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Oxford Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... BRISTOL COLLEGE. A CLASSICAL TUTOR is WANTED in this LInstitution.-Any Candidate who may not have taken a First Class Degree at Oxford or Cambridge will be required to undergo an Examination by the Principal and Vice. Principal of the College. Testimonials (free of postage) to be sent to Mr. Grigg. the Clerk of the Council, at the Colloge Chambers, Park-row, Bristol, who will answer any ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ri HE ANNIVERSARY of the BIRTH DAY of T his Grace the DUKE of MARLBOROUGH will be celebrated at the Adam and Eve Inn, Woodstock, on Mlon. day next the 7th of March, 1831.-Dinner on the table at Three o'glock.-Tickets, 3s. 6&-Coursing as usual. SOCEITY Foor Promoting Christianity amonj gst e Jet s. r E Anniversary Meeting of the Oxford Auxiliary, * IL in connexion with this Institution, will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - I Richard Hopidis, Ese. deceased. ALL persons having any demand on RICHARD 1- LJL OPKINS, Esq. deceased, late of Milton I-Jill, in C the county of Berks, are requested to send the particulars thereof to M1r. Graham, solicitor, Abingdon, that the same may be examined and discsarged: and all persons indebted to the Estate of the said Richard Hopkiss are requcsted to to pay the same immediately ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rikHE above-namcd RACES will take place on i Tetsworth Comnmon on Vednes'div the 23d instant. J. 11r. FANS, Esq WiM. HAYIVARlD, Esq. Stewards. Tiros. GREEN, Clerk of the Course. Tetsworth, ensch 7, i831. N. B. The Members of the Xrormsley Hunt and their friends will'afterwards dine together at the Hare and Hounds, Watlington. sauinller Town CInR1eeC21. 6 s S C R I P T I O N S received since ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Moreton-in-Marslh Toll-free PAIR fILL be held as usual on TUESDAY the 22d W of M-AncH, when the following Premiums will be given to- The Exhibitor of the best fat Beast, £2. The Person who offers the greatest number of Store Cattle for sale, £1. The best Pen of FatlSheep, not less than half a score, £1. The Person who offers-the greatest number of Sheep, £1. The Person who brings a Pen of Fat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUDLEiW SCHOOL. ;TANTED,-A MASTER for the FREE We GRAIMMAR SCHOOL of AUDLEM, in the county of Chester, to succeed the Rev. Robert Breakspear, Clerk, A. M. deceased. The person to be appointed must be a Member of one-of the Universities, and teach the English, Latin, and Greek Languages. The annual stipend is £40, and the Master is allowed to take Boarders, not exceeding 30, (exclusive of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e A1:LiEillTAl~tlEl;r5R _ AUCTIONEER, APPIRAISER, &c. STO V-ONrTFIIE- WOLD, _ AWAKES this opportunity of' returning his sincere l tianks to those friends who have so kindly patronised d him in the above line, and feels himself called upon to con- s. tradict an erroneous report that has been propagated of his f having declined the same, from the circumstance of his father e in law and brother ...

Advertisements & Notices

... forrlnstly HutnAt Raese, g3il. rfl SHE above-named RACES will take place on Tetsworth Common on Wednesday the 23d instant. J. W. PANE, Esq. Stewards. WMrD. HAYWARD Esq. S Tios. GREEN, Clerk of the Course. Tetsseorthe, March 7, 1131. N. B. The Mlembers of the Wormsley Hunt and their friends wvill afterwards dine together at the Hare and Hounds, MWatlington. Neat Houselhol Furniture, Brewing, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To the Commissionters of the Thames Navigation. -My Lords and Gertlemnen, I AM indtced, by the advice of nnmerousfriends, to offier snynelf to your notice as a Candidate for the Ofliee of CLERIC the Fifth anld Sixth Districts, vacant by tihe deatl of the late jr. TAUNTON, jar 'which I beg to solicit your Votes; and ant, Very respectqfally, Yoor obedient servant, GEORGE PARSONS HESTER. St. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I jrO be LET, with im-mediate possession,--A roomy I and: convenient DA' EL1NG jOUS;, most delight- f fully situate in the parish of St. Giles, OxfoTdh in aH arge Garden, well planted with choice fruit trees. The House consists of an entrance hall, roomy staircase, with five good r sleeping rooms; breakfast and dining parlours, and an ex- I cellent drawing room, 24 feet by 14. In. the basement ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RANSOME'S PAT'ENT PLOUGHIS. (Mfanufactured at their Iron Foundry, Ipswticl.) JOHN BARFORD, of Bahbury, (Agent for Messrs. lafisomc,) respectfully solicits the attention of agriculturists to the merits of the above mentioned Ploughs, and begs to inform them he has now by him a considerable Stock, both of Ploughs and Wearings, adapted for varied soils. Numerous testimonials can be given of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... % CITY OF OXFORD General Qsuarier Sessions of the Peace. OTICIE is hereby given, That the next General s N Quarter Sessions of tile Peace and Gaol Delivery for this City will be f6lden at the Guildhall of the said City, on a Monday the 4th day of April next, at Ten o'clock in the fore. noon precisely. All persons therefore who are bound over by recognizance f to appear and prefer any Bill or ...