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Advertisements & Notices

... DsezENcE or MIssIONARY AND BIBLE SocIETIcs.-We regret our inability to give immediate publicity to the excellent letter of Atigih. 'which we shall, if Possible, publish in the next or the following Mercury. If all the advocates for t Missionary and Bible Societies were actuated by the Chris- tian spirit of our correspondent, the labours of such asso- ciations would not be obnoxious to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1=0- ?? i-, i. i_ ^ Ad L ' - rl ~~ ' ?? 0 i111LRTRAD tweR. 'o ?? the ita eo May. 6It CALCLTTA. - - Tbe Fine Ship ALiliON, * Roamalil M'Laon. Colnmanlkf: i T .tos, wehknoin to be a reinsbly fast sailing npttd, aW a favoagite eonreyantce with pyigers. 13er cabins ms~ apa , each fitted up with a PateptAtlr Port, and other eon- Vsiiaigtes'ii4 sihe carriesatt ?? terms of to fedht or ?? with plant ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Zoa oroat'pan~ento. WEEKLY ?? CURE77T.-We are extremely sorry to state that we have been this week disappointed in procuring our weekly table of prices current. The gentleman who fur- nishes us with the table has no offiee In town, and does not live in Liverpool, and on sending to the place Where he is disally found, we were not able to obtain any Information as to the cause of our ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The COL110 Lieut. C. l(,isw~olbV ne Ou!he Of avery 9tlperiorete a eou I . -6tilve to ihe conifort of passengers.cri4~~p~pae 'Surgeon. -For terms of freight or psaeepvt. Citop ttBESO, ?? To A ecee'r the OlaisJ FOR CALCUTTA, I~S The well-knoiw ndfsteiig Aat Passenger Shp OA A9I D. W. P~ICnshdr Iturthen 600 tons, has aI loftY po n.!senecs. fitted up in tio ,most approved style, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WATER COMPANY. 1igjr.ING of tile Subscribers to the Preston Water \ u' Iley Wvill he held at the Castle Inn, on Monday ,,,01,,5t11of September inst., at 7 o'clock in the evening. liet, ~ GEO. NOBLE, Secretary. 2sdto oSepte7rfller, 1831. ON SALE, wo w0ell.traine(l liver-coloured POINTER DOGS. T.-.Apply to Mr. GEORGE IIM.AAND, Park Gate, lear ey; or to Mr. JAMtES BuaRRows, Gunsmith, Preston. 3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / TO LET, t xllent MALTING KILN and extensive ]A1RLEY ROOM, &c. . Forplietidlt2tflTapplyto T. DEAN, Junr. f grco ?? 22d, 1831 TO .. L AN E S .. #- G ''hBE LFT, . And entered on immediate, - SHOP well pdsptet for the above Businesses, and a- A DELLIN*;-HOUSE adjoining, *o. i 9>t Leesning ree Preston. The Stock and Fixture& to be mtsn at.. the same tine at a reasonable valuation. AOf +,e~rso bw ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TMS.ROITVFLUD ELXIRI Paaac-TbO ENA ild Apreoriet 'rElixirtis u '-a etTade rliK a pletened frFemedies. Indothileonst-. elln of n a tal otheril tune iets its Cunss~ienwiianexeletuelpneo Dixon's11111 prepartioed wbic fisbeven use duri aI prcIceo man y Ars ith icst dend isucics,ji, obvates 11_t a bnee. eminbetnt atpsa9stadd a 6 W~ $I iSC5id thas benen presctrbeby are!veral e dminen rcistioersad ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the - .ir ~ ou~pnCi-% fret UP( A Pos3roes CosFEsrOc0ENT.-lf our correspondent, Who calls Hu himself an Anti-PReforuler, does not extend his detestation Ad to literary as well as political reform, he would do well to gro reform his style, so as to render it intelligible. Swift's for excellent definition of good style was, proper words in the proper places ; but our correspondent evidently ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - GRAMMATICAL QUERIES.-h correspondent has sent us the followingiqueries, to which we nave appended a brief reply 0 Slr,-I have asserted that the following expressions are grammatically correct, which beingdisputed it has bees agreed to leave the decision to you :-Ist. The first time I eat a widgeon, I eat a widgeon and a lbalf;-2d. I agree that for every grammatical error I commit, I shall ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE OLD LINE OF PACKETS. THFOR NEW YOItK, ?? Ist and I6?A of erery Moath, viz-. ILSN ?? 570 tons,~ I St of Dec- ZLSONa ?? 570 tons, 1Eth of Dee. I IL Ctons, 1St of Jan. NraTy, 3 MiUECA. 61 5 tons, lth of JnEL. B£LITANNIA. MARSHALL ?? tons, Il~t bf Feb. anE e 'ORKY Hoxin . SW f~r the of Feb. 3dANjCHFSTER SKtETCOLEY. 6 OO,1t e. CALEDONIA. ?? . (3~ton5 I-it Of Mar.'- ]jIBERNLO, MAXWELL ?? 10th Of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -- - - u W Ifln i , -: -: I ROY LtV P0QL. : 2'Il VVKOP MIS'S W4ALLS AN) ifS IFATspO I '1 iL~R te BNEFT o MIS WATSy ,'bi~P - rards Opera of the : ^tMARRIAGE1 OPF[GAiRO.- X -- Co6iunt Aolrmav Wit. Son Qi.'l9ti Ciseruinao (the Psge..Iiibs ieS T~o vthich wll b ddd(fri ttllrdle a faigourite. * T~le Fosit, Mowlrsis ~il~f ll) , ~ I~s a~n Toeidityb5e; r8 glel ; ^ ' § 5 -'HII -tIL EYE. ?? ,. aceedirig ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / To thC 1orthy and Indepepeer~at Freemen of tlc DjotJG H OF LANCASTE:R. ' I, Ujjpcr Brook-street, Loitdoa, 1St Afarch:'8311. N lisequence of a Vacancy lhating occurred In th r O esentatton of your ancient Bsrough, by thoedeath 01lr. C rWTH0nEJ I beg leave to offier mvself to you for dlistinguishiedl biolor of serving 'yru in Parliamient:. At tile present moment it becomes me only to repeat ...