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Grampian, Scotland


Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ECTs II tile PUBIt.C ROOMS, on TtrmnAxtltO 'th1 .jm~ 11tu1eli JkeXt. D)inknee at Fivte o'Cloclk. Bsitooteoolit loiii' A4ber'deen, Ia/li1 PlC. 1831. M-W2 IAESTYf'1 .2Y.VE.-OAT. r7`1HE NORTHERN U-NITEDI SERICY(E CLUBi macts itt Aziinls('itS'x, onl 'ITtIS1i.\X'1m 2-4th hist. 1)1 ?? ait o o'clock. ,Abel'deen, 18//h lelt. 11331. CONCE1T. ASTE,'R ALEXAN'DER ltK NZ~,Sati of thel lalte AELt'tIict ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AWPROVED MEDICINES, SOLD BY J. Dyce, J. Urquhart, Forsyth & Elmslie, Aberdeen- 0. Will, Peterhead; Alex. Forbes, Inverness ; I.ampbell & Co., Craigie, Niddrie, Alontrose; Forsyth & Young, Elgin; and the principal Druggists, &c. in every Town of the United Kingdom. D R. JAMlES'S FEVER POWDER-is universally Jjapproved by the Profession and the Public. and is ad- *ministered with equal success in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HELAST ASSEMBLY for the Season will taite phice, T inr the Public hoonis, oin THIURSDAY the 10th of Alarch at't't. Dancin- to cotimience at iI o'clock. Cards (atd 1?tfreshnitcuttt as intoi. Ab( S ,stctttgers, introtdtcal by Subscribcors, to pay 7s. flld. each. I The Steilv'tiS are Teq11P`iCd to tncet, in tile Card Iioorn Ofph Public 11oonis, on thc 10th DLirclt, tit 3 o'clock r.ato nittite 11 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? tNAVAL AND iWILITARY BIBLE SOCIETY. T ?? Commiaittee held lotcly, it was resolvedl that no Anastal Meeting, te!I should talke place this yecr; but that a brief statement of the pro- h ceedings of the Society, fromt the timle thot the fornmer IReport wsco madle, 0 should be ptbltltletd, fur the sutisfaction of snbsctibers, It is coosideredI ii ttnoriessiry to enlarge upon the excellent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [,.iiIC.ST 7.15S Ei113.1 I' for LI) C tasol w;vII tallie place. T ?? Public RcItoni, OilJ/UJS( 7 111118A IIIhe 10Il bib' Zbtlzc/i Iwx. Daningi 4l iommii'cet it; i' LClk.k ?? * Cards sand /l%'//I..S!(wilafs (.S ilshl. Stran_,ets. tntrodui cc by cli Ii.rib eni, to p~a3 7s. (d. rach. 'I l; iewards are ?? in, nici , in the L 'ar LI IZ o(in IC i l'si11 e I iomi.s on the I1 tih Marchltit 1 01 IIo k ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -an ZALUE or VZkLUARLY 3300SS, R2USIC, &C Gill Cov.ennsi..burr ?? La___ ?? ?? _ E htl There woill be Sold, in the Subscribers' Salle-Room11, R' 'I'll I S E VEPN INGI OO ESNational Airs, with ' iesi, i voles. M Ponte's sit'il ?? Meclodies, with ll uslo, ii vole; se~veral pieces of ?? Music from lliasaniella; TyiolrsollMelodjies; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BANFFSEIRE COURSING CILUB.t ?? SPRIN'R ,G EELTING ivll comnicl C on T'neSdlaV thc r i 1th day of' mar tlC b ?? Illilig' tTi(3 SvCONI o 'eSIlaV (F the Mon)lth, (to] 1'IlidlI it ?? i)eoll J~lo01p1!1d ill COIIsI'eque11Lc oft (i3lr s5t0 ot tie wea thlir ,) ?? 1 cip, als siuil, will Is' rin for. a Hem lljjers to Ill Iatat 10 O'lohCk1 f. ofic the ablov cll'lnlioltell da'; and all Cenl les to ll ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MR ?? J970122 London, is 110oi7 'ie ElnsounCr, nud nosayo beonrsh7te(. ror^7y do/J (S'!ndatl exe.'.7CCrd7S) j l.'j or bzy c~tcr, at No. 2'6, Elde; Sr'Iet Yorl~ Pbnw, Ji0) bnis sia r Te mnorni;- ntil7 t-oo and e,e Mlond~ay, Wcdn'sday, and Fsidlry, fi oe 5'iet ia Th7e rr-snbe n 71til ninte. DllR GOSS swill leave EDIXSUURG1 on the 2Cth Febreary. (New and Imnpr oved Edtiions.) GOSS'S WORKS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Nos. CILXX1. antd CLXXVII. VOlt l'lBtttlAlIY. (,t, tb of' 1'('rt I. 1. The Present Cabinelt in leitltion tO thh Tiimws. Notc on ?? p3ishop tot Txeth.-- -z. Thc Sot th Staci-r -IlI. On the late l.'trcnch lRevoluttion. INo. ?? I. Ti'he fritih Cpniollivs. Andtti llonints. IBY .1ni-es Ai cqiteen, I'sq. --V. Ignoratltito on the Fine Arts Vl. The Story of A\iillmtiirtt.---V I. Rt rtm .-A -Ill. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... bllC Root.P. VF MHE TIIIRD ASSrylt4DLY of the Season will tnite pL Place, in the Public Roomis, on Tsuitdusj\Y the 3d rj, 1I'Cnlttiy next. Dancing to commence at 8 o'clock. ?? t Cardis and Niftcstocents (IS uevnall. Strangers, introduced by Subscribers, to pay 7s. Gd. each. It Thc Stewards are requested to mect, in the Card ?? of PIl'lic Rcoms, ton the Ild Feb. at 3 o'clock r. ii, to mnake a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B:Tt~SZC'UiLT A.E.A SOiCIETY7.r - ~ it HE Council of this Society hereby intimate T to its Subscribers, that they have received o e ft 5 orni the Secretary of the LONI)ON HOnTI- t - ta ijiX% ; C Ur.TUntAL. SOCIETY, a letter informing that 'j the Council of the said Society bad resolvedl to : e Pg t have a PUblic ExilinusrIoN and CoMteET:. a 'etON of FRUIT, at their Garden at Chiswick, F in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APPROVED MIEDIC;INES, SO LD D Y J. Dyce, J. Urqnhart, Forsyth & Elnslie, Aherdezn: 0. Wi'l, Peterhead . Alex. Frrrbs, Invernesis Camrpbell rnd Co.. Craigie, Niddrie, Al1sntrose, Forsyth & Young, lElgin, and the principal Druggists, &c. in every Town of the United Kingdom. R. JA 51ES'S FEVER POWDER-is universally ap. _D proved by the Profession and the Public, and is ad- ministered with equal ...