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Derby Mercury



Derby, Derbyshire, England

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Derby Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... eiI Mu 8-.. i'.W. ITTltRlTO(. 'O A K T AE S.' r . .. . _ -ri. . .r To. i iti .E SOLD IY ;AUtCt~iO ; At the hrd Buck Inn; ilurton-upon-Trent, li[ letterti of Febrifqt7 next, in Lots; BOA U o ioO OA fI TIMJBER 'TREMB nOW A growing itl Gresley Wood, in the county on' Derby, the property of U'liliam r Wbrthinoton, Esql. Catalogues, and ihe tlm of Salk, will be given id due time. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hs; Notmanton*upell.Soar iz a pleasasst Vilhge iitwuSkho il - mogt respectable neighbowrhotHi, 3 milee from*Loqbh'. . and witbin a conseaient distance fioro. the Towtt Q{>>°6^i' ted hain. . .: i t ! - i i For fru ...

Advertisements & Notices

... POWELL'S COU;IG ELECT.TARY, IOrJ, onid Restoner oJ titO rit tlone qf Cle, LwnqswI j ;ti0 F;it 15itreb speeds relief jo dry easing relirter era iigr IA ; ,ill aHo ouice please m nd to; rrisr j it i3 tO rdliitrl.bly |elcifrlreli to open. c:t'iseal, heal, ipid comifrt itie hreact rid i relieve tile tle s whien prrini l itli cr4iglrirtr. or oppujtned wil tilick piltlgil, hv its b:3rtl.icat ald ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEICESTEIRSHIRE. To be LET Furnished iJ,/ the Y'tuer, or tsbv a Terin of J~ecits, X Desirable FA MI IL PRESIDI:NCE situate(l in A. t the centre of Sir John Gerard's. and Mir. Meyneil's Covers, 4 miles front Ashbv-de-la-Zoach, t fronm Burton- on-Trent, and 12 from Lougliborough. The House con- tains good dining and brealiast rooms, study, an excellent drawing room or library containing a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . _. .BRE Y. KX:GWORTH*. -r.2cellen* Ilot10eloldrs,5fitl tte, Plate. ('ina, Glass, Linen h -esvisag vessels, Din/t Utensils, 1f1WJVE.Ss (Cdr. riage, 1-ores, Capital Fa-ing Stock, Hay, Cen-, Manzoiure, pigs, Cucumber Frames, Garden lmp1o. tncios, 4;c. Also a very Exrtentive and Valuable LIBRARY OF ]BOOKS, U (Which originally cost several Thousand Pounds,) A Portfolio of Scarce PRICNTS, bi the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FRIAR,41 GATE, DERBY. TO BE LI'T, A Commodious FAMILY HOUSE, with or withl- ort Stable, Coach-house, and Field containing about four Acres of LTand. Further particulars may be had on application (if by letter, post paid) to tile Rev. K. SI MPsox, 97, Friar Gate, Derby. Derby, 8th Jan. 1831. GEORGE INN AND COMMERCIAL HOUSE, BE LPER. 7'O BE LET, with immnediale Possession, A LL that well ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MILITIAS, NOTICE IS HERB GIVEN, °l TI>AT SUBDIVISION MEETINGS for the M several Iundred? wit hin the COUNTY of DERRY are ordered to be held on the Days, and at the Plaees after mentioneed, viz. ] HUTNfIREDS. PLACE OF MEETION5 DAY Or ZIERING. r( litesurct j County Hall, Derby, } Wedaesday Feb. 9. Appletree,.. Saracen's Head Inn, T Thursday, Feb. 10. lepton anl 1tWhite Hart In, . Grefley,.. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APPRJO' ED MlTWDICEVES, Sold by the Printer of this Paper, and the principal Medicine Venders its the Kingdom. Couentry Dealers supplied at 1t1w Londo, Prices. W IXON'S ANMYLsr.TOUS Pt1.T.S-As a mild and IJ effectual tenmcdy in tbose Affeetiouts which have their origin in a morbid action of the Livcr and Biliary organs, namely, Indigestion, Loss, of Appetite, Hlead-Aclie, Flati.. lence, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VALUABLE PREMISES, &AURST PLIA-C.9 DE3MBY. TO BE SOLD BY PR IVA TE CONTRA CT, A LL that MIESSUAGE or DWELLING 1IOUSE A and SHOP, with the Outbnildings and appurtenances to the same belonging, situated at the Market head, in the IMarket Place, Derby, lately in the possession of Mr. Battelle, and since of lleessrs. Phillips. The above mentioned Shopi has been established in the Drapery business ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To be LET from Ladg-day next, FrHORNBRIDGE, an excellent Family House, J1 containing Dining, Breakfast and Drawing Rooms, with suitable Kitchens, Offices, and Bed Rooms., There are attached excellent Outbuildings, Garden, Shrubberies, &c. Two Cottages, and fifteen Acres of meadow Land. The situation is healthy and delightful, being halfa mile frort Ashford in the Water, two from Bakewell, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;-WANTED, S EVPJVAL; ::(lt)OO HO'SEKEEPERS iand CO G>OI;8A~onek~etp appty-whose-characters will not bear thetriutttt in~ttigation. Applicarien to- be dst4e to Mri. WILLIADMSON, (if by letter, postap~id) Register Oflice, jNo. 22, King Street, lPesby. - LOST 6N*the lovd betweenlSpodon Lodge. and Chaddes- J den, on Tuesday the 11th instant, A Black an. Whitte SPANIEL DOG, i nAnsgWes to the Name ...

Advertisements & Notices

... POR COUGHS. PECTORIAL ESSENCE OF COLT917oOT. I I E herb Coltsfoot, fosIngbei ljtigis rdto iti cx. I celliii propertiesi iiiIe Cure of Crisgis.and oilier Psi- monarry Cormplaiinits; and this Essence has, i ts le course of a Iulig practice, beeii foilid file most vsalc arid effectuarl remedY for Crorlgs, and all Disorders iftlire Longs. It gently opelis tlie Br east, anld imr iedirsiely gives ...