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Advertisements & Notices

... THAMENES TUNNEL, near Rotherhithe T. qhuarc,,.vand oppen1,1ite the end of Olid Gravel-lane, On the WaPPtInR , crvitvrNd icIs hereby given that thle Public may view tire !d~el envery ddr(Stloildys excepted), Irorn Eleven In thle Morning tin. V I ur the A ttC1tt900.1 11POn pay'ment ot One S hilling for each Per- ' irle rh,inneis l4ighted with Gas, Is diryand warm, and the descent I sf n cr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'S iAY ON MONEY.-Priee 3i-. id. is just publishied, by A'v.A TCEAsD aid Sor,'. . ' , '?sphle& 5before us we see al tlhat e'cp'irnce hals proved, denr'- . .as owirtsi i8 by a coriplete proceess of a priori reasoning-; andi we couid oaliceive a gieater b1neit~ to the di untry than the essay should be - ad, 'Ollsu:YI'i; and understood hry all public usen ---Standard, .lp 5is T(AS Pr.PRESEBN7T. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t puI A DISCUSSION of PARIAh d REFOM By a ASold by H. Hunter, 71, St. Paul's Church-yard. Where may be lad, by the same Author o OPINIONS .ESSAYS on teFORMATION and PBIAI ~ S Price 8s. bd s t~l fTUTH on the PROGRESS of KNOW- e. ESSAYS the PURSUN IEDGE and on the FUNDAMENTAL P R C L o a EV at d EXPECTATION-a Prices8g. bdsn Jst: pubedelished, (Dedicated byh'e Erlof Wilton tm s M ORDACQUE'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW MUSIC, ?? at the ROYAL HARMONIC IN- STITUTION, vs46, Regent'street, (New Argyll-Rooms), and may be had of all Music-sellers in the United Kindom. SONGS OtF THE FAIRIES, or Oberon's Court; the Poetry by ELFIt.; the Music composed by C. E. HotaN. Vol. i. priee 1s. Containing Puck's Call, trio; Oberon's Love, sonr; 10beron's Bridal Feast, trio; Titania's Love, song; The dance! tre ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? CoieAt-gahdeS.P2tdt,.eer~A' BOXE L at SMoS ?? The Yesar - - i Half-Year I 16 0 Coveat-garden, ad tn /,A dita iph Theatren s. pt r Quarter - ?? Co 0ilOi of the Li- All thle N, y ?? a soon a, pI tt o *yconstaining all ath D'iew Writia up to 831, isjuts, published. . kP 0OL L N I C O N, a Grand Msjaj istrunient (onudtr the immerdiat' patronage of his DFa.ev) invente and constructed by Flioht a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... m HE TH ~itS T'1 NNLI?L, near lotherhithe T Ctnrrcli ard'opposite the end of Oil Gravel-lane, on, tine Wapping slp at t mR-er -totice I-. heIby given that tite. Pu blic ma vrwth Tunnel evrec dy Y(soalar xcpterl, from Elceven It, tire Moring III% til F~our in tiC A tierlno,in npon~ paYmient osf One Shlillung for erach Per_ ,,on. Lite TmittteI its iightond with Gas. to dry and warm, and the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jIA EOf ANA J'(MX Y and AMEDIGINE,j Well- rpnd. B~oroug~h -Tihe SPRtING COURSE ox' cy~s~leratl t tisj Theatre w~ill eolttirtetle onl Tliursday, 3s o's4 DISSECTIONS bay the Lecturera, asilte hII ~~l t.PO ,~ ad I\CTIrcEof pHYSIC, by Dr.BHOOTT. Cia 1. 2I~~' M ~ wdC \ TA C IA V. by Dr. )0IoTrT. Co a-~ i.~Mc. Rnair t, F. tS a OVE. tat CH1~1~ ~ applytO fr. HighileY, ilediril Hooksxeller, adjoining ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 14B .H),NIES TUJNNEL, Bear Rotherhith, T Cturch irrdLii~osth ie ed f itt Old Gravet-litne, ott the IVAppintg Bift Lithe ltiver.-Notice Is herelsv given that thle Public mary view tile ye TItI every iday '(Sinday'. eceptedil. trout Eleven In the hM.ornin un Iin til Pair lIi h hteilluo Iattlilt of One shitinit foe each Per- Jo fbn.Te T; .01101 Ii li~lfiiat wIth Uai. 1, dry atid warm- an ti e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1'IJLLONI~oN, a r~trtd ?I ustca IInstrumien t cr trciooiioge Of his 41ij-t) inyerittii and C I, ott IT Cild lst- trog tbiiilr-di ItII~ pet, E.hltbittor holly, frrom I Fir , ertorot itg by Its mechaicaleo roiversBltoZaeto OVerLitur t toli mdpItov G,roitd Os ertor, to Oberoir-On Satirrdiry next, jock Aje. 7'UrIE' still pertornm On the Ap''ltoile,q,i a Sp.- t~~it ii ti-tttSr1yCh ~), , Hisydi; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fjmHE THAMES TUNNEL, near Riotherhithe IChur-h, and opposite the efud of Old Gravel-lunle, On the Wapping idof'the i-tiver.-Notlce to hereby given that the Publitir may view the Telone every da; (Suindays excepted), fromt Eleveis In the Molrning unt- Ill peer it, thle AfternDOnlf upon payment of One Shilling for each Per- ean. The Tflnel is 149la1teld withi (Ras. Is dry and warmn, and the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TTHAMES TUNNEL, near Rotherhithe Ialndh o 'site the end of Old Gravel-larte. 0n tioe Wap ping V ol lt,~.wtlceis hereby given, that the Public may view thte v'eoieyr,T dlI uday (ordf ex,-e;tetl), from Eleven In the Morning un.t fiur e feeot, upatt payment of One Shilling for each Per. if] IrqI h Af ith m aS. is dry and warm, and the descent fjydO 1;ogr JAMDES IIIRKETT. Clerk to the Company. * ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? the Superifnteflelncd e of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Kolde or a'iII ?? sucte~t which has attene this publication tipoveso Mthat ?? Society was ?? aware of the wan'tsesrand is ao tea ?? sderiesof Maps, which will leave nothing to bdesiedin a Ge Braphicl Atlaso areier by Families or Schools, and wioh has Gno competition SIther r coeapfes tbelga, Ihaed~or accuracy, vill comprise ...