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Derby, Derbyshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... NJ-il be published on IMonday tiext, price Is. c ERMOIN preached in St. Werburgh's Church, A Derov, on Ash Wednesday, 1i831, by the ijlEI' PHILlIP GELLI, M. A. Minister of St. John's. Sold by the Booksellers in Derby. WANTED, In a Gentlemalen's Fao ily ne ar Derlly, A lBUTLER alid FOOT(I.AN.-It will be ex- A petted that the Butler can brew, and with both will be retitireti unexceptionaitble ...

Advertisements & Notices

... dfUFF-i FA)ZME RS' FRIEND, t iiMw acknowledged by thousands, of respectable Fairmters, (miuniog i nirtSPflt.Is of its efflicacyC each Agent liar a list of C'ales from HI. 'leIcl, os f Bromnfieldl (-nCa l,11illow, fur who4m it 1jas ravl hi ie Mxiichatelmas lrast, heroes, coIws, clves, 'and liamb,) as ifele~ Drf II($ effici. cioits Mledicine cere discoveredi fire the cure J~i thele bitherto a, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... At AIitcEovE.n to undertake the managemtnt of the hirls' Suhday'Scl;61, , , Steady middle aged Womian, 6f'unexceptiolnable j A character.-Ithe Salary is small. Apply to the lion, and Rev. FntEDEIIC CURZON, Vicar of .ll ickleover. Ilarch 1st, 1831. BENtErACTIONS TO POon CLEBIGYIEN. r i ELFTON of POOR CLERGYMEN T with good charicters and large families to partake of Dr. TAYLOUt, MIr.lYDDsELbTs, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY R. TL'r'FTER'ON. T hIDI , r TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. TITTER TON, In his Sale Room at the Roe Buck Inn, in Burton-upon- Treat, on Thursday the 3d day of Match, 1831, at three o'clock in the afternoon; U TPWARDS of 700 Valuable OAK TREES, in l Lots, with the Bark and Tops, now growing in GnEs, IE Y WOOD, in the county of Derby, the property of William Worthington, Esq. Mr. H. Lowe wvill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T IRl I IA. TRAINING AND EXERCISE. HE LORD LIEUTE',NANT of the Coun1ty of T lDerly, in pursuance of an iAct of Parliament, passed in die 42d year qf the reign of his tateallajesin George the Third, and of another Act passed in the 0551k year of the same reiart, having called oat the diliiia of the said County, and ordered the same to he assCmbled at DkERBY, o1 TUE2 SD Y the Twenty-second day ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET, AND ENTERED UPON AT LADY DAY NEXT, A LL that Old Established INN, known by the 1. Sign of the WHITE LI ON,situate in Bradley Street, UTTOXETER, with spacious Yard, Garden, and Stabling for upwards of twenty Horses. The above is well calculated for a colnmosBlrewery or Posting lHouse, and the Proprietor would be ate expence of alteration if a suitable tenant offers; either fromn year ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHEESE FAIR. -BOROUGH OF DERBY. OTICE is hereby Given, that the Cheese N Oxl~eeling for the latter made Cheese, will be held in, the lMAu KET PLACE, DERBY, on Tuesday the 22d, *W'EDNESDAY (the principal day) tme 23d, and Tbursday the 24th orMarch instant. C. S. HOPE, Derby, 9Dli March, Y:. MYuu- le.siss. FRoubTIE a7zd J6HN FRITCPIE ) ESPECTFULLY inform the Nobility & Gentry it of Bt Il otO and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHEAP AND EXTENS1ATV STOCK1 OF Wanisicoaizngs, LINEN DRA PERY, SiI/M Mercery, 4c. No. 20, WATERLo9O 1CSEi, SADLI GAfl, D:3:DY. WALKER informs his Friends and the Public, that in contemplation of a rapid advance itt D . Woollen Goods, he has visited the Principal Markets, where he has made Extraordinary Purchases in every description of 1VOOLL]EN DRAPEitRY, &c. and announces his intention not ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VALA13LE FAMILY MI'ICINES, Sold by the Principal Vendori atid io(olisellets if) eve ry lTowl throuighoutit the Kingdotut:- Dicy and Co's Trie Da fy's Elixir, T I IE Feperietce ol itlttre tha 100 Yc'airs has iitcwtesfiby T tproted lte sit perior Elbc;cy of Ib is M edicinee over all other I1reparattl i s Vloulirtr theae tiat of i)ArFF '9 KLtXTn , itl relieting G ravelly ctmplaints, fltutlt't ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OLD .ASSEMBLY ROOM. Under the especial and immsdiate Patzronai of The RIGHT HON. LADY SCARSDALE, The #OV. MR9. ALFRED CURZON, LADM COLVILE, &c. &c. SIR CHARLES COLVILE, High Sheriff, The REV. CflAS. STEAD HOPE, Mayor,' JOSEPH STILUTF, Esq. &c; &r. MASTER GE01RGE ASPULL H lAS the honour to announce to the Nobility, J G1 Gentry, and his Friends in DEn3iY and its Vicinity, that his CONCERT will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE, SOLD, Quantity of SCOTCff BULLOCKS.-AnY A S ~entleran who is in want, may be fitted by applying at Mr. RoSIiRCT SPiEN CEit's, Brass;ngtOn. R IS E Y. TO Er, LET, And entered upon at Lady Day next, ' GENTEEL RESIDENCE, situate at RISLEY, A t in the county of D crby, nowv occupied by Charles Antill, Esq. with garden, coacr-house, srtabic and other offices, and also two Closes of excellent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Important Inform atiote to all Persons possess~ed of valuable Homes.. rg ~,El Experience of upwvards of forty years has so- TLperfectly established the reputalson of lP'OOLRICII's litprrmed Divretic HORSE BALLS. That it makes it unnecessary here to enlarge on their virtues,- By the extraordinary anti superior eflicacy which these Balls possess o ver ever y othcr preparation ever yct Offered to ...