Advertisements & Notices

... Jest published, a New Edition; s voles small 8vo. 10s. 6d. half-bound EstI IA' S JOURNAL; comprising a variety of interesting in- B formation for Young Persons. Arranged for every day in the year It is with sincere pleasure that we have perused these volumes, which, with it1 the clearness and accuracy of Mrs. Marcee's justly celebrated conversations Laie afmiliarity and elementary simplicity ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CREEiZATOOR IRON & 13RASS FOUNDRY, &- CORN o ?? N Rf POOL. - POSTPOATEMENT OF SALE. !3iW MRiJ lOOlDY respe6ilully begs leave to inform att 1TX the Public, that the SALE of the HOUSE- T} r HOI,D FURNITURE, Farming Stock, Foundry to h Stock and Plant of this Pisilblishment, announced for PO! n sale ot1 the '211th inst. and following days. is unavoid- v ably POSTPONED. O PLANEVIEL.D, Januar7t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPORTANT. TO I ETTER.PRESS P1ANjTEjS APPRENTICES,. A ME LTJNG of tbi? APPUF.NTiCES' to tile LETTER- PRE SS PRINTING BUS1NE8S. in, tis City, wi tuke place ou WEDNESDAY, thie 26th IN'STANT, L At No. t39, ABBEY-STRE ET, Corner ot Stifford-stieet, F , At Half-past Eight ?? in the Eveniu2 ,J for the purpose of Petitioning ParLiament fo a I ilel of the Legislative, Union between Great Britain and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 EiOIIGJi LANG, SEEDsMrAS§, late of 71, I]ighr H Street, Portsmouth, begs to return his sincere PI uatiks to ull his, Friends who have supported him in th the Seet Business during the last five years that hewalsl in hortsmouth, and bopes that he shall meet the samnle le support at Soubsea, at his Gardent, where he has fitted of UP Ia ShOp for the SEED) BUSINESS, In PalrI-Lane, IM near the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE-ROYAL. FOR THE BENEFIT OF MADEMOISELLE CONSTANCE, And Last Appearance in Ireland, of Mesdemoiselles CELESTE and CONSWANCE. b .First Niglltof an entire New and Original Drama of intense interest, in Three Acts, by ?? of the F French Revolu- tion, entitled TIlE BOHEMIAN MAID, or, THE BLACK BAN1Sof POLANID. T ILIS EVENING., January 24tb, 1831, will be presented 1 Nozart's Grand Opera off ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASSiBl;y ROOMS. GEORGE STREET. r 1E SECOND ASSEMBLY will, be held on 'r Tic lItSi) AY next, the 2lth cunrent, UNDTER THE PATRONAGE OF pter Grace tile DUCH E-SfS of BU(~CtEUCE, &c. &c. &c. To commence ?? Tlen o'Clock. Tickets, Five Stillings each, tn be bod at the AssemblY Ofn-s, a:nd of Nr Andessooa theTreasurer, No. S3, Geurge 5ttei t. Assemblv Rooms,. 20ib Jan. 1.31. .MOitNING CONCERT. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f CONSECRATION OF ST. 'tPottuE'S WATERLOO. ir T `IE asbove CERIIEt()NV willtekoplaceenn WM,-. T.Inesday uext, the 26-11 inst. by thc Iojti BISnO atof WIN ICraEsr En, slid a Sermoot will be pwea hed by d his Lordship on the occasion. The (lo* will be opened at ten o'clock, when all persons ivang ticket, from the Committee or Subscribers will be adotitted n Divine Service w ill cotnejimnce at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... K H 1I ~I'iM S TUNN ~L, near Ilother-hithe '1' hort, a poll,iOlte the ewd of O~l (iravel-laite. ol~ tile WVoppiri e ~~J. 10100r.-Nntho1 Ile hrelly I ren) hinIIt Eiihe Putbilein ay vile, thu I ~ ~ildar. xoeiteli 1 fot ElevenIOCI Ini tile Allorni rg ali. v~l'a oIIT 1.1 withCC Gaii N itiry adwarm, and Sie ijeteeit Ther Ouilpytil I n lil~gfe ahPr II fl~llyr11r1, I BE I [tEFTT, Cloer to thte ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L/r.THHEATRE-ROYAL, BRISTOL. iv. Mr. BRAHAM nd IN THE OPERA OF MASANIELLO. On this Evening and To-morrow, there will be /o ite Performance, in consequence of the preparations making for the produrlion of at 1 1SASANIELLO. g. (-hN THURSDAY atnd FRIDAY, Jan. f7th U and 285tb, lSS1, till be performed the OIera of , IA S A NIEL , 0. ie With new Scenery, Dresses, Decorations. &c. s Msaeiaello . ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE-RO YAL. fhe Grand, Opera, of Ciriderela. announced for this Evening, is * uniavoidably iostponid to ,Thursday, in consequence of the se- :rious indisposition of Mr. Rees. THIS' EVEXINGr TU.ESDAY. Januarv 25, 1831, their Majesties' Servants will perform the favourite OperaQof ?? DE!R FRE1SCHUTZ.,.- Prince Ottocar,; 3r. Barry; Kuno, Mr. Shuter', Rodoiph, Mr. Sapio ; Killian, Mr. Johnson ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR GWBRALTA, ' , :.~~Th~e'fine ftsallngwedlsh Ship:' -. ::,. A. UAJA ,15.CRm .d.' Has room for -a few Tons of Goods, and will Sail In Seven to Eight Days. For Freight, &c. apply to BECKINTON, WILSON & CO. If atl, Jan~~~~nzzy 25, IS931. Kul'J: ms~ 2. 18_81. . . NEW,,. 9R.LTJE .Ow P CKETS, Tfe fine A. I CoppefedBrig D APPER, :. Wuas Di6Kasmdw, Maister, 209 Tons Register. Succeeds-the PFrein, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~I PS TUNN EL, near Rotherhithe ~. reirteccite the end of 01ut (ruvel-Irkne, On tire Wappleig tr it otice IF hereby given, that thet Priblle nial vie,, the 4~0 the 7 su eitayc el eler'r d, teont ileneii In thelti morni ng oll. P' lc ,I ~, I non p ite paymneit of One shilliog toe each Per- Fti~r.n i'ro IC litirrhld with, is driad-Am S.hedbei li~ edit. 01 ratS BlItiETT, Clerk to the ...