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Advertisements & Notices

... POPULAR JOURNAL OF MUSIC. T IIM E A R M O N I C O N.-Contents.- MUsIcAl. LITERATI n E. Biographical Memoirs:-I. Charles Simon Catel. II. Pierre Rode, both lately deceased in France. III. History of Metropolitan Concerts, No. i. ,V. On Harps. V. On the Formation of a Musical Library. VI. The Fends of the Philharmonic Society. VII. On a New Stringed Instrument. VIII. The Madrigal Society. IX. On ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COROWAT'O'I PAR' OF wRU MIP~olB' Price '3d. uNIN in addition to tie, Ulerary i.Na ielcs, ite -rvigs, the Crown5 Chair, and Revalia, and muo arpe Views.,, of tile us WVesimin'ster AIbbey, rlurtig the 'Coronaxrilo' of their MAfietites, is 'volt.i, to XVIkIl. price 41, 1IS- bor sc -John Im his ib, !14, Sitrjr- I PA'.1'YILOG.Y, 'VS2 ?? ot PfATtsAOLO ) Illustrated wit'rwev beotifoi Etigravingls, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gARGAINS of BRUSSELS CARPETS.-5WOOO Yards for im- mediate Sale, all at es. 6d- per yard. GaAl{AM St CO. HOLBORSN. P.S. Also the most splendid Choice of entirely New Patterns in the known world. f OSS OF TEETH, as supplied by Mr; BARKER, Surgeon- Jo Dentist, claims gefieral ?? secure, easy, and permanent con- struction of these truly valuable and elegant substitutes (by Which the grand process ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mJE GENERAL STIEAM' NAVIGATION T cOIIP NY'S PACKET. T1lE E.ARL0Fy ,WVFR l Of Wille. the Cnsatonm.Hoale. for CAL.AIS, Sutti mnornig Ith, ait Eight, anod mt i ix o'clock precisely, no vrySna ueno arly :returrn! O fromn C.aint every Wednesday evening Or Thurstday Inorning, uNo'. 6,t1e, notice 01nCficeligtne iiasittier i oticS Nd 2Pai t r. Underwosti's, 5,Hl aoue no.1 69, Lomnbard-street, Where ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ns A I C' \)A \ on et House.-Hihe LXf1-jj Hi'NiIY PiOXXItt), f A. Sec. R1{yi'i?i INSTIT'UTION, pall AlaI.-.'I'he GAL- all itY ,e0,h tMioloo i vli0ltrt, I a.~t 'tmo Dutchl. French riA(1;dhlti.,~11 I'. CtallN 'AlLY,trn nt iI, ir g till Six to the I ItS'. Ailo111,ttWldii AM fIARNAilli). Kc~por. r1 E THAIMkS TUNNLL, rear Rotlierhithe Church, 1CAnd Oppotite the evd Of' Old Grateel-la ic, on t~le ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rn~lF \TIU; ROYAL, COVENT-GARDEN.-Mi I 1-N, ingI 'RTY 1' lee ave to announnce that her lt. ENIF IT wi II take pslae u-N~-. ~ t. thle 2slt Junr,, on which ourcaon Mr. Praham has kindly~ p,,slorl H twthorn, itithe Comic Opera of LOVE IN A VILLAGE ~ ~tend wv.Il. %Vl~u ; ostilta (tirt tIme), Priso Inverarity.-In the, ~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T1HE THAMES TUNNEL, near Rotherhithe trim an opoale th ca ofO~jGrael-lane, 00 the Wmapiv g ~id ~'th iteer-Ntlc Isheebygivnthat the Pubimlie'may viewithe ~ eve' dayiiunayu ecepteil, Te Eleven in thle Mornilng tn- ~il amm ~ he ftenoon tt~flpayentof Onle a h~lble~ foe eaich Per- ~ Tme ona isligtedwils Gs. s dY and warm, and thle descenLt HyOT~er JAMESRi~iiITT, Clerkm to theCompany. f' NCERTS of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0YA L AC ADLEMXY, 1'rnierset 1-louse.--.Notice R oldI here by gi ero to itI, Ai ~l, r ar, -L.,LId, lto,. that 'rI Ii om S PHlI[,iLI'_S. i C-. El PI',. re-r 't P.,1,,tloc, lviii deliver lia FOURTHI LFCI' Ilili TOi-hORlIMV~i ONI' at I:'loht o'ciock. AIENIY IIOWARDI, R.A. See. NOT CE to Alx-FS S .'- -All W~orks of Painting, N ~I~ii,,Ipm Al. OrAi I'C I Y Ii,tondid e , e thI l, pli,,mal till 4X , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COBBETT-LIBRAUY. 1. ENGLISH GRAMMAR.-Ofthi work sixty thousand copies have now beeI published. This is a duodecimo volumef an the price is ,s. bound Au boards. , An FALTAA GRAMMAR, by Mgr. JAMEtS PAw~n, CO3US1 ing a-Plain. and Compendious hinrdueii4i to the Study of Ttali$., PM08e.s,. 3. COTTAGE ECONOY.-I wrote this Work, professedly for t t se of *he la- ouring and iddilng classes4oF ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VUROPEAN COMPANY for LIFE INSURANCES, and the SALE and PURCHASE of ANNUITIES. Established January, 1819. Office, No. 10, Chhaan Place, Blackfriars, London. This Company continues toeffec.t Life Insurances, the premiums on which .smay be paid Quarterly,,Hatf arly, or Annually, at the option ofthe Insured; to grai t Annuities on-singleo joint lives; and to advance Money onl Annuity secured on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OTICE.-The EHIBITION ofthe NATIONAL: REPOSI- OTC .TOR heLLR EXHfBTh Ioya Mc5harm -cosPatron, the Ring. hteoarwis t - NW, OPEN dik ThIe Fourth Annuai Ehibitib~on Of ?? Ctaltges 1,daly Admittance Is.-Catalogues T. S. TULL,. Sec. J~RITISLI INSIU ION? Pl a.-h Galery, ngitha B selection of tic Italian Sp Dt nh Shoos IS OPEN dlfo en in t n tS the Evening. Admission Catalogue Is. W LiM. BARNARD, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... poJLL.NICO(N, a Grand Musickalinstrument tolerte Paitrotlaghiii of Iin 11 ajhjatyl, invcciitetl and c~ostruocted fiwtool iabotiOrgn 'ol ier,,is Opitn tobK Exhibuitio delii.' frotho te grperforittlflif iy its mechanfical. powers Ihlozart's (vrtuite to ire ' IA'eihrr' G rand Oivertore to 0Oberon.-Onl satu,,ard next, - loin , a~i. r. I'U iK iS will pterform oil the Apolloiti cn a SE.- 'ice 0 .i i ...