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Advertisements & Notices

... A ALEXANEI L'soiCommattder, (344'rons,) Coppered and Copper-fastened, T Will sail in a fkW days,,'7''TV For Frelghtl &C. apply to the Maiter on~ board, in the ' Old Dock, or WOOD & BELL, l *Hult, Januaery. 3, 183 1. 43, High-Street. P 1 eSOLD by'PRIVATE CONTRACT, J :ALNE;lying in the Junction Dock, V lars, apply to. JONN BRODRICK. C. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTIONJ ' fly M4t. STAMP,T A I tisSot'-Rorrs. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VENIRE. TJWN OF KIN STON.VPON-HULL, ,.jed COUN2nf t&, cpe t~ WN. NOTICE XS j1E99LBY QIVEN. That a ) -VtN~tV.Z fQTr thle 1¶IAL of CAUSES ba Hn ilis lajeity's golt o£ 1qr4, fqt. r o Town of lint 1auiil. And Vqupty M of the same: Town, wbilb he dbatt lthe d (.UILD4IAL1L, In thesaame 'ro¶601 O!;kA1t1t. p gi{ ,.8y tbe 8th Day of JAPIUAR`Ii nelt, ti Ten 'b c Clock in tbe Forenoon. ' Vc P * ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WHOLiESALE -ANr'l RETAIL TE ( OFFEc, & GROCERY. WAAREHH USE,'1 No. 11, IllinKT-PUACE- 'WILLIAMU FIELD. A-ING, since his successiOU totthe-Braisiess, lately -jc, n ied on by Mr. G. KrTClarJ,.reeeivedthe.tos lat o uiig Scouraigemente he deems it his duty to eekllow- ratitude by returning bisl most, Cineere tbankq4 F 's l mri~ds *vho have given him their liberal support,. 1 issreS rtheosth~at it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WILA4AM LEWIS, ]lui ber a fl Jif? bc Cire ,* , tof~t eIia.tu gulne Pock- =14in W he' 1as- expbrienaecl- durlng the te'ieyealrile has' conducted thie HtiisbeijTavern~begs to inform-his Frieorla and the.Public in general (especially t hose immediately connected with the Steam Packets) that in addition to, his old Establishment, be has purchased 'end entered aipon the last mentioned Premises in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... g vANNi80 eDi e'71RrS bep Lo inform '~-jvltefrjar ite1AMNt TR0', ,s -led his permanit 'iAtteldnce at home from Nlee to -Fouro Clock T --l)LD.ERNEiSS. DR A Uil A&E, Notice is hereb~' givest, 03 there vrill be a GENFRAL MELTING oi the tc A0l ,]EToRS of the LowGrounds~aril Q-trrs 1, 7rl ? 'l To~niis of Sth totn, Gianstead, Swin, Or , 0l0njglrIolne-Grange and Fairholmeb li Rrwton, Arnold, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... raie fd,.ul ~'a T nt'sdUU Jauz'ary18h 18t1, 181 e s pearf rtthdet ConyiedY f N Nlchi1de . G EN T LE: -l 1IN grand Eastern e coj3ON~d IIAS3 xaSANe -p P On'wI ld2g7tB' .Jwatzsdtry ilh5Ia,. °r - ebed tbs intereoting Musical Dramat.4f .t A.'!, 'rJIFr t1U, EXILE- l the laughable Iaterld'Ee of ' to conclude with the Paree pf TbO verfcrMh' . ~ EU1 'I.U l'RjI'OU STRAN GER, ' g, 1, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 L S R A C K X . 1~~~~~~~~~~~~ S il -S T 6 C o T L1 N E ~ ~ L ' I . D A tt , L K G O S $IL'ltY , R IB - B O N '~ L ~ E , C O A K S, M B R E L A S , & c . & c, t n t o each.Morfling andclose at Five In the . ve, ing. ' ', , Shopkeepers, Tailors, 'Whoilesale Dealers &c. will flint! this a favourable oppportuty the whole of the Stock~ must be Sold Without 1tesdrve N. . Th, Shop being sall, fo, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR GWBRALTA, ' , :.~~Th~e'fine ftsallngwedlsh Ship:' -. ::,. A. UAJA ,15.CRm .d.' Has room for -a few Tons of Goods, and will Sail In Seven to Eight Days. For Freight, &c. apply to BECKINTON, WILSON & CO. If atl, Jan~~~~nzzy 25, IS931. Kul'J: ms~ 2. 18_81. . . NEW,,. 9R.LTJE .Ow P CKETS, Tfe fine A. I CoppefedBrig D APPER, :. Wuas Di6Kasmdw, Maister, 209 Tons Register. Succeeds-the PFrein, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;GODDARD & BROWN - - LAt Th' OF bWOVn ,? . 4 v Gucceeded Mr. TOINPs id the Bsusints Ai tt s~ Pnl~rstii STAsT1ON5R, c;- SO' long carried ons by 'III °' *rcess t~t 51, I-owgatc, beg leave respectfully ,il i0~ h, ~ (tinuance of the support of tbis Friends aind t3 o ic ,-erally, and to assure tthem that the utmost t i e paid to their favours. The~PRINTING co 3tll t' i ,v t ls i be crriedoras ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY A ROYAL ORDINANCE, S Dated Copenh1agen, the 22,nd of Decembes -tast, Tir s Majesty the King of penmnkrk has been, pleased, hLJin order to favour the Trade of the Towfl of Gluck- Ij studSt, iJ the.Duchy of Holstein, to, grant a Reduction in Charges on Vesiels which putt into that Port, either unuder Average, or for the purpose of Winteriing there,aud which Reduction extends as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .xYIAt S willlie in HULLto contptete his engaga- o 1rB;,1.a.~ rn tllondtay the Itf Februargs, and remuain : t'llsd, r,'t 41 2tha ittefr. d at M rs. IiELt?5, 8, _ ,p .Z.-S>1 c to I I 0 BE L Ei Ts t~eted arsan on the 6th of April next, 4eARSiturated in the lllarkel:39~iP pi ; I ,,rira ,n ol'ldernesti, contaitinig., One At aud Fori y-sr c Derpt oftsuperior FeediggACrble,- inp .etreLND, with a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C135RCH SOCIETY.. SEU $IRMONS, it aid of the Funds of f' 'Vls rtoUon swill be Preached il the MARINERS' ithe 13tI instant, in the Morning, ,z~gCE OD SX 1W1 ,i and in the Everning, by the Rev. ; *l'IiseV a1 Scrales to commence at the usual' hours.' J3 W-V. H. DIKES, Hon. Sec. _ _ _ , .. Sdlc , , ,jggenin, 11ednesday, Itebruac.j 9, 19'l, Sts sO' rtrs Inuhbald'S admired Comuedy of- gl¢l8 ONE HAS ...