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Derby Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... THOMAS HUNT. A LL the HOUJSEHOLD FURNITURE of ATHOMAS HUNT, of Crich, in this county, Wheel- wright, with all his TIMBER, whether in the rough or otherwise, and his Working Tools, will be SOLD BY AUCTION, (IN LOTS,) By Arr. HUTTON, Land Surveyor, (Sc. Belper, On 'T'uesday next, upon the premises of the said Thomas Hunt, for the benefit of his Creditors. The Sale to commence at 10 o'clock in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MR. ROWLAND BREAREY. CORN MARKET, DERBY. Neat Household Furniture, Kitchen RequisitMe, 4c. si TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, D By~ r. ROWLAND BREAREY, R On Saturday next, 19th February, 1031, on the premises of lir. STEVwNS, the Derby Coffee House, Corn A Market, (who is removing from the same,) the sale to commence at eleven o'clock in the morning. rpHE FURNITURE comprises four-post and tent T. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STEAMW ENOINE. 'j7ANTED to Purchase, an ENGINE fom. 16 e to 20-horse Power, or to exchange for one belonging to the Advertiser of 40-horse power. Apply to Mr. PATTERSON, Builder, Nottiughaht. TO BE SOLD, oz LET FOt A TERM OF YEARS, 3 )HAT Commodious HOUSE in Queen Street, T the residence of the late {ENtY IHADLEY, Esq. To be LET, a GARDEN across the Rive-.Apply to the Printer. B5 I G G I N. V ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .DA. PT3sLZtEt1Eis LEOTUR`. Jrl-R. SPURZHEIM will 'deliet:a Course of F JL: TWELVE LECTURES on P EB;NOLOGY, r atille l LANCASTRIAN SCSOOZ, Room, On the Evenings of Tuesday, ThorsdAy, and Saturday in each week; commencing on Tiesdat' Evening the Ist of March, at 7 o'clock. Tickets to the Course, price one gutineA eitch, may be had l at the Shops of llessrs. Drewry and Soil, W. and W. Pike, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PATRONISED BY TlHE NOBILITY. CONGREVE's BALSAMIC ELIXIR, For COUGH, HOOPING.COUGH, SHORTNESS OF C BREATH, ASTHMA, and CONSUMPTION. In Bottles at l3d., 2s. W d., 49. 6d., &c. each. tt The above remedy posses the peculiar power of controll- ing all disorders of the Chest and Lungs. It affords imme-s diate relief to the Breath, and subdues the most obstinate ic Colds, and Coughs, Hoarseness, &c. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOIWER IILL, REPTOAM TO BE LET; GOOD HOUSE pleasantly situated contiguous A to the Village, and four Acres of Land, with Stable and suitable Outbuildings.-Enquire of Mr. J. C. WAnD. Repton, 21st Feb. 1831. ILAM, SEAR ASHBOURN. TO BE LET, AND ENTEIIED UPON AT LADY-DAY NEXT, Fjp HE IZAAC WAL'I'ON HO'fEL, with suitable C. Coach Houses, Stabling &c. Also attached to it, a FARMI, consisting of 180 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WARREN'S 1Mter-proof CompOSWtion o ffi- the Soles of Boots! 3& STRANSD I3OOTS, Soes, Harness, and all sorts of Leather L dressed with this (opiposition, strengthened and ren. dered impervious to Rain, Snow, and every hind of Damp- ness ; if rubbed well into the Soles of Boots and Shoes they will wear full double the usual time. And sold throughout the Kingdom in bottles at one shilling each. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MR. ROWLAND BREAREY. LONG EATON. 'BANKRUPT'S EFFECTS. Household Furniture, Kitchen Rcquisites, Shop Fixtures, Dugos, Groceries, &c. &c. Three Capital Twist M1a- chines in full work, Quantity of Piece Nett, and Twist Cotton, No. 110, Wrinding Drums, Wheels, Engines, &c. &c. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MD. ROWZAND D3M:ARMY, (By order of the Assignees, and free from Auction Duty,) On the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HER MAJESTY'S DRAWING ROOMS I111 E COV U1RT JOURNAL: L arnd GAZETTE OF THE FASHIIONAB3LE WORLD. Arrangements have been made which will enable the Pro- prietors of this popular Journal to present to their readers more copious and interesting particulars, relative to the ap- proaching SPLENDID DRAAiV G IN Rooms at the Palace of St. James's than will be found in any other contemporary Jouinal. In ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NJ-il be published on IMonday tiext, price Is. c ERMOIN preached in St. Werburgh's Church, A Derov, on Ash Wednesday, 1i831, by the ijlEI' PHILlIP GELLI, M. A. Minister of St. John's. Sold by the Booksellers in Derby. WANTED, In a Gentlemalen's Fao ily ne ar Derlly, A lBUTLER alid FOOT(I.AN.-It will be ex- A petted that the Butler can brew, and with both will be retitireti unexceptionaitble ...

Advertisements & Notices

... dfUFF-i FA)ZME RS' FRIEND, t iiMw acknowledged by thousands, of respectable Fairmters, (miuniog i nirtSPflt.Is of its efflicacyC each Agent liar a list of C'ales from HI. 'leIcl, os f Bromnfieldl (-nCa l,11illow, fur who4m it 1jas ravl hi ie Mxiichatelmas lrast, heroes, coIws, clves, 'and liamb,) as ifele~ Drf II($ effici. cioits Mledicine cere discoveredi fire the cure J~i thele bitherto a, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... At AIitcEovE.n to undertake the managemtnt of the hirls' Suhday'Scl;61, , , Steady middle aged Womian, 6f'unexceptiolnable j A character.-Ithe Salary is small. Apply to the lion, and Rev. FntEDEIIC CURZON, Vicar of .ll ickleover. Ilarch 1st, 1831. BENtErACTIONS TO POon CLEBIGYIEN. r i ELFTON of POOR CLERGYMEN T with good charicters and large families to partake of Dr. TAYLOUt, MIr.lYDDsELbTs, ...