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Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... Aberdeen Town j% County Bank Office, JANUAIIY 28, 11131. - NTIMATION is Hereby Given, that, in terms of the Con- . tract, the Annual Gelneral Mecting-of the Co.)irAxVY, for the I p1rpose of Choosing Dinixcrons, will take place here, uploln Sturday the 5th day of March, 1831, at 2 o'clock afternoon. ALEX. FOULERTO'r, Secrctary. 1 PATENT TRUS;ES. A 'SLMON, ODY, & Ctl. most respectfullv infolrm ...

Advertisements & Notices

... For Bilious Affections, Indigestion, Gout, Heartburn, Gravel, and as a Cooling Purgative, IS RECOMMSENJDED BtY TntE FACULTY, Al O XO0N'S EFrERVESCENT MAGNESIAN APERIET.M Decidedly the most agreeable and efficient Saline Purgative ever introduced. P~HE following extract of a letter, from a highly respect. TLable Physirian in the South, is deserving the attention of the afflicted with Goue, &c, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ls CHEAP, FASHIONABLE, AND DURABLE , .1002'S AND SaOZS. 1. THE FOOrTDEE BOOT A'sND SHOE ESTABLISHMENT. S HE Subscriber respectfully intimates, that, having complet- ti d cd bis mrritneielits for the making of LADIES' and I GENT'LEMrEN'S BOOTS and SHOES, he is now chabled to x- ctite orders with elegance and dispatch. l His prices, for ceash onlh, of the more generally used kinds, f made from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TTIZE CLUZ BhrETS in the PUBLIC ROOMS, on FRIDnAY the 4th Mtnh ulc e~t. Dinner it Five o'Cl0ek. Blisiless at halt- past Four. THO. BlURNETT. Aberdeen, 1517h Feb. 1831. ASSEMBLIES. T ?? LAST ASSIdMBTrY for the Scason will talkc plac, T in the Public Rooms, on TiIUJUSDAY 1ik lo/i oJ March next. Dancing to commenc at 11 o'clock. ?? Cards and fibfsrcsJlln-tts, as ustaln . Strangers, introduced by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ]BLdST ASSTtIjBI, I, for tie Season 'willtainim place, in th Public' ltooms, onl TH'IURSDA Y Ike i0tA sf Ma1frch su1et. Dancing to commence at 8 oi'clock'. ?? Cards sarit ffifi'esh meus as normal. Strangers, introduced by 'Subscribvrs, to paY 7s. 133, each. 1 The Stciwards. are requested to anset, inl the Carsi Room of'i Plibtlie Ro _, onl the 'IhMrcrt 3 rs'clrsk ?? M,, to wot;ks I' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BONE MIANURE AT MACDUFF. On Sale, by the Subscriber, deliverable at tile port of Macauff, in US an the month of April, -wdtUST and DRTLL BONE MAI\ URE, of richest quality. _ Tbose stating qtianltities early, will insure their hot l),biig Itf disappointed. Alex. Morrison. Turrt,4v 7th literch, 1831. ZJX7 OF LETT ?? 71Z m On Fridav the 25th curt. llill be Let, s F HP FAREM of AU'CHNACANT, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... !rHE GOLF CLUB. A T MHR Amnwitt Generall M,'etill, of the AI3I`RDr1`i GOLF X'CLUB will bi' hold inl thle SXCRETAlly'S OFFICE, 21J, KyilI street, OIL satiledav~i tie 211th curt, tit I o'clock, Vn. 'Tee.Mix -, iiwi// be phiyed Ime, (it Two o' C/ak, sa icl (Illy. teb IDinmcr onl the table, as,, ual1, exactly tit hal f-paist 3. WI Illt terils oftlie leitila tioln, at General ?? t othe Muemlbers ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tant MIL1;ITIZ A PRaOTE1 sC T ZO' all *. irect THE MILITIA PROTECTION ASSURANCE COM- Muce TIPANY for ABERDEENSHIRE beg to acquaint the Pub- and lic, that they will be suppled with PROTECTIONS against nll the Drawvings at the ensuing Ballot, by their Agents in the dif- ions fereut Districts, on the most reasonable.and edvautageons terms. that As the Day of Drawingr is now very near at hanld, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This day is 2-6ltshell, Evidence of the Truth of the ChiheltaMn Xeligion, Derived from thle Literal F'Ullahixext Of Prophiec~y By the Rrv. ALEXANflElt KEEIL'l, ~ilisit(r of St C% iiis, Sixth Edihtion, 12tno. pri'ie 6s. K1. The NATURE, REALITY, and EFFI1CACY of ibs ATONE- 11TEN'T. By DANIEL DEW1AII, LL.D). Mlilister of the Tiront Chtirch, Glasggow, 12mto. 7~.- (IL. A Few OBSER1VATIONS oin tho ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE PEOPLE OF SCOTLAND. ti, 5 HIS Majesty's Ministers, with the unqualified assent ant dl)- 1711.probation of our Patriotic King, having resolved to contir 9 Political Freedom oil Upwards of SIXTY TuOUSAND SCOTS.UEN, . by the important measure at present under discussion in Parlia- - 3 ment, A Report of the Entire Debate, Taken without the slightest abridgement from the London Jour- nals, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VIEAnnual Generals Metingll of' thet PIropriI'toir of the TR BA\NRINN( COMPANY iii ABERDEEN will bte leld bere, ool T1itesdav ~the tht day of April next, at ILI O'clock Iloio, iii terllla Ot thie. c0111 lct. Thel Lists ivill lie really l'or delivery to thitt I'aIttiters uil S tILL'- day the 2dl o Ajtril. Ban/k 0.1ivc, A1bertdeen, 15th. 3Jirchl, I1idi. 7ILLI I 1) AR11, Go-ocer, hast jn-lt l'ver ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e- -: OgNHM J. ZiRDDZEmk. ait Woollen and Liinen Draper, and Hatter, it 28, UNION STREET, nf -n ESPECTFULLY solicits the attentioll of his friends and ,Ahedesis generally, to his present Stock of in IVEST of ENGLAND BLACic, BLUE, &; MEDLEY CLOTHS. a Y(ORISHIIIE. d(). Io. do. of NAARRO1V CLOTHS and CASSIMERES. VESTINGS, HOSIERY, GLOVES. . llhAVEll, STUFF, anm SILN HATS, &e. &e. to The Annual ...