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Belfast News-Letter


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Belfast News-Letter

Advertisements & Notices

... I MEETINGS THIS DAY. HIBERNIAN NEGROE'S FRIEND SOCIETY' PTUBLIC MEETING to promote the objects A A the above Society will be held in the LANCASTI yJAN SCIIOOL ROOM, on TUESDAY the 1st Feb CIAl It to le taken at TWELVE o'clock. Als, an ADJOURNED EETING is purposed S EVEN o'clock the same E2a -E- The presence of the Friends of Humanity and Religion earnestly requested. (171 A Deputation from the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNDER THE PATRONAGE o0 THE Mdarquis & Marchioiness of Donegall. MORNING PROMENADE, r1JO be held at the ASSEMBLY ROOMS, Belfast, on THURSDAY.Mornlng, 10th of February, at TWO o'Clock precisely. 4 The Marquis of DONEGALL' AND will attend. Admission f s. each. To be applied to the relief of the distressed Families In 3SDy Row and the adjacent Lanes. Belfast, 1st Feb. 1831. (1I5 Belfast ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE DOWN HUNT WILL Meet at NEAVOWfARDS, on MON_ NV DAY, the 14th Febs&kwv- ~21e) N. D. CROMMELIN, Treasurer. Gymnastic and Calesthenic Exercises AT PROFESSOR HUGUTENIN'S' ESTABLISHMENT, MONTGOMERY-STREET, OTa CHICIIESTER-STREET. IHUGUENIN.. begs to iliformn his Friends and j --the Public that It is his intention, for the convenience 0f his Pupils, to, open a CLASS, on TUESDAYS, THiURSDAYS, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WHISKEY. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS ON SALE, 60 Puncheons W RE I s K Irv f which, 27 Puncheons GRAI)I, and 5 Puncheons °MALT, are Duty paid, andhth in Store. 75 Bes zin e D DI C L A Now landing per CUea4re;nrE RDAIM, ALSO ON SALE. ROBT. J. MWENTIRE _t .T. L 10Q1 . z; I Belfast, 111th Feb 1t01. 1elfast 3anking Company., N OTICE is hereby given ha^ l VDEND of 2V, per Cent. for the ,I Ya;ir dding the hat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T2llS DAY. W UNDER T-HE PATRONAGE OF THLP Marquis & Marchioness of DonegalL MORNING PROMENADE, T 'O be held at the ASSEMBLY ROOMS, Belfast, 1L Qn THURSDAY Morning, 10th of February, at TWO O'Clock precisely. The MaiiquiS of DONEGALL'S BAND will attend. Admission .. 2s.ect. .To be applied to the relief of- the distretsed Families in SANDY Row and the adjacent Lanes. Belfast, 1st Feb. 1831. - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE Ler, For such a Term of Years, as may be aqreed on, j 1UIE Elegant VILLA of CONN'S BROOK, lately o. occupied by Mr. Jeci MARTIN, situate an the road frnm BelfAst to 32lolywood 'adjofa the Sea, distant One Mile froni Belfast. the -remises consist of about Seven Acres of LAND, well fenced in and tastefulfy Plant. ed, on which there Is an excellent D)'tLftd.Hd USK, OFFICES, GARDEN, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BEL-PAST ASSEMBLY. I N THURSDAY, 24th instant, there will be a I &BALLandSUPPERattheASSEMBL Yj g OM M S. Besfatt. STEWARDS. LORD H. CHICHESTER, CAPTAIN STRETTON, 61rf. CAPTAIN MITCHELL, 6ITr. T5.OS. GREG, ESQ. THOS. G. BATT. EsQ. ..10HN F. FERGUSON, ES(1. 'G. A. THOMSON, EsQ. 1. F. GORDON, Ests. Gentlermnas Ticket .. Ss. 6d. Lady' -D:)o f.. . 6d. Tickets will be ready for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Timber anld Plank Cargoes, &c. THOMAS CORBITT & CO. Are now LANDING, and OFFER for SALE, 220 Tons YELLOF PINE, ere Brig Prince .Lee Boo, 25 Tons .BLACK BIRCH, from St. John's. 250 Tons YrELLOW PINE, ez Skip Elizabeth, Robert.. 20 Tons WHITE OAK, son, fromr Quebec. 3,000 best briqyht PLANK, rig Ann, fron St. ,from IO to 20 feet long, $' Andrew's. They are larg~ly supplied wii Memfrel TIEIM ER ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BELFAST ACADEMICAL INSTITUTION- A GENERAL M.EETING of the PROPRIETORS I of the BELFAST ACADEMICAL INbTITU- TION, will be beld in the C O M M O N H A L L, on THlURSDAY, the 3d of Mah next, at TWELVE o'clock, to take their opinion on~be Establishment of a ME- pICAL and SURGICAL HOOL in the INSTITUTION, and to transact such othen misiness as may then be brought before them. By order of the Joint ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BELVAST AZSEW]%LY. N THURSDAY etth instant, there will be a 0B ALL and SUPPE Rat the ASSEMBLY PI 0 0 M S, Belfast. STEWARDS. LORD H. CHICHESTER, CAPTAIN STRETTON, 64TH. CAPT&IN MICHELL, 64TH. THOS. GREG, ESQ. THOS. G. BATT, ES! JOHN F. FERGU N, ES. G. A. THOMSONGESQ. R. F. GORDON, SQ. Gentleman's Ticket ?? 8s. 6d. Lady's Do ?? 6:. 6d. Tickets wvill be ready for delivery at Mr. HODGSON'S, HIGH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LONDON T ANGTRYS & REID N are supplied with I Lathe above Article, of best quality, FIOR SALE, on noderate terms. (293 ~~~~~~~~~~2 3] fble follwing approved LOZENGES, prepared by JAHES 1 SHEPHERD, 176, Flect-estreet, L ondo, may be obtaiued at | IYEESS.S GRATTAN & CO.S M E D I C A L-I-I A L L, 12, CORN-MARK.ET, BELFAST. FOR LOWNESS of SRI RITS, NERVOUS AF_ I) FECTIONS, SICK HEAD-ACHE, &c.-The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tELJAST COLLEGJ, 2Sd Feb. 1831. PROFESSOR FERRIE feeling, with many others, J convinced, that a knowledge of the Principles of IN- TELLECTUAL and MORAL SCIENCE would con- a duce, in an eminent degree, to tihe improvement and hap- piness of the Female mind, and, bry that means, to the ulti_ 2 mate improvement of society in general, proposes to open, on the2dMarch, a ClASSexeinsiv r LADIES, to ...