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Advertisements & Notices

... ONFORDSIRE. i rO be LET,-TUSMOOR PARK FARM, near T Bicester, with immediate possession; consisting of al Farm House, with suitable out-buildings, and 570 Acres of c Land, in superior condition, within a ring fence, and adjoin- c ing to good ?? particulars apply to Messrs. TookeC and Parker, No. 39, Bedford-row; to Mir. Hardwick. No. E 60, Russell-square; or to Mr. Tatham, ND. 27, Bedford- ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THAMES ATAVIGATIZON. G ENERAL Meetings of the Commissioners will f X be held at the Town Hall, at Henley, on Wednesday the Sixteenth, and at the Crown and Anchor Tavern, in the Strand, London, on Thursday the Seventeenth of February, F 'at Twelve o'clock at noon. WILLIAM PAYTN. ._faideelheead, Jeltztary 22, 1831. At TILGE RUICK. near Btickinvfham. 'fWO be LET, with itnieediate possession, -An ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rF tiltd 1ORiE that was ?? at the IM-Irlborough I Arms Inn, by Air. Pcake, of WVooUon, is not removed by Tuesday next, it weill be Sold, to defray the expences of keep. Woodstock, February 3, 1831. DESIRABLE FARM. 0rO be L E ?? with immediate possession,-A ?? FARM ; consisting of 104 Acres (whereof 42 are Arable, and the remainder Pasture Land), with good Farm Rouse. yard, and convenient ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LODGINGS. A Lady and Gentleman, or two Ladies, may be a ccommodated with genteel LODGINGS, in a most desirable part of Oxford.-For particulars apply at the Office of this Journal. Good Barley and Oat Straw, At HINCHWICK, near STOW. Xj R. WALKER, of Hinchwick, wishes to take io a quantity of Cattle to eat Barley and Oat Straw, in good yards, with sheds, and plenty of ?? to Mr. Walker, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .11- ar- PORTSA)01 O It ASSLIM U1311N. PATRON\:SSFS:- nd Lay I,. Foh: J Mr.,. Colonel Beveneo,, Lady y' .Ivs t, Mrs. Ityde PARl5r1t k Lady XVe.tLIANS a rS URDETT teei STrWSAIIDS- an- Captain ROti'LE, R.N. il. D.CAPI ELL E~q, Ale Cz'I1t T ltll AA I'VoSm, 4ti't Riegt' :t l e j THIRI) SL8 Tr be held at tcc Greon rov Roornis, on I1ledlay, the i7h1 of February, 1831.-No Ticeirt, tramtfemruble s ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Conta . tO be SO L D ?? very good Al1 EA DO 11' dcock ; IA V'.-Apply at the (xrove, urear lorndean. estab, A CIRCULIATING L I B R A t Y'to be DIS- cumbe A POSEi) OF, containing about 1000 volumes.- By .JLI Apply (if by letter post paid) to fIir.-Stride. Post 4.- Office. Einsworth._-!'eb. 4. 1l31. Contri TO BREWERS. The S 2 Person of respectability, who is ?? ac- Oct c -qoainred with BRE\VlNG ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W ok lit the ?? of rl'il/ina Lanatrey, deneased. sh Ll, Persons having any tahtms or Den ?? on ch A the ?? of Air. WA. LANGTRIEY, late of nn Newpvrt, in tihc Isleof 'ight, who died intestate on thc sh 3rd day of January inst. are reqursted to send the par. do ticulars thereof to Mlessrs. T. A. and W. AUinchlin, the ch Solicitors to the Admhniistratrix, at their otlices in sht I'ortsea or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Kingston and Buscot Turnpikes to be Let. N OTICE is hereby gives, That the Tolls arising N at the Toll Gate, caled Kingston and Ruscet TI'urn. pikes, erected upon the Turnpike Road leading from Fyfield, in the county of Berks, to St. John's Bridge, in the county of Glocester; and at the several Check Gates, Chains, Bars, or Rails, erected upon and on the sida of the said Road, be. longing to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LADIES' SCHOOL. r P0 bo DISPOSED OF, at Lady Day next,-A 1 bighly respectable and long-established SEMDIINARY for YOUNG LADIES, situate in a populous Market Town, about 50 miles from London. Satisfactory reasons can be assigned fur its disposal. For further particulars address (post paid) to Ml. B. Post Office, Windsor, with real name and address. SHI11PON, near ABINVGDON. rl1O be LET, from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDWARD GRANiT, jun. Geoiqe Lane, Oxford, N cos~sequenc(A BANKRtUPT.) N consequence of the severe domestic affliction A. in the loss of his wife, with which Mr. EDWARD GRANT, jun. has been visited, at a time when his mind was previously agitated by the embarrassed situation of his pecuniary affiairs, and an offer of composition of lOs. in the Pound made to his creditors having been rejected, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THAMES WAV19ATION. 1WPHE next General Meeting of the? C~omminloners -. will be held at the Crown and Anchor TaverfihVhtlie Strand, Londonlon Thursday the Seventeenth of February, at Twelve o'clock at noon. The Mleeting advertised for Wednesday ?? will not be held, it being Ash Wednesday. The General Committee will assemble on Tuesday the Fifteenth, as appointed. 'WILLIAM PAXYN. AMaidenaead, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QgESSRS. PINK AND COLLINS, 'lrewers, itfl4ving given up ?? Small Caskl Trade in la- vor or JAALi~S BIDEN, Brewer, of Gosport,' l-c begs to acquaint his fi-ends on the P'ortsllloltllh aid Portsea side of the HIarbour, as vcll as the nullierhills Miends lately the connection of hessrs. Pink and Vol. lira, as alsc, the Public, thaL lie hat Started a Dray (II that aide, anti hopes, by tconsn daily ...