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Advertisements & Notices

... _UCROX ROYAL AMPHITHEATRE, ONZAT CUABL0TTE-STRZNT, IVEZYOOL. 'IyT71 ApPPEARANCE OP 1MR DUCrO*Z, I c lieunion of the Entire Company! constituting a Bady irr5 a'i'tilent neverbefore asse ubled inoneEstabliis. ,ItlU',, le wvlimle of the exstensive alxd admired Stud, whoe *t .tity arrived from Edinburgh wvill this eveningeom. . j -play of varied Exercises, to be attained only by a i such ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / THEATRE TQYAL, PRESTON-1 NiR.. & ?4OAflAi STOCKIMUSJ~ .Mrl. ?qCxro)so~Y, Beg leater rospectfully to auowil to, tle. 110Ac..*cir Oh T91DAT, TIME L3T 1~tM¢ 1I 'Wt, 0 wbich oecoiouX the, Uemr.%t( the Eruro6 NVAIW4 Society ktive kindly ofl'ered their ieise^, VO¢AL P~r.~Rt'tO tS: *M(adas z7CKH4Ui*N, aqd.Mt. A4tCLT., I .pder. .. ?? ?? ?? ?? , Flute,..Mt. NiclOXl.O?. Harp-..Ma -. qc6zs .Viqlorlq ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / WANThD, IYDIATLY, STEA.DY, active, Person, to take theliethageinent A~t of a SPINNING CONCEDRN. A good operative Carler, who has soone acquairitaice with Spinning and 'Hechialics, may snswer. Encouragement will be.giyea to takent natd httyhtry. Apply to the PINiTER. /v7AS ASSIGNMENT. RZEREAS JOHN WINSTAR'JLE, of 'Whiitle. Xi' le.Wood6 In. the County. of Lancaster, Publican,. bath by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a.lMAM~NSO5 h tmnehe #verieyofI0 it .~Cat thle abtve nttt , ispent 5c5.. wihregulate the Ogfi iUo h liasay Thse consecutiiVe Lcuesvnocgtiinfasr vl te il~erd' onA the SATuO~ ~~eiSnx ~loSg Airsft the Costivse,- Prk s-I1e,% may be o' ne s :,Mxiealc. School lmuftt-stret;Mses CJIie h. i' 1'htce or fot Mr. LEN, at bls hOusei sje~rcManchester. frots, fulfill Ung his engagintgcllhts inl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * * ~t ''t ' 'aii 'u ' ,t, On t~ lleFremises oft Messr5. Aiddy anid Cu II ing*oths at iclay. ' - t-vale printiweiks,'Qn Mooda the'24'tl dy -of'JSD; 1l31, sale tt csisnienee sit tes dock; precisely. LL the sable FARM! STOCK, eonsistig of A 'four valuable sraughRPrec large quantity of'geers; one cow'; two large do its qitb a r inch wvhees-; tw coal carts; one dung caart, t nch wbeels; one ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OSSEAT C1IAnL0TTE-S`Vt.~T, LIVERP'OOL. FRtIDAY AND SATURDAV EVENINGS. .~ ~ ?? leve o aprie te Nubtitty and Pub- )1 i, tathavng logd hs Aphiheares in Edinburgh and, t;I~gW. ~eis ow nabedto rcent o hemn the ti-hole if his ha aetrrailgerunto- f'ur ADEQUESTRIAN JU ILE Vej l,,trofwucflP eight first-rate Equtestrians, ade to iic.on each PI eoog s. llh~ittrdit etre fMr. Duteow'spotpularticeces. St f ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *Shppers of Ooas ,eer the New7 York Packets are rexpetpilly renrinded £1301.4 the :30t/ fanls on Sanda/, tile Britannia cl not recedes Goeds qftor thc 29t1, instant. THE OLD LINE OF PACKETSe FOR NEW YORK, Sagt artthelstatld 16thofever .Tieath, vis. ?? ?? 615 tons, ist of Feb. NEW YORK. RNXBTT ?? W0 ?? 1GMttof Fcb. Ml.NCHESTER. SrtETClLEY ?? 560 ?? Isttof 11Mtach. to CALEDONIA. aOGRs, . ?? 650 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... in ' io Q r iibl tt. ?? 6Eal icsr.-A correspondenlt. Who signi .Scepe'. e§Iiect5 t5 COr. i tain advcrtisements which have occasionually ?? inlie .tr i it cise-y, and alludes to his, erecollretio of soene remark5 wve t iade, in whichas hesays, we distinctlyand solernniyprinii~1 cc,- poseand hold up to ridicule, as faras po'ssible, all mecds ,rierqi wherein the credulous part of the community ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [leAD VLItTISEJIIENT]a rHE celebrated DA. C. JonriDAN, front the West London e TL Medical Establishmenets, 1.4, Caroline-street, Bedford- d-slarea ad60. Newmian-street, Oriford street, London, is now in LIV RPOOL, and may be personally consulted for a FEW er Bl DAYS ONLY, at Nit. 10, Bold-street. from Friday, the 28th 11January, until Saturday, ,the 12,.h of February, 1831. As the r- anowldg ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0' bt lLet. rio be Ll'T. ti GOBE AsVEN. in Williamson- j ,uar tpiY Jo J and Astits taaRoTi. io be IEon m cdrate terms, tw~o good ROOMNS, by the mnh, ?? year. suitable for cotton, Corti, or ?? ('woy to JAsias DAVI99. Wine Merchant, Cook-street, be LE-T, two OFICES, l ate in the occu pition of Alr. ;O1rll Sielior. Wood-street, either separate or to~ethier.- ,~ ie .Ef. n o bl5~e te 2thofMay ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OtssrasIER YsoMrANnv CAvALnv.-A respectable correspondent In Oriuskirk, upon whom we can Implicitly rely, has sent us a copy of a placard which has been affixed to the walls of that town, calling upon its inhabitants and those of the neighbourbood to enrol their names in a yeomanry troop, which some pugnacious individual proposes to raise. Oar correspondent states that the people in those ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / THEATRE - RO L PRESTONi . ?? the Patronage of the High Sl eri', MR. & MADAME STOCKHAUSEN, AND MR. NICHOLSON, Beg leave respectfully to announce to the Public,-their intention of giving (D OR,@~ VE '3M OF VOCAL AND INSTRUMETSNTALID - -U - .. ?? -. ?? -AtF-Uflt- ' ON TUBSDAT, THED IT 'PTRxM T ! ,On which occasion tlte Members of the Preston Musical Society have kindly offered their services. ...