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Advertisements & Notices

... To sail on the 1 0t irutant. FOR NEW ,YORK: The very fine first class Auerican Ship HEROINPC. Captain JoHN Gunsam-- Iurhelse 3:30 tons, ooppered, and sails remarkablY fast. Will trke oofison moderate terms. arud be despatched.punctually. A fe . Iabin d steerage passengers can b ;Vr.6mfartablyaccommo- dated. Irmmred'iate applieation be rnI _t-For terms of freight or kaisage apply to Captain ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pubtia Aimusmihts-. LIVER THEATRE, CHURCH-STREE T, LIVERP1.u . ImlIS present WRIDAY EVENING, the 4th. and To- T cone Isaturday) the 6th instant, will be presented the IDIOT WITNIESS; OR, 4 YTAlB 0F BLOOD. After which, at; entirely 1ew taallet Dance, called the SuIWREKEDCABIN BOY. OtR A SAILOR'S WIXDjDpIG,: To which will be added the PopulaiUdeville of THE DEAD SRO To conclude with the popular ...

Advertisements & Notices

... vi ?? OFFICES. late in ?? of Mr. H~l~b, oliccor Woo~ste,, either separate or together, ,Isre of Hr. JOLLRIGHT. Bold-street. ApARTM ANTS.RAWIN G OManI s-n be LET, in anysre.aDA IGRO n T~LODGING.ROOI leaty unshed, with the use of a Djoo inig-rom ~O ?? lodger la ?? tO1 tn Printera. rI be LTanexcellent WAREHOUSE, in the best and 1.,tst central situation for Bueiness In Liverpool, adjoining ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ice R EDRIEPERFUMER to hi8 Majesty, 12, Tichbornle- erm t, Regent's Quadrant, London., ld c. IsgNitE'S PlUaseaiRs, honoured by the patronage of the high the ?? ashioilble circles for upwards of sixty years, cpntinues to be nd fh oured with n dccided preference. Themoet ?? oughoutthe Empie are regularly supplied with goods of the In. sene superior quality as are furnished to the Nobility and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... h - AMERICA. This day is PIlitisched, Part V. otf the c- 1ISTORY andI TOPOGRAPHY of tile UNJI T s 1.1 STATES of NORTH AMERICA, from tihe ear;; period to the present time; comprising Political anai graphical History; Geography, Geology, Miineralogy, 7, re logy and Botatay; Agricalture, Manutfaetures, anil Cc th merce; Laws, Manners, Customs, anti Religion; with a Topographical Description of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE A:T >MR.--: W E~'S LNSiWL6ME.',;. Onriqda P 5nenxtt.eeh re,13 i tel ess.s'l~ock s$ i F. the hottse Lof :Mr., -sgE fnr nd; bleavhter,LIevcn.0 efiairs' :arpets 'tsio .f l~Jt jie-lanu;', chests of' ds'gweres %d t; tk -lCN tws bedsteads ~~nd ~ nde ghn4d hite en .4fissor, - *btiek, witd, adslate buildings alsottbe;XsSaindet.ot eu lg ~~hresobbi~~~~~ uLCC5US. ~~s sl'rga prirt fds e :sa Ec :, is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / LIVERWOOL AND PRESTON TURNPIKE ROAD. SPECIAL MEETLlNG of the TRUSTEES of this A Turnpike Road will be holden (pursuant to an order f the Trustees to the Clerk directed) at the King's ArmE, Ormskirk, on Monday the 7th day of February next, at Eleven o'clock it] the forenoon, for the following ?? colisiter a proposition of the Committee ap. oainted at the last meeting, as to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~(.ROXLE, ~fom on~s~ ~nlsn of thle C~elestial LV.'p~p~ees wilselv~a:QURSEof LECTURES Hime sceso ATs~OX.Frpartienlars, see the y That a11 e~es of hoi-Y 1mayhve thle belnefit of. io., I byt~eKir i~ LeueTheickets to each. peace eteli fo' badt T'o-~s le had, 4( Mi. Forrest,, tee ime Ne~r flie, il ~arlet4fte. The second x,ewtuie wVille'dlicrda ts reMesIenmiCs` Insitution, in ~e.ste~~~wens~ieMnl~t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,ER Tli EATRE, CHURCH-STREET, LIVERPOOL. -r the BErNEFIT of Mr. 11AYNER, and flee last night Jjov If entgcet. T bis present FRIDAY EVENING. the 11th w °/t ilt ucproduced, an iiltere.'ing Drama, entitled,- UNCLFE TOBY; OR. THE1 SOLDIfR'S ASyXt , After whichalauehahlel tode called *T]JE REIVTIJ UE; - 011, HlOW TO PAY~ IT. To v Ifheb will be added. a Ballet of action, called, THE DEACON OF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ad m N MEsas. SAxrrT AXD DOLER's LEcTRcaEs.-rt maybe well, thus earlS, no to call the public attention to the announcenlent of therepetition u- of these lectures on Monday and Tdesdayrweek, as ire have had :e, many inquiries on the ?? ?? liberal corres n- pondent Felix, of Crosby, has our best thanks. Efforts are being to made to do al tie needful, as intimated In the last paragraph but -n- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~O e LT, t cpial HOUSE and SHOP, opposite the I irh rn f th e utom-hpesee, and svell situated for ' ,Voe-.le ?? Tvtde, or for a Trailor andJ pipply at 35~ Rodste 1,0 be LET, with immediate pogsessiopts a goatd S11.0 P. it a cilrorsodions HOUSE attached.A,A Buttermarket-street,s trro t n te situttiton is, centrai,,jirdl siffurds, a good opprortu. ?? Buesreess; rent~ ?? particulars, apply Niy o. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i ?ATR ISAD BY TBE NOBILITY. ('¶ONGREVE'S BALSAMIC ELIXIR, for Cough, Hoop. , w ing Cough, Shortness of Breath, Asthma, and Consumption. e Inbottles. Iis.ld. and 2s. 9d., &c. each. , Therfolowing case of tl eoverciga efficacy of Ihts remeay shall surfice: To Mr. Congreve. Sin.-Gratitude constrains rne to acknowledge the great benefit , ! I have recently received from your very ?? Elixir ...