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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... XEDUCATION. PUNDALk ISS NICHOLSON and Mi86 SMIiTH resecififly inform t the Public, thait theijy BOARDINi and DAY SCHOuL, for YOUNG LAIES, will open on the tstof Jantia 13.1 They beg leave to assure Parents and Guardians, a fr the highly nmproved, and superior mpthods they mea t in teacihig.tihe diffurent branches of EducatioLn, thev fee LcAX ent in being ahle to convey instruction toth Oir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BYV AUCTION. s 4. k DODD'S tLit S / 12, SACKv LL-S.'RE.F Auction of valuable t-6idsehold Furniture, in high pr, ion; a tt4-Uitcl' bi~ir~r j ~lrge Chimney Glassas ; two Pier lasses, in coinpartmnuits, of large dimensions a Secretary and Book- cVse ; adt 6iht.d dClock ; fitv Cross Quart Bottles ; C'hiiia', On OMORpoW (TUESDAY), Janu:Lry- 4, : IH E FUllRNITl'g consists of-Oine Set of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B ALTRE~sL . TRi iYAL HIS. EE;ING lMvIdN1Y\Y), Yninsay 3, tlaeir MS.) jesties' ServasatLa iWpetform r ln Opera of 1 -Fl UTZ. , I -;' RodolIph. Mi,. Sap.:4 Caspar: VIr. Calorafte ,billoe, Wr 3rough ,:Killian,.-Mfi 3dhib.~oii > Onliel' Dr..'Well.4 Atgne, ;gls jiette; Anns Mgiss-Harnslton;'M iern; 'lMrs Blad.: Iln tlhe pour of, Oth aeaning the j3and -will play V.n' ,ebaMt's Overtore 'the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... |I'THE4TlElROYAL r HTS EVENING. (TUESDAY), Jauaury 4, their j jesties, Servants wvill perform tie new Comedy of . T f-lEI CllAsNvCEIUy SUIT or WANI'TkD A Tl'riz Sir 1erIlard BIlazencourt, Air. MAathews; Frederick I Bla. cur, irii. 11. Stanley; GuyThist1ebloom,' r.Rees; Jeremy Tihistlebloom, TtIr. 11. Coolke ;'Vr.Muwplay ~VDogrely, (late ,jt I rinity Colleg;e, Bul Mr. .arry,, Emily Travere, Mis ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DECREtS. IN CHANCERY. Maljr Anlne Walszh, U RiSUAN' to the d of the Plaintiff; Ii day ot Max' lI ast I N' ill, on Lyndon Bolton, ('lII14RSDAY, the 20th day of JAN. Sobieski hildahl, and next, at the h)our of ONE o'Clocl, af- othels, ternotil, at my Chambers, lung's- Defendants. lnns'-quy. set up ?? let, to the bigh- est and fiirest bidder, ler the tern of' sc en years pendlidg this cause, ALL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a numrbrogs adndl sepecta le-Meeting of the-Law CILel, of thc.Cityof Dubliq,.held at the Arena, LowerAbbe street,. onMon ay, the3.Sd Day January, 1831. - Mr.J AIES CLIFFbRD CRENA in the Chair. I~ ~~ l ''SA krJA 'S BUlAKE, Secretary. the folloving rlesolations-were unanimously agreed to Ist. Moved by Mr. James Burke, (Secretary); secon } Mr. Peter Sullivan: e by Resolved-That we yield to no one ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRlCE OF fRIS11 STOCKS ON TUESI)Ay. i3overnmnent Consols, S3 per Cent . 81* _ Stecp, er cent, . __ _ Ditto. ZA per Cent. (new) 9 191 9u) Deberitures,34percent .. 6 Bank St§k . .. .. !ek (Granrd C anal D)eb 6 per cent. red. to 4 ster. per a t . .. Grand Canal Deb. 4 per cent. red. to 21 33s 4d .. Miihernitan Bank.j Mniing Company of eBanlr.. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -E--TETRE-ROYAL. First appearance of Mr. VANDENHOFF. TIS EVENIN6 (WF oIXESD AY), January 5, their EMa- jesties' Servants will perform Shakspeare's Histrical TTra- gedly of CORIOLANUS. Caius Mtarcus Coriolanus, Mr. Vandelboff; Meneni- ,Mr. G:ittie ; Brutus, Mr. Wells; Appius, Mr. Covenev. glumnia, ]'tl s. W. WNest ; Virgilia, Miss F. H. Kelly; Tullius Aufidius, lir, II. Cooke; Vol~usius, Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ITHEAThRE4ROYAL., n'~s l ~rNIlG (THURSD XY), January 6, their Ma- jesns7 Servants wrill perform (for the first time) the Grand ,Ntarlai OELLAra °ORf THE FAIRY QUEEN AND THE GLASS SLIPPER. l.lir, Prince of Salerno, Mr. Sapio; tbe Baron Pumpolino, lr. lteas; Alidoro, Mr. Bedford ; Dandini, AMr. Brough; Pedro, is.l Jeinzson; ('inderella, Mvliss Betts ;- Cloriudn, Miss H ajil- ,;,hisbe, Mliss, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OEVOLDS'S NYEWT HIOflL, C ! tKVILLE.STnEET. ,in retUrllin. hlis nincere thanks o the 4r tbeir kind patronagasirice l is meninenenrenuit inBusiness, hegs leaveto atatethntno attention waabeintedt to render his EscabiiSlhment worthy a contillu- ale ftheir sup~port. A PIANOFOIATE FOli SALE. , LADY leaving Dublin wishes to dispose of ex t A well -toned PIA IN OFO U'r. It keeps ramurnrkkblv *el An ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE-ROYAL. cecond N-ight of tile Grand Opera of Cinderella, wvbicb was A- ceived last evening with most enthusiastic applause. T-31S EVNINl\G (FIUD-VY), January 7, their Ma- Ljesties' Servants will perform (for rhe 'd time) the Grand S-ect acular Opera of Cl-)ERELLA ; OR, THE FAIRY QUEEN AND/ 113 GLASS SLIPPER. A ?? Felix, Prince of Salerno, Mr. Sapio; the Baron Pumpolixe, Ilr. ilees; ...