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Belfast News-Letter

Advertisements & Notices

... s pRING ASSORTMEINTi WHOLESALE AND RETrAIL London Hat Warehouse,. 48, HIGH-STREET, BELFAST. J HOLD EN respyetfully announces the arrival of . an Ext80 benive rind Elegant Supply of Gentlemen's, yoatbs', arid Boys' ratent Elastic 3eaver and Slk Elats; In Blacks, Drabs, aind Browns, the Nsvest Slrrpes fir tie present month; XLadies9 Riding Hats, TIe same as presented to rer* Majesty Queen ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T6 BE SOLD5 ISTEISlS-in CHAPEL-L'ANE, BjER:RY_'TREtT, SMIT-H-FI-ELD, and FERGUSON'S.'CO'U , in Bel fast, the. Estate of--tbe late. TH OMAS E'ieOr, Esq. held under the Marquis of Donegail, f 'ever, at tbensa!l Yearly i t of dlI, ls;;hA:d producing. a clear weil-paid 6id We1I-secureaprofit Rent yearly of £315,-6s. 5d. s9eriing. A.3 ,lXap of the ,P, remaises may be seern, and Reitvail had,* al ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BELFAST ACADEMICAL INSTITUTION. College Departmeut. HE PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS of the COL. TLEGE CLASSES, at the end of the Session, wil take place in the following order:- Tueiday, 26th April Mathematics 10 A. , Hebrew 3 P. as Wednesday, 27tlh April, ~ Divinity (Dr. HannaJ 10 A. M WA Greek ., 3 r. x .Logic & Belles Lettres, 10 A. it Thursday, 28th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lWeetliig To-MWorrow. TO M S. -BRUCE, JUN. Secreta Chaber of Commerce. YOU are requested to call a dENERAL- MEET. ING of the CHAMBER of COMMERCE, foi WEDNESDAY next, at TWO o'clock, to conider abou Petitioning Parliament for the admission of AME RICA b FLOUR into IRELAND, and o her Business. Belfasts 9th April, IS31. / (Signed by several Members of Chamber of Commerce. In conformity with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FROM IST OF MAY NEXT. VWO HOUSES, with LargZYSHOPS, STORES, TN 9c. adoining Messrs. J&b ATTO & CO. S, WA1INr__ Apply to WM TIPNNENT, Esq. HENRCULREPLACE' or hN CONNELL, NO. 7, BAN}C-LANFL Bielfast, 1 arch, I83l . (386 'ryiHE HOUISE, GARDEN, anad OFT li:7lS, iate ly occupied by JAMES STEEN, Sell. ESq at SUMMERHILL, onemile ais half from Antljr;, to be LET,'ana inriedhi;tc pOSSeSS .g .een, With ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Oil SALan 45 Tons Riga Rhine, Polish & Ukraine Rhine HE31P, 10 Do. Polish Pass D (. 20 Tons first qurality Archangelg DO. 20 Tons 8!. Peters6urgh. 0ean DO. 6,000 Archangel JIASS MATS, -500 Barrels TAR, 5 Tons O-41UM, R'est PateLt CORDA GE, all siZe-s Best Gras-blacrrhed, HaLf-fyleachedfo Browna CAN VTAU S, On moderate tejrnil- Apply to TI`Y('3AS EKENRHEAD, Who has also on Sale, 4.0 Tons Prirne ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REFORM!!! OF Arrangements at the Theatre, Belfast. r is roost respectfllyy anrnoutnced, the New A rranige- - merits now unider the mrrnagement of M'-r. USETER, havinr, on its coaninencerent been hsiled with lond shoots, ii aipprobatiorn from a crowdPden andfiad/y sati.sfed horise, that ou this Evurririg, in addition to the Popolar Enterbliluments OflOnlouteid, 'r'. U.SHERi. will exhibit those ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A CHARITY SERMON WILL BE FREACHEDI On SUNDAY, the 24th April inst. r IN TH1E PARISH CHURCH, a, BY TH1E REV.. A. C. MACARTNEY, I WtHEN a COLLECTION will be made in aid of S t ithe Funds of the POOR-HOUSE andl INFIR- MARY of thii Toivn. DIVINE SERVICE to comInmence at Htlf iPast ONEi o'clock. f( Ntcmber of People at presvyrt in the House;- se Old ten ,9 I . C Old Women ..141 P ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ES TABLIgHUD CHEAP ROOM-PAPER WAREHOUSE. HODGSON, BOOKSELLER, STATIONER, &c. &c. 9, SIGH-STREET, H AS to announce the arrival of an extensive Supply of NEvw and FASHIONABLE ROOWZ PAPERS, With a beautiful Assortment of entirely Mew FLOCK AND GOL1D. A ND FLOCK AND FPANCY BORDER INGS. The entire Selection conbists of several Packages, Three Cases and Two Bales of which have been recently imported ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DEAF AMD DUM.B. M R. GORDON respectfully infortis the Inhabi- taTns of Belfast, that he will deliver a COURSE of LECTURES on the Instruction of.DEAF MUTES. ae- conipanied with Illustrations, by the Esibibition of a DEAF and DUMB PUPIL, educated st the Dublin Day School The first LECTUIRE will be ielivered in the LANCAS.- TxES.AW SCHOO>Aamu, Firederick-9 t, . on MIONDAy next, 25t1 inst. at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Rtobbery.-and-most B3arbarous Olutrage.' W HEREAS, about Eight, ociock on'ihe, Nligbt of *VT 1 WEDNESDAY. the 30th .arih last, Two 1lorses, theproperty ofJOHN H-A ?3 IlLL, ofPO RTOLENONE, in the County of Antrim, were shot dead on the public high way, leading from DUNGANNON' to Coot szowN, at a -place called High Cross; in the County Tyrone, by three armed men, at present 4nknown, who, also, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Belfast Auxiliary to the Society for Promoting Chribtianity among the Jews rpg-IE ANNUAL M EE TI NGof theabove L . AUXILIARY :wIll be held in the- BELFAST! -PAROCHTIAL SCHO.OL - on TUESDAY; next, the 26th ihst. - f9 A-DEPUTATION from the Parent- Society will attend. The Chair to be taken at ONE o'Clocik. (1 j . B3EELFAST: HOSPITAL. HE ANNUIJAL .lEETiNtr of the SUBSCRX . t BEllSto theeDISPENSA ...