Advertisements & Notices

... - THIINAThE-ROYAJ ; 'Sixtb' ight of' the- Grand Operaof Cinderella.: :¶IS EVE-NING, -SATURDAY - Jainuary. 15 1841, their Alajesties' Sprvants will perfqrm the Comic Piece of 'MAiN{iUVRING. T1e4Count ?? Mayor, Ivr. H; Cooke: FredetiA.l de Cernay, Mr. M. Stanlev;'Fiaesse, Mr. Browne ; Costns ,I Eyre ; Zanetts, Mrs. 11. Ilughes. After wich (sixth tine jtfie new grand Opera of 'CINDERELLA, OR THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL INSTI'rU'1'ION. ?? v- MTCNP'?AY the 21.Lth enrrenti the EXHIT- 0N S: *-ON .S- XANCIENT P1 C1UIRES vsll be , . .! ; Ihe Gal le'ry of IIhe R,,lal l st tillI, n, conistting of' t; ,, ,pC: I Speri in eos of tihe WInks Fif the gr(ist Masters , tirqi rid My ihe lllstitit imi from abroad. .jrim it~t;,ce, Is.-Svilsonl l'kkets. 5hr. ('at~ltigtCe, priec fulu.. nrc atire:ly prepared,- and copies ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ro ha b LET, frhni Lady Day, I93I1-Two, Firrt.r )SC I of1 MEADOWV arid PAST[JRE LAND; containing habout 35 Acres, situate in the parish of WarpsgrovLinth lot county of Oxford.-Apply to 31lr Franklin., Ascott Farm. dhe lot Ff10 be LET, and entered upon himmiediately, I Certin PREMISES; consisting of a Dwelling, House. Ibl- Bake-house, Barn, Stable, Yard, Garden, and Orchard hle situate at Great ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THAMENES TUNNEL, near Rotherhithe T. qhuarc,,.vand oppen1,1ite the end of Olid Gravel-lane, On the WaPPtInR , crvitvrNd icIs hereby given that thle Public may view tire !d~el envery ddr(Stloildys excepted), Irorn Eleven In thle Morning tin. V I ur the A ttC1tt900.1 11POn pay'ment ot One S hilling for each Per- ' irle rh,inneis l4ighted with Gas, Is diryand warm, and the descent I sf n cr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? N 1?1W 't ?? ith lt. N' ''Clt III N I It ?? N i ?? Itt i i i I iii I' ?? Ill It ?? ill IkI . Ilt hv.' Important,,' 3 ?? II~ ?? qI MNilfilt)l ilk ?? II I i4 0-t ?? '1 ?? eI:- Fli''l II ' lr lt Ofh IpilI , 1'1113 ?? ?? 'i't* I or I ttllo I I' I l lt'I e ?? ' N rt'S t'Jd) NI I ?? I dilco-id V. ?? x , itil ly, 'I i i'I it.Iel, fr~al D ical C! I lllI ~ I EIt''I x2; - -t v i-'O l .. ti-I Itt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... j i,,-Y Nu L'T1O1. I N IT`G 1;SEIOLDII VURN' 'fUlN, 1)222 01. 2e1 t2 11 Salc.;. Double anld SingL 02122 2'22'l'C. a 212022 As'i'rtltinet lIt' 221222212102 T - og2,oll2-By2 21. 122NT)' 2282:, I ste2rne1212 '12221 wi12~t222 2.1211 2 Oil,I '1l11,4 l to't t, the 122/21h lD (till, 1,,¶21.'t. Otte02 As111:'Iqi20S If Thwoas, Illt(21t2121 11d Win. 2l'ivlv1ll, Bank12.-I ts, ., tl~e l20121' 11I 22r. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1/,jR. NELSON DEAD)NAN, Professor of Music ;M1 E and Dancing, and ?? of the most eminent Masters of London and Paris, respectfully informs the nobility, gentry, his friends of Abingdon and its vicinity, that he in- tends, after the present vacation, to give LEssoNs in QUATIRIrLES, (GAn.eLOPADES, and every other branch of the above elegantaccomplishmentrequisite for genteel society. M1r. D. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ('ARRIAGES FOR SALE. ?? SOLD, at SiAYLEIt'S, Coach-maker, Oxford, J-A good Second hald CHARIOT, in good preserva. Pith a Dickey in front; also a neat PONY GI(G. The above Carriages are to be sold at low prices, the Gen. an to whom they belong having no further usc for them. There is also a variety of New and Second-hand GIGS ond PHAE'TONS for Sale. 7Q LoADS of fine 1;BEECH POLES, STACK WOOD a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, PRESTON. Under the Patronage of the High She. iJ, &R. & MADAME STOCKHAUSEN, AND MR. NICHOLSON, Beg leave respectfully to announce to the Public, their intention ot'givitng * OF VOCAL AND INSTRUMIENTAL MIUSIC, AT THE ABOVE THEATRE, ON TUESDAY, THE 15T rEERUARY NEXT. On wbicb occasion the Members of the Preston Musical Society have kindly offered their services. VOCAL PrirORMERS: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . ?? ISLIP, nearn OXFORD. 14 ,SIT l respectfully informns her friends that l ' her SCHOOL will re-open on Monday the 17th instant; si proffers her grateful acknowledgments tar the liberal support ant encouragement she has been honoured with; and. egs leave to add that the most unremitting at- teetio' wilfsbe exerted to merit a continuance of the saue. LADIES' SCHOOL, ENSHAWI. 'T9HE Misses NU'T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... liDWOATL~ UPN WNDaN]D CARLISLE iw~~EAZWAY. TANTED, 300 'l'ONS of No. 2 BAR IRON, the Scumtling- to be S Inches by I I nch, and in Lengths asout 15~ Feet; to be delivered, one Hallfupon Newvcastle Quav, s~dudolen~e alif at thle Canal Basin at Carlisle, before the 25th of Proposals wvill be received at the Otlice of the Railway Com- pany, 16, Newgate Street, Newcastle, until the 2.tlj of january ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L. a RADCLIFFE INFIRMIARY, OXFORD, S_ DECEMtBER 30, 1830. if. r HIIE Election of a MATRON to this Infirmary, Pt L in the room of SIrs. Ann Smith, resigned, will take place re on Wednesday, January 26, 1831, precisely at One o'clock. Salary, with Gratuity, 40 Guineas per annum, with Board, el Lodging, and Vashing, in the House. er Testimonials of character and qualification for the Office !If ...