Advertisements & Notices

... BOIWER IILL, REPTOAM TO BE LET; GOOD HOUSE pleasantly situated contiguous A to the Village, and four Acres of Land, with Stable and suitable Outbuildings.-Enquire of Mr. J. C. WAnD. Repton, 21st Feb. 1831. ILAM, SEAR ASHBOURN. TO BE LET, AND ENTEIIED UPON AT LADY-DAY NEXT, Fjp HE IZAAC WAL'I'ON HO'fEL, with suitable C. Coach Houses, Stabling &c. Also attached to it, a FARMI, consisting of 180 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and tbi t b e of the - tg'g' T IS18 EVENINĀ§G. ('UESDAY)5. FIbieary--B, tbwir *Me. jesties' Serivantswiill perform~the new grt& Opern of . .n -CJNDERELLA, . .. t OR THE FAIRY QUEEN AND THE GLASS SLiTER. Felixi Prince of Saferno, ,p, The BaronMPsnpino. of MunltefisscO,.Mr. Brnne ; Alidore, ?? T'uter,, Mr. Bed- M ford; Dandini, the 1?rince's Valet, Mr.,Brough. Thdo.Seva v to the Baron, Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BELFAST ACADEMICAL INSTITUTION- A GENERAL M.EETING of the PROPRIETORS I of the BELFAST ACADEMICAL INbTITU- TION, will be beld in the C O M M O N H A L L, on THlURSDAY, the 3d of Mah next, at TWELVE o'clock, to take their opinion on~be Establishment of a ME- pICAL and SURGICAL HOOL in the INSTITUTION, and to transact such othen misiness as may then be brought before them. By order of the Joint ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T LIIE THAMES TUNNE~L, niear Rotherhithe ciirei, ad Opoitetheendof ldGravel-lane. on the Wapplz~ nidet tar tive.-Ntic is ereygienthat the Publiineiay:wiew the cccv da (Suday exepte), romEleven In the rblorming un- ~I Fur n te Ateroonupo pamen ofOte ShillIng for each Per- ~ j'~e funel e lghte wih Gs. s cty ad warm, anid tile descent Syorder, ,r.~eXE POIHIITT, Clerk to thle 'Cotmpany. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? dellvered at &E0R01'S - EET'NG, , Seth-treet, ExOter, . Ohy ite Rzvw.$ 2,cvow, jt A.duRinni ebruamy auid March, 1831, being ?? 9 > his: Winitr Course. ' . .. l;a :20.-!'Tie principles.ot.hlgllsh Noucenforuisibr. . 7.. J2i.-Jewish superstitlolns in the ige'ofo iir']oid P' Ma :; 6..-ontrtversiesof the Church I ?? Apstolid ege ?? ilnfluence of Religion. on Social life. .0. -Cencluding Lecture. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -an ZALUE or VZkLUARLY 3300SS, R2USIC, &C Gill Cov.ennsi..burr ?? La___ ?? ?? _ E htl There woill be Sold, in the Subscribers' Salle-Room11, R' 'I'll I S E VEPN INGI OO ESNational Airs, with ' iesi, i voles. M Ponte's sit'il ?? Meclodies, with ll uslo, ii vole; se~veral pieces of ?? Music from lliasaniella; TyiolrsollMelodjies; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F.4s7'E:V~s V E 'R ASEMTy. STRE ASX'ET AS BNI3Iy Itoomls. I~~ASTENS ~~~EVE ASSEMBLY 31 be hehd in~ V C- ?? on TUESDAY1 'ltĀ±1'sllO 15-Ircur~rent, j Lml m.PATMtONAGR nF 'ftc i-to. th COUNTESS of WtIMYSS, itlsILJ(IM AY of Criiiglwiite. ''nl Sbiiliigs ouch, to Ilie bid, a~t the A_ e blyv Mrl o 1 Andlerson, the TIrtensrir,Ni :3 No .,(;raorGF STaEET, P . LIS EIZA PATON lias the honnrnmr to all p 3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AJPPII TTFD MEDICINES, ?? by the P'riuter of this Paper, and the principal Medicine Venders in the Kingdom. Country. Dealers supplied at the Londorn Prices. ,UTLLER'S VEcrTtAtsi.E rOOTH POWDEO-Ihis ..J1entiftrice (Composed of Vegetables without the ad- mixture of any 31ineral, or pernicious ingredient wiratever,) has so long been in general rise, and anl appendage to rile foshionable toilet, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HwTToN ON T9E HILt, TO BE SOLD BY PRTVATE CONTRACT, Valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, consisting of Aa Farm House and Outbuildings, srid Sixty-two Acres of Land or thereabouts, situated at WINDLE HILL, in the parish of Sutton on the Hill, in the County of Derby, in the possession of MIr. Campion. The Tenant will shew the Estate; and for further parti. culars, and to treat for the purchase, apply to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOOKS PUBLISHIED T'IS DAY. RtFGTSrI1A~riON mmLL-rrice~ Is, 6iii. 1SE RVAI I1ON.S on the REG sjT'RATlON IlILI. now pe;dul, htefore the lilOe of CofrniLIDs, ititlre,,eil to tCli, io nis ere 0t10 1hr Wlo i' Beati Pruptity. By ;EO IiGE IEN- TRAIA, Esq. ot l~IeInlo'. IFoo. J-Lille s Ridgway, liIID, ai liig md ,f every Ito kseller. REIReM[till-Ill-e is. lid. j N ADDRESS to thle MVIEM1BERS of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To sail on the 1 0t irutant. FOR NEW ,YORK: The very fine first class Auerican Ship HEROINPC. Captain JoHN Gunsam-- Iurhelse 3:30 tons, ooppered, and sails remarkablY fast. Will trke oofison moderate terms. arud be despatched.punctually. A fe . Iabin d steerage passengers can b ;Vr.6mfartablyaccommo- dated. Irmmred'iate applieation be rnI _t-For terms of freight or kaisage apply to Captain ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRISTOL COLLEGE. OTICE is hereby given, that the ANNUAL N GENERAL MEETING of the Shareholders ofthe BRISTOL COLLEGE willbe heldon Touis- DAY, the 24th inst., at the COLLEGE, in Park-Row. 1W The Chair will be taken at One o'clock precisely. By Order of the Council, Feb. 9, 1851. WM. GRIGG, Clerk. VBRISTOL INSTITUTION. Lectures on Zoological and Philosophsical Anatomy11. Tb R. RILEY will ...