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Derby Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... T1HIS DAY IS PUJBLISHED, N EXiPOSI'rioN of the LAWS of SOCIAL A1 3C(ONOMY. ByRt.CA LVE HT, M.D., Physician u0 the Force-4. Effingham W1 il.on. It is not saying ton much in praise of this little volume, ba it is the compllet .et Grammar of Political Economy rith 1,h we arc acquainted. The author looks for the .xed and inmnut:able principles which form the basis of nciety. instead of' the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASHBORNE SAVINGS BANK. T a MIeeting of the Trustees and Committee of tht ASHBORNE BANK for SAVINGS, held at Ashborne, on Thursday the 13th day of January, 1831, W!EC ETM 1rM. SAII-TUM S;T1XPIM-, ZIT TE 10111AZ CDt; RESOLVED,_That upon examination of the Accounts of the Bank, from the 20th November, 1829, to the 29th November, 1830, they appear to stand as hereafter stated. Tlhe TRUJSTE ES of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY Mi1. RIOWLAND BREAREY. CORN MARKET. MAlALL LIBRARY of BOOKS, comprising the k Works of Byron, Moore, Scott, Burn, and other esteemed and popular Authors, with a variety of French and Latin Works, School Books, &c. &c. The Property of Mr. NVALTER MooltE, TC BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY rIR. ROWLaTTD 3REARMY, At his Rooms, 13, Corn Market, on Monday and Tuesday Evenings next, the 31st January, & ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BILIOS. NRVOUS, AND LI1V[',K COMP'LAINTS. it. S liN A ~ A iIBILIOUTS, or FAMtILY .JU. PILLs.- Ilitae Piils( EntirelyX~gtbeir nrlai In ILji~u3c 1iiiii l,iVol t COMPL AINIS, GOUT, 1IN cI GEs SIIO, FtA AIC LEtNCIt'S, IIAflIIUAL Lu:si ivi':rti's. SeA'ams, N EnVO Ut 11 r:A DtACit ES, &C. Ii lii, vot efifctual inl ibeir operatrionaI, wi thotrs jnereurt or ru Iincilpt antI( requtiritia no restralit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LADIES ETABL ISXHM'EV1t, 42, t1Rf GhATE:. m HE MISSES PALMER purpose to Ye-opel ! Itheir School bn the Twenty.eighth of January instant. At CHIMLEY 11OUSE Es,4TALL1IMENT .ron to5ING hDID9f PARK HILL, DERBY ROAD, NOTTINGFIAMI, ONDICTED by the Misses TAYLOR& Nieces, -' a select nutriber of Young Ladies are received on the following terms: Under fifteen rears of age, for board (on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HwTToN ON T9E HILt, TO BE SOLD BY PRTVATE CONTRACT, Valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, consisting of Aa Farm House and Outbuildings, srid Sixty-two Acres of Land or thereabouts, situated at WINDLE HILL, in the parish of Sutton on the Hill, in the County of Derby, in the possession of MIr. Campion. The Tenant will shew the Estate; and for further parti. culars, and to treat for the purchase, apply to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MR TITTERTON FREEHOLD AND COPYHOLD ESTATE, IN ROLLESTON TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. TITTERTON, At the house of Joseph Rowland, the Mosley Arms, in Rolleston, in the county of Stafford, on Tuesday, the Ist March next, at three o'clock in the afternoon, either altogether or in Lots, and subject to conditions of sale to be then produced; THE Undermentioned Valuable Freehold and Copyhold ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY A1li. 1?OWLAND BRE AREY. TElURVASTON STOOP FARM. Incaeled and new calved Cows, Ieifers, Stir/cs, ~a~qqgo Horses, Colls and F, illies, Fat Pir. broad wheel Carts, IWaly^on, Ploughs, Darrows, Dairy Utensils, hlouse. hieUd Furniture, 4-c. Two Ricks of Beans, Slae/c of ilay, quantity oj'Dung, 4We. 4d. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By MJr. R0 TWLAND BREA REY, On the premises of ilessrs. SAMUEL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PATRONISPID Ilk T1Z VOIJILTk. . 0CNGRF1VE8'B BALSA`VEIC ELIXIR, For COUGH, HOOPING-COUGH, SHORTNESS OF I BREATH, ASTHMIA, and CONSUMPTION. InlBottles at 131d., 2s, 9d., 4s. 6d., &c. each. The following case of the sovereign eficacy of this remedy I shall szfllce. a TO AIR. CONGREVE. t 6IR,-Gratitude constrains tne to acknowledge the c ) great benefit I have recently received from your very ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AJPPII TTFD MEDICINES, iSold by the P'riuter of this Paper, and the principal Medicine Venders in the Kingdom. Country. Dealers supplied at the Londorn Prices. ,UTLLER'S VEcrTtAtsi.E rOOTH POWDEO-Ihis ..J1entiftrice (Composed of Vegetables without the ad- mixture of any 31ineral, or pernicious ingredient wiratever,) has so long been in general rise, and anl appendage to rile foshionable toilet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The Late Mllr. JOJiuN STOPEMR's Ajliairs. FJ l-lE several Persons to wlhom JOIIN STO'RER, late of Kedleston lim, in thic county of Derby, Farmer and Innkeeper, stood indebted at tle time oif his decease, arc requested to selnd a statement of their debts, with the amount oftl~eirsecurities (ifany) to Air. TiollIAS Ssostrn, WVoollenl Draper, Hatter, &c. Corn Market, Derby, in order that such ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MR. ROWLAND BREAREY. rOR THUE ZNE1NIT or Cl3EDITORS. Household Furniture, Kitchen Requisites, Glass Cases, &c. &c. 300 Pairs of Ladies' and Childrens' Boots and Shoes, large quantity of Shoe Lasts, Shoe Makers' Tools, &c. &c. TO flE SOLD BY AUCTION, By M r. ROWLAND BREARR EY, On Thursday, the 10th February, 1831, on the Premises of Mr. PETER GADSBY, Shoe Maker & Publican, Willow Row, Derby, ...