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Advertisements & Notices

... J. G. JU KDDS, IN _ffD1?APE1?, I1'AIERDAS.JIER, &c. .A 52, MARKETBLACE.. yAS just received Becond Supply, this Season, of j .ReW WflLSH )L&NNELS, which he bas great pliasnre in recommendinglto the attention of-his Friends.. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hDIANO-FORTE; AND GENERAS MUSTCAL RFPOSITORYI NO. 26, X h CtMMlt X:ft(U IAL-s ltRElT, Corner ot Albhin-StrAt, mear the *rton haIk, t Leeds. WMP ATrLEN' EJft K begs Ileave tohinfom the Nobility, Gentry, andl Poulehi of Ladeli and the Neighl- rborhoild thut he lilt onelled the fabove Establiehlbet, .ith a splendid AUsortmenit of PIANO- X Fortes, 1;1irmn NImars. PSROADWIOOD anid SUNS, direct, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A if 'iff W . t;~ t fl i fg U'iff I i iit ''f,.iiff'iffiif . if ?? iff' ififf if ifif.' ii, IQ; tri' if'lfi'f'fi Ir ii fi f ii i ''If i 'if ,if ' i f if is iffi tf' III; Io t ?? . ak h if,' Y% Ailinh me itf ?? I JAI.~ ~ ~ V r.Alr(1f if - if 'fffiE'f i :if i t ?? i i'fifi'ri * M if 'if~r St r A'ii trr ti'~ II' 'is ' ?? 'if. if~ ?? ifa hif ~~'iiawi~~iy bv :De~ if' ?? ?? ik; t I fffifI . , if ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~~Th~4~I~6YA L ECJNCE -N ESPSENTI'AL PUBLI1,1C (GOOD, positively ivithujit Dpvepiitmlot..0~'Cie IHEAO-ACtIE Nttri'd In less thitin Three I Mittutetl, by MANNING'S AIAtTA EXO0TIC. NothlrlylitVan be ((11)1 deoervi Ill. of pu bile clulldertee ii tidI pittromn~ge thou, thle yyl fiaet of the Propr'ietrlr'sotenerlbg t o cure the ((Bile ted grat-is ristra. liitlntit roijuir ing themt to purcbsee even ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;U Y TNIENTY-six Y'EARS ` Fa-c r rir wt.-j' Itt he FIFTHI i-i nile to retirnt hut! ?? t tdtili- I t~itic, for tit-' very tlt,tter- re-ce ite since ltt.q WitilttelCOWic o tilt tiL, thn it eeton tat i ifIS I ?? A 11. lllr~ 1:1HOI )h now 2 NEitt ?? e)trotiowick'111 * li U ?? leCT ti E ti t'iiimel-c t nl ir ?? Iitti q -iint o. ivire lotClnelltC h ?? ors -Mr. AltItty, Dri. ?? * ti ?? 2 tilt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR IROTTERDAM, The A. 1. Schooner G 9XA: Pl~l:GRIM, : JAMES OWEN, Master; A Tegular Trader. .Hull, Maiy 27, 1831. JOHN HALL, North End. FOR SALE, FlilE good Sloop O.P.Q. 45 Tons Burthen T per Register. For further Particulars apply to FRANCIS HAwosrTI,,the Owner, No. 2, North Walls, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, 'At JlMessrs Nicholas flurry s Son's 0ice, No. 4, Tithe- barnze-Street, Liverpool, oa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... U ΒΆ1'e Mu stalrd-Aakff1)s-tt riezd>inifers, r&c. TO BE LET, bsd tea be Entered upon immedieotely, iG 5Ild MUISTARD MIL, with or without an _ sagWareho(use anid Tenement attached, situate a 11 Ot5 BANK; together with theMACHINERY. ef One Piair of large Edge Stones, (about 6 feet e''j anitt) td . Drying Kilbon the ground.Hoor, and in Z di orya the whole of tbe Apparatus complete 1hc uape ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WHOLiESALE -ANr'l RETAIL TE ( OFFEc, & GROCERY. WAAREHH USE,'1 No. 11, IllinKT-PUACE- 'WILLIAMU FIELD. A-ING, since his successiOU totthe-Braisiess, lately -jc, n ied on by Mr. G. KrTClarJ,.reeeivedthe.tos lat o uiig Scouraigemente he deems it his duty to eekllow- ratitude by returning bisl most, Cineere tbankq4 F 's l mri~ds *vho have given him their liberal support,. 1 issreS rtheosth~at it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... !jr. SLEIGHT, Surgeon, I-is a a'ACANCY fot an APPRENTICE. ,,,^ Qzh, ie, I'831. 1,.-: . _ F_~~~~-~ -( / ! -: C / _ _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ot tj tr AD rand B1OWWN ,'o~t! L~oNGATI%, HULL. mrai -'11j.SSORS 7O '1'. TOPPINvG, h~tl>,i \T, S'L'AIONTE RS, &C. g C(i ira;v mi.t crmspectfull to thank those Friends Boft ~~ rave crrrtiO~c~ tire favours, and to &Qliitit and 1: IQt,)IlO15i : eild h STA her4 r.~ ~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... p I: itI It' 0- ;: i! ~ 1 Slilil k qi L I i ILIL I LI 4L, I ''C1 '''Xi' ji it X it i 'ILII 'I ' 'e'ir i' ''ii b * X i it I' L,t 't X I'i I ' It Iio Xi ' 'A L' ILL' Lt L i iI I ut O - . ILL tAI U(X L Oii't F i'i~;tt' Li i Fa . I I Ii ?? L ?? IL~~anVl-iLLLXL in duty I-, limit Lii ?? B ?? tlili 0i'dL LX~,FIX' Ci itj uL't' i t'i''I'iitA1 Lt., t t L :4teiiIthu~y A'!It ClioA I 'Itil 1c)),i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ThEBTQIIS.Tand CREMIT)ITOR rof tuys late lifrJOHN M~OltTIMER1.1-AlII Perso303 WIiiw ly 11130or bertfndn1V Upon th.e Estate aild iottcts oif mr.I JOHN ?? tile Couinty of'Yorkc, [nnl,'eper, deceased, aire ?? to deliver, forthwith, aill ACto0lt o thi rspective Demniids, wvithl the Nalture ofl their Securities; if anfy, to Nlr. John Al ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *TORKSHIIRETIIRE &LF NUAC -EaPAN _~ tab~lishedatok ?? d iiored ?? of Parliat ent. CA JVITA 500,cel His Ornce the Arelhbisktop of' Y omi The Mloat Noblui the Marigill. tof;LT~kioxvvmtvl. TIhe Right. lion. Ear- ?? ev(L'rAf. Th e [igut Flon. MIrl 0f Salntefooanfi The Ilight l40I.MiEarl of'Trocet. * The Rigtlh i-on. Ilon. Lolli DwivAitN Thte ItIght, Hon. L~ord tlolti~OALI The. Vtiou, *Sir; lK. ...