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Advertisements & Notices

... T REGE'S HEAL.ALL, or celebrated-Em~bro- U cationhas long been known throughout the West of England, as the most efficacious Remedy for. Rhetimatism, Rhcumatic Gout, Lumbago, Pains in the Limbs and-Nuimb- ness, Sciatic and Paralytic Afrections, Tooth Ach and Face Ach, SprainsandnBruises, fresh Wounds or Cuts, Burns and Scalds, Spasms and -Cramp, Stiffness of the Joints or Neck, Frozen Limbs, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... wQZa8TLEI UPON RDY~J AWD OARLI8LM W AN'TED, 300 TONS of No.2 BAR IRON, te Sanntling to be 3 lucles by Inh, and in Length, about 15 Feet; to bedelivered, one Halfupon Necastle Qnav, andl one I lalf at the Canal Basin at Carlisle, before the 25th March next. Proposals vill be received at te Office of the Railway Comn. pany, 16, Newgate Street, Newcastle, until the 25th of January next. Payment ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the SicA and lo Nea ntiez of Nwca.ile GENERAL QUARTERLY COURT of the GOVERNORS will be holden at the Infirmnas7, on ursday, the 6th January, 1881, at Eleven ?? an the renoon, when the Attendance of as many Governors as can Ike t convenient, is particularly requested. By Order, K.L J. WINCH, Secretary. wastle, Dec. g, 1830. HERE will be a BALL on the Evening of Tues- day, the ]st of February, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GfJMB. TT is requested that Gentlemnen will refrain from X shooting, without Leave, on the Manors and Estates of the Duke of Northumberland. The following Places are strictly preserved:-.The Kielder District: 7Hulne Park, West Park, Beanley, South Charlton, Bilton, and White- HouseeLands; Ra tchetugh, and the lields adjoining ,with the Woods in the R oides the W ?? e Vicinity of Alnwick Castle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EN announcing to the Public, that the Winter Sea- son at this Theatre commenced on Wednes.ay the 18th )ecernber, THE COM1MITTEE OF PRtOPRIETORS ae the Pleasure Of stating, that thle Wzanager, Mr 'N EY, has engaged a Company, comprising many Performers ?? and distinguished Talent, together with an OiLf lestra seldom equalled, out ot the Metropolis. With Defer- nce, therefore, they take the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gI{ ANTED imnnediately, a stout young Man, of ?? tgood Education, and respectabily connected, as an .APPltENTICE to the Grocery and Spirit Business; if 3raided, a Premium will be required. Apply to Mr Jasper .ichardsun, Wine and Spirit Merchant, No. 25, High Friar ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0D PAAK ACADEMY. M R GILLEiPIE respectfully announces to his Friends, that his ESTABLISHMENT for the Boardl and Education of Young Gentlemen will RE-OPEN' after the Christmas V'acation, onl Monday, the 17th J'an., 1831. LADRE8i' SCHOOtL, Croft a, near Darligton. M ISSES SIMPSON beg to infrnrm their Friends M 1ani the Public, that the Duties of their Establishment will be resumed on Wednesday, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _ NEWCASTLE, JANUARY 7. The Paris journals during the last week have abounded with speculations on the late commotions, caused by the trial of the ex-ministers; but notwithstanding that a high republican feeling exists in the capital, and that a violent Opposition prevails to the present chamber of deputies, affairs ypear tobe settling into their former state. Thle resi nation of Gen. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... liDWOATL~ UPN WNDaN]D CARLISLE iw~~EAZWAY. TANTED, 300 'l'ONS of No. 2 BAR IRON, the Scumtling- to be S Inches by I I nch, and in Lengths asout 15~ Feet; to be delivered, one Hallfupon Newvcastle Quav, s~dudolen~e alif at thle Canal Basin at Carlisle, before the 25th of Proposals wvill be received at the Otlice of the Railway Com- pany, 16, Newgate Street, Newcastle, until the 2.tlj of january ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASSEBYLT ?? Newcastle, January; 10, 1831. HTERE will be a DANCING ASSEMBLY in t the LARCE Rooit on Monday, the 17th instant, being the Grima BALL. Admission, fs. 6d., Tea included. The three remninjng Winter Subscription Assemblies will be held in the SMALL I, o00, as under:- The Fourth, on Thursday, the 20th January. The Fifth, ?? the 3rd February. The Sixth, ?? the 17th Admission, bs. Tea ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O, BSEHVAT NS on the PROPOSED RAIL- WAY from NEWCASTLE UZON TYNE to NoRTI SIIIrELDS and TYNEMOUTH, B.r JOSHJUA RICHARDSON, CzviL ENGc;zvramn. Printed and published at the Tyne Mercury Office, by W. E., and H. Mitchell; sold by them, and by Charles Empson, Collingwood-Street, Newcastle; and by the Booksellers in North & South Shields, Sunderland, Durham, Darlington, &c. Sale of elegant gilded ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wr.&MM B3AILIrV. W ANTED, at next, by a middle-aged W married Man, a SITUATION, as FAIRM BA11.rl. lc is practlically acquainted wvitl alt D~escriptions of Plou gh Ilusba~ndryv, as practiscd in the Northern Counlties: lie has Zio hald long Experience inl breding anid rcsrin- Live Stck, nid also in buyhig and selling all Sorts of Farm 1'roduce. lor a Refecrenlce apply to Mr N. Bailey, of ...