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Oxford Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... iO r it e eri 0 1 tr n 9 11 11 0 4 .1 0 3.n to AI. at by is iso ,be to ian Iny der Ors re- Iof ing to ac~e ,as- ,to ;sq. .ary 'sq. Tel- an-. ten, 5hn, Ie, 2d ?? of ,ton lea- of of ing. Ian- ford of ac- 3of hter his 3uf- rian ew- ,sq. [.of shn her Ing, ilie, 'ger ged Ird, 1os. srt, 31st ecar his and !he nd- ?? am in )eat ale. ade .Ite 40s Clerk to the Commissioners. 42s Aylesbury, July 6, 1831. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'p1OJ N S EMJ'I 4R ?? M~E FROBM OXFORD. -- ! gli, Ftectfuilly ineormS ber.Aiiwids INr SCHOOr l wvil re-*cm1O nce oD wns1 svhen hle liopes, by coblinvied ?? ir tellectual ?? of. her, ontinualic, of those favours hithexto so ,vacgnc3 for an Articled Pupil, for two soderatc terinS. )LV BY ACTION, 1 ?? 1031, on the premises in the ..Part of tbe remaining STOCK i n gD and SHEFFIELD GOODS, ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just published, price 3d. or XI Is. per hundred, i FFECTS of DRUNKENNESS shewn il an U2 Address read to his Parishioners June 19, 1831. By the Rev. EDWVARD FEILD, M. A. Curate of Kidlington, Oxon. Oxford, printed by W. Baxter, for J. Parker; and J. G. and F. Rivington, St. Paul's Church-yard, and Waterloo. place, London. TO TRUNK and BAND-BOX MAKERS, rgO beD D SPOSED OF,.-A well-established A ...


... M. MISS WELLS informs her friends and and the public that the duties of her SCHOOL will be resumed on Monday the 2ith inst. LADIES' SCHOOL, ENSHAM. THE MISSES NUTT respectfully inform their T friends and the public that the duties of thbir SCHOOL will be resumed on Monday the 113th instant. 13ICESTEP SEMA~INAiRY. 1m/Z RS. FARNELL begs to informn her friends and Ald the public that her SCHOOL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... vehitects, -Beilders, Stone Masons, 4c. 201 RD GREAVES, Prop'ietor of the Stone 1W ICA ld Saw Mrills, Wilmeote, near Stratfrid.ont or Sale at the CANA 1 WVHARF, OXFORD- Avoolhl fravingforStreets, Solid Steps, 11featbetrc ditto, Garden Edging, ,bjug for d Sinks, auttering C Flooring-* Grave & Currier's Stones, &c. Darn o r ooM Ttlr sAIV AMD SANDED. ,d 4hite I)iaaljond Paving for Halls. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Old Jllan's Leys Farm, Tackley, Oxon. T O be LET,-The above capital STOCK FARM; 'IL consisting of upwards of 340 Acres of excellent Turnip Soil. Possession of the Turnip Fellows, &c. may be im- mediately had. Application to be made on the premises. GENTEEL RESIDENCE, At TEMPLE COWLEDY, near OXFORD. O be LET, with iminediate possession,-A genteel T DWELLING HOUSE, with a Plensure Ground, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... s Turnpike Roadfroi t the Sessions Io162se, in the Townm 3' qf'Buckingliam, to Hanwell, in the cosnty of Oxford. !r OTICE is hereby given, That a Meeting of the 1 LNl Trustees of the Lower Division of the said Road will be holden at the Cartwriglst Arms, in Aynho, in the county ;s of Northampton, on Monday the 18th day of, ior d a special purpose. RICHARD BIGNELL, Clerk to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QTOW FAIR,-ifr Wool, Cuttle, Sheep, anat-lert challtdke, will be held (as usual) on TUESDAY NEXTk the 26th of July. Stow-on-the- Wold, July 23, 1831. o fgamvkers and Pedle? s. .TIfOMAS HEM MINGS informs Hawkers and ; Ml Pcdlers that he has received JLICENCEtS to be granted the First of Augaust. No licence can be granted except last year's licence be given up, or a certilicate brought. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Chaddlekvorth House and .M/lanor, Near NElWBURY, Banks, gO be LET, and immediate possession delivered, if Ar required. The Mansion has been erected within a few years, and is in all respects in complete repair, and a very eligible lRcsidence, with encellent gardens and ice house. The Manor and setensive Wo6ds abound with gane. IHounds arc kcpt in the neighbourhood. Twenty Acres of Land, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LUXURIANT CROPS OPI CORN, Upwards of 200 Acres of good Keeping, Valuable LIVE STOCK, Implemnents, and other Effects, AT DUNTHROP CASTLE FARM, Near CHIPPING-NORTOAN, OXFORDSJIIRE. ?? BE SOLD BY AUCTION, .IL By J. CLEMIENTS, On Monday the 1st of August, 1831, on the premises of Mr. William Holloway, who is leaving the farm ; compris- ing upwards of 70 Acres of excellent Wheat, Barley, and Oats, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ned rgQ10 be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, 2s. £' -A compact FREEHOID RESIDENCE, situate abs at CHARL BURY; containing, on the ground floor, a dining ohn room, breakfast room, study, butler's pantry, store room, a ils, large kitchen, and brew-house; on the first story, a drawing the room, three bed chambers, and a dressing room ; and in the ited attics four other rooms. There are also a large ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? Three and Vout' back and near the eallrd I Clernent's, near this city, a BHACK LT BOOK, containing variotij prol ount of £43a-On applieatfoti at thp 'ice the property being satisfactorily Reward given to the finder,, %6d the 'rayed,7 the Pocket Book with its Con- ,,Ilhe owynvr, ...