AUCTION. At the VART, o 7, CAS FLE-PLAC.E, on TUES- , -P4 Y, nezt, the Iath March inst. at _LPEXV o'Cla A Variety of ExceUenyuarniture, Coomprising handsome new Mahogany Pedestal Sideboard- M1ahogany Pillar and other Dining Tables; Mahogany and Rosewilod Lou Tables; Rosewood Writing Tahle aud Flower Table; Mahogany qard Tables; Safas; Mahogany Chairs; Moreen Window Curtains; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sign of 'the Chinese Trader. THIS DAY 1S OPENED, TEJE: CHINESE TEA AND cOFFEE .e:STABLISHMENT, 3Z, HIGIH-STREET9 BELFAST. ¶PHE above ESTABLISHMENT shall be con II ducted similarly to the CHEAP TEA WAREHOUSE in Manchester, and also as BEWLEY'S, in Dublin, both of which have given much satisfaction to every class of Society, by Relling at Low Prices, for CASH only. Therefore, RO. BERT GILMORE, ...