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Advertisements & Notices

... SOUTHAMIPT6N.REF'ORM DINNER. r HE FRIENDS Oil REFORM intend-to DINE I Tat thle Loig-Rooms, onl Thursday thle 26th ANay, to celebrate the resurt) to Parliament of ARtTHUR I ie ATHERLEY aild JOHN SrostRY PENLEAZE; Esqrs. It. 5TEVAiIIDst Air. Thn K~ing Alr. John W. Drew I r.Nichole Mir. WVilt Ai r, Rubi 'Ar. Will. liamer, jun. Id Altr. Roe Mr. ?? he Ar. Josep~h lIIill, jo n. 111r.sJohn Wren Mir. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e ---P b S; a PURECK-STONT1W ENA C~ t ROYAL ENGeNVEnE's O'rrICE, POarSs UTIo'f, 15is April, 1831. UCH Persons as are desirous of Supplying PUR. t S BECK STONE, for the service of the Engineer I I k)epartnment at Portsmouth, or any place within the C Isle of X ight, for Three Years, determinable at any . period afier the expiration of one year, on either party I giving three months' notice in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... cr q#H3E FANCY FAIR, for the Benefit of the *e SCIHOOL. Of INDUST I1Y, is fixed for Tiicsday, dI the 14th of June, to be held at the Green-row loonis, 1l Portsmouth. at twelve o'clock. b. P A S C O .; TA 1I, LR I. a' a CIIICHESTER. ti, fi'OR TSalfIOUJ7'fI. DOLPHIN iHARMIONIC. y lembers of the above Society, are nmst res- fuly informed -that the ANNIVFRSARY e DINNER, wi1l talc place at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just published, price 3d. or XI Is. per hundred, i FFECTS of DRUNKENNESS shewn il an U2 Address read to his Parishioners June 19, 1831. By the Rev. EDWVARD FEILD, M. A. Curate of Kidlington, Oxon. Oxford, printed by W. Baxter, for J. Parker; and J. G. and F. Rivington, St. Paul's Church-yard, and Waterloo. place, London. TO TRUNK and BAND-BOX MAKERS, rgO beD D SPOSED OF,.-A well-established A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... te e To MALTST'ERS, INNrVKEEPERS, BAJCERS,a nd or s CORN DEALERS. etr ° be LET,-A good and substantial DW1rELL- ir ]L ING HOUSE. with capacious cellar room; Malt- le house attached, 80 feet by 20, and six-quarter kiln; stable, s. piggeries, cart and fuel hovel, and yard; an Orchard, about le I Acre, well stocked with choice fruit trees; and half an s. Acre of Garden Ground. The premises are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A Genteel Resideiicefjr a Private Famtly.( O be LET, for a term of years, partly furnished, 1,. SBwith iinunediate possession,-A very excellent HOUSE,l ,sittated in Broa4-stfeetj exactly opposite the Theatret he eideiceof Mr. Ioberti, who is removingl For particulars apply to, Mr. Roberta rfl.E ANNIVERSARY of the CHIPPING- .1. NORTON BRANCH BIBLE SOCIETY will be I held at the Friends' Meeting ...

Advertisements & Notices

... w' The orders to discontinue the Advertisements for letting the Swan Inn, Burford, and the Public House, at Swer- ford, did not reach us in time. W ANTED, in a genteel Ladies' Establlishment, V _A Young LADY, as ARTICLED PUPIL. This will be' found an eligible offer to any young person, whether intended for scholastic duties or private life.-Pre. ?? (post paid) E. R. Journal Office, Oxford. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ripe 1,'derVooJ, at Besselsieqjh, Be}rAs. 10 BE, SOLD BY AUCTION, !By W. FISHER, the ChcqucTs at Besselseigh.-About Ten Acres of Ccdlflet UNDERWTOOD, now standing ?? ar Bcseelsleigb aforesaid. D lrtller particulars will be given in next week's Paper. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... | ?? ,cjf/ , l t ttid ?? Sleunads qf the ' cor.tEin'T . : .IAND iNSTRU MENTAL MUSIC, JOr , h ANP FO-R THEg g.1yeAVITT tle Distresed IRISH. g gembers of the OXFORD CHOtnAL SOCe'ETY ?? hpect~fuly to announce, that they intend giving beg Rrt in tlle AUsIC ROOM on ~Wednesday C 29. 1831; the WHO[E RECEIPTS ,Djng PCX a liid to the Relief of the distressed lrish. dihbi vv3s each, to be hadl of Mir. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? I - -= Ad me zociety o0 zerleus. I3)ORO 16GII OF NEWWPORT. m - 'OTICE is hereby ?? his Alklesty's st GENERAL SESSIONS and GE N E R A L J QUARTER SESSIONS of the PEACE for the Bo- y rough of Newport, in the Isle of Wight, in the County 9 sof Southampton, and the Liberties and Precincts there- (A of, will be holdce at the Guildhall of within and for ha the said Boyough, on'Tuesday, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .:D- CA 5UPUPIL. n ?? (entlenanhorfliberaledtucation, wanted, as lPl' io' a SURGLON ?? in eextenive - R~ict}^e~f :iplyto M.V.J. 'tiay, chleiritlk PI1 , ,f ?? isaouh. ?? L hNT13D,-A LAUNDRY' MAID, Whobho- - . vrorg~iy undirstands ter Biaiiieis, where only ie is .kept; aastiistanlce is ?? to Mr. aper, OtVocer,. *lfigh-street, Portsmouth. ?? 1, E T,,: ,with immiediate rossession,-A IION and gena ...

Advertisements & Notices

... asids HDettw;. IF by letteri post! IANTS - ttjfr~1 i- (WV k-it NbhS, or ! COIIPANrioN, .A lad.who has beenfor mome time occupied in the formcrc !~ she is ade. quate to teach Euwrliah: autG. rIapby, ;and the Piano Coie wilbouL Zhe ?? of a mirtea-nd thbe hiurt riiaentY of Z ?? PO;tpaid) For A.: fl at No.53. P1rince George'*-Ftr*t, titnie til g~beod irtnwedietelyatenldedl to. NOe-bjecC .~ANI ...