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Advertisements & Notices

... Soflnelet [lo ~~ ' ~~ ~~ ttreriirr sit St!derits, that the SCHIOOLS bF1dy HOW lrtt AR, psIt.A. see. {JA.NA\VAL CHARITABLE SO. ~~t QU~AiEETING will be held at thel eIl . .rIito seet, oil Monclay thle filth Di' Ja- tt.5 ii G s eec LE 1bM-L 8RHA S nlefr Wcst-. for~ till.iL OURNISA COVI1rr of thIn r iragA 'Itijll, onoThurirday next, the Ii th Janary;itv EDWARD) FOSS, flou. See. So 'il SEA OUSE, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - List tbf A: ;C1bettk. i MR. COBBETT'S RURAL ES.- OneK thick vol. ; 2rno. Prie Ss. - THE WOODLAND3Sf. - ?? 14s. THE ENGLgIH ;GARDENER.- Priee 6s. MR. COBBEYt'S SkftMfNSEPriV:4e3s.Od. T- lEEPOOR MAN*''S PRISND.~ ?? PAPER AGAI>NST GOlD.-C Price Ss. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? published, No. I. oof 7 HE .USEFUL TAMILY LIBRARY,. 1. which - contains the RIGHTS of NAN,, complete; with ?? of Aihen ank-3d Jyayette. It is gatnxp'to corre- spond,:in every respect, with the -Family Library. jS~mall, Bvo. price.5s. The present .crisis requires .every oeu to read so valiable a work :as ' The .Rgh4 of John Brooks, 421, 0Gstbxd-street. A. MIRRO0R POW> THE .BOROUGH-- MONGERS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JetphihDpice 155. bound, GOD'S COMustpubihCti ANNUAL, forbIC, l'i 0 0.51 D'th rsetvlm is ?? than s t,'pedecessOr. You rhe presin cvm icef. You mavy eseculets.oe;, two g~oes Illnisgh hi even' P5s.~altle u~ e. ChrlsTit ?? iect-street. Ofwhemuit map; be8'O had, a Best Elition of the Former VoluIme. Under the S05,erlnteldetsct of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Kissiwledge losti published ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR ALL FAIMILIES. Justpublished, price Js. cloth. fAMILY MANUAL AND SERVANTS' CGJIDE, with up- wards ?? Thousand New aind Approved Receipfs, arfanged and adapted for Families and all classes of Servants. No Servant should be without ?? Advertiser: T To Servants living in the Metropolis ttiis book uiusua be an indispensable vade-roecum. It tvill also be cxceedirgly useful to beople lh 'ntt in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Th'FTRE9':=PRE1 BOXESl St-IEanhESAP'srIV TE BXEtL-T tSAMS'S Library, St. -ames's-lstr Aedte , for the Nigiht, for large or sm arties, at Druryl Paa Covet-gadenand Adeiphi Thezatres;, risatruylne, Terms of Sabseription to Sams's Library, The Year Half-year - _ _ G sc3 5 0 Quarter - - - 1 1 All New Publications as soon as corrected. A P ) LIL 0 N I C 0 N, a Grand Musical In-strument ouetthe A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CUPERIOR BEA }IAT 3S.|-BY THE KING'S ROYAL KY bE EPERS P. TENt1Mannfacturetl of' thle roost choice materials,a -7 ?? morie iubeeligtsmandllasits,.inll ?? olour1, thdn any hitherto made:o p 1, c het eandA-s. tohbe tbad honly iof ?? ROBE RT NI s F NS and Co., isol Riea nt-srrt'et, aicrd 62,ed Crossni-street, ' fippiegato. LADIE BEA~~ sNNET AND RIDING RSATS. C~tJT of2;o oath 13; ir ?oSriesirll ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OJT IL. A(ADEMY, Sorrertlet Houze.-Notice bI yrvelii rite Members arid Strideitto. thrat the SCHOOLS ~ rKN ~iSDAY. HENLRY HOWARD, R-.A. see. ;lii rHAM -S TUNNIFL, near Rotherhithe I? cbircitaid iIOtt' tie l.'td of Oil Gravel-loire, on tike 11,jppla 0lds0 ~ RI5,. - I iii.. ilirrill vi thjt i lii. ol'irij frosy VIew itir ii tOO i' ~ 1'~ Ol~* iviriciti hut. illing Iii, (:I, Per. r~r' 311' .:ii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~HET -JM S TFUNNEL, near R.otherhithe cciitd OPP I)te the end cef 0olt Gravel-lice, on ithe Wappling t, teIIver.~N - c.h rh lvric that the Publdic may view tiI, iael evr dor (Scetdays exceptet ), rin mccl-evec in thle Mdorneinu cu- onelCV Atert~ii.openpaycecit of One -'hilling fo, each Per- ie ha nc e 1, is iliehec withl Gas. cI, dry and warm, and the deotient a aekn -yktiee i FItI , T'K (leek ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BIOOKS PUBLISHEl) THIS DAY. R1IFOIIM IN PARLIAMENT pT OUGH on the CAUSES anid CURE of the 1 __ PtESSt wIth a PLAN f PARI R _ItF -ite. lar . I'. EJA t IRFR IeAU3Q.\NI' Eoq.H 1.a.S. ne hTsar iJestd's Jastices ofr the t'eace fir 3Iide s O and C esrin- torP 2l. - Published by Rtidgway, 1 icNaETllIy. G ItILAT BRitITAIN'S CIII.prc e ctavo, p EFO. MREIECHE NY1 LE CONO0M Y &.I -the t Harll Cisae of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... m H ' jj.~M S T'UN N iL, near Rotherhithe ICsturvh. aasi opp~.ssite the end at Ol11 0 ravel-iaee, onl the Wap ping aisle t fIsv Ht~ir- No0tic I. hertrb hi'lle that tilie P ublic mlar view thle Ta sari ver, Jay (Sun day's C exptes) ro tra Ele yen in tile SI'lsen a g an. tistirFta the Alt, rt ernotn,t upmPYmetlt Of One '1hililng tar each Per. -he I RI 14 ltI Od hd GI a. as fit YU nII dWarI, anit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... poJLL.NICO(N, a Grand Musickalinstrument tolerte Paitrotlaghiii of Iin 11 ajhjatyl, invcciitetl and c~ostruocted fiwtool iabotiOrgn 'ol ier,,is Opitn tobK Exhibuitio delii.' frotho te grperforittlflif iy its mechanfical. powers Ihlozart's (vrtuite to ire ' IA'eihrr' G rand Oivertore to 0Oberon.-Onl satu,,ard next, - loin , a~i. r. I'U iK iS will pterform oil the Apolloiti cn a SE.- 'ice 0 .i i ...