Advertisements & Notices

... _ NEWCASTLE, JANUARY 7. The Paris journals during the last week have abounded with speculations on the late commotions, caused by the trial of the ex-ministers; but notwithstanding that a high republican feeling exists in the capital, and that a violent Opposition prevails to the present chamber of deputies, affairs ypear tobe settling into their former state. Thle resi nation of Gen. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? h'AI1S h ' :BRARY, s ?? Nor1JtbliOft dhexirh an latusS Ave si Map, 55' 1 *Vand AD CURESof a die OMPAN N Sf ' .s Iy . ~No. ETTE pS S I r/rOfQL Y and VITO . fly St ,,WALTi~rHEADe, Author opfil 'og Notets somi Rai _ore acostE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 .ALEtO INEI Co N, a Geaci MupiNcal IhstrumeNt (under the A L0I C ON, a G~a .ivnein I onttiited by Flight A P. biioIs;~n, n w iP - ?? ON alfin n till Fouir perfteoraie, by its e les Powem Moard a dlbdrm i L teca o Csrad Oertue t Ob,,on, 'which it exctswith a grandeur n rlinyo ?? superiorto any nt l let E reratin'belo the s or in'arrane. Admittance Is- EAGL INV.IANC CO pANY, 83, CORNMIhLL and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ue iBRGF 1K: semoEN LIW SCF d aLLEGES and piadd Ibtes-' intoE P4abridgca^R ?? 5se on tbej~ls d p ~laoe then uc bathl ,uthd f Crital Obsvsipons 2ais orvats-b~e erie oldht wef thav en Vsarnere tonP~ier.B theibirn lit whene thy ho Gree era i Cer seee eailiti bbM iB s-~iref, thne Who of Vi7goitie ar iribess whatxcf It now rscmie aeis reab nle of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DR. LARDNER'S C.BINET' CYCLOP-31DIA. . -Justpublisbed, prices G AK PRE-L1IINARLY ZDISCOURS l o the ;ST; Y of NATU- AI IRAL H'IS'1'ORY. By J F. W. HaRrcacaustLa L7, Euq, A.AL Beir.glol. XIV. of G9 Dr. Larduner's Cshiitet Cniclbpadia . )-:Etf The.precedisngvolumes of ?? Cyclopwdia are- xi'i. History of the t Western AWorid. Vol, 1 United States of Americ. ; XII. HiaeOry o raue, s vols Biv }. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N POua'SjIIOUT1 GARRISON ASSEALBLIES. y PATRON'ESSUS: Lady L. FOLItY Mrs. Colonel BURnGoUYrN Lidy Sso. eR Mr.. Hyde Palcrwe Lady Wt`LrAlAl.s Mrs. BUM rTT. s THl1 SECON D SUBSCRlPTION B1AI, vyill beheld at the Green-row Rooms, Ott Monday, tie :-10LI of J~anuary. 1t!31. yh Y H~IAVAN'r BALL1. br HERE will be a BALI, at the ?? Inn Havant on Tuesday, 18th Jantuarv.-Tickets 4s. each. e STEWARDS :- e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... y (4R1AND PARADE. PORTS3IMOUM. i TtOAtIMINCANX) DA1-SCIYOOL ?? YOUNG LADIES.7 ?? litI~aE UELBY, in returniing gtraltlul c- ! lutkowledgct-nts for the very libertil support they t. hav'e rectiveed shice, thle Cotllnlen c-etneoof their Esta.: it tilislment,. beg, re-specifully to anniodiae that the Du- 0~c- of their School! vtill be 11IESI,11ED Jiinuary 19th, 1 A ClARD. in MISEStCOO respectrilly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'Ā±HEiATRE-ROYAL, yoFEWELL BENFIToF MAIADEMOISELLE CELES3E. . ADENIOISELLE CELESTĀ£E having made. agrangements I to, perform a transient engagement in Lonidoa. previous to bki araace at the Grand Opjera, Paris, and being about to e 1ubhlit, she is desirous of e:pressing her sincere thanks for e htlrases and paztronage w hich hus been so liberally extended t.,rds hler in this Citry-yet ere sle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... It I! - ?? = = = .- it ~SUPSCRIPTION CONCERT. i r HE IMESSRS. SIBIY respectfully beg to in- nT form the Nobility. Gentry, the Subscribers, and the Public, that their PIRST CONCERT, will take G plece on Thursday, the 27th instant, at the Grecn-row .RoIoms. It 1'rincipcl Vocal Performners:-hlrs. W. K-;YVETT 3 and Mr. W.. KNyvrTTr, from the Ilanover-sqoatre n Concerts.-VTiooneonlo, Mir. CiHARLus ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE TrHANIES TrUN~NEL, near Rotherliithv T r~ n po~e h sdil l ravel-hilie, oil the Wappi4 ~ ,itie ll vr-Niticeli hreby Ivet tit tile Pubici inay vi ow tit,. 'vontelever da (snday eac pt I. to I leven in Lii, e Morn Ill, i. tilFo i tleA !erii't. lllli pyltellatone shbluing fat each Pe~- ~ Te 'N~osi s tcltodsylli as.ii ryand warmi, anti tieliect js by i ~ararid ~ atllrar. 7 S 1jTT Cierki to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,Merrion-square, 8th of Jan., et 31. VIE f;elovetl Lord.Anglesey ?? colldlescended; onc 2L ,tir we tbeidespoaictand most ttuneoi5titutional ?? ?? ciat ?? wvhich has generally been called gerine Act in order to prohibit tile formation of Ciociety cunstal ted to prevent unlawsful meetings, and to protect as velai as to e'xercise the sacted ri ht' of petition-that Prociamatio being founded in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - 1,111 QtJ 1: h;S. s ?? *- bf rwSS .l ii Li Id on -lUtb ar I) *tY ieitx, ttiit lS h currentb ji'uder the I itroiT~Te. or -. Iy ih S Y nf IH J - 5 or Ili addiion ton the l Iiai- d of. :tuvie, Colonel Rw ot 'mu th1}e ()lflcerv ol0 tleX Iyiiuirtim Al-nv-il tlir~ot ~Gu-ursduhaive oi kti l b granted hie atte!7 idanL e of theair Bad on ?? occa. 0, er TiIT q 'srt - hu S.1.CON Ij A SSEMiLY will ...